Monday, 20 December 2010

Minangkabau Tribe

Minang tribe is part of the community Deutro Melayu (Malay Young) who migrated from South China’s mainland to the island of Sumatra, around 2500-2000 years ago. It is estimated that these communities enter from the east of the island of Sumatra, along the Kampar river to the plateau called Darek and became home of the Minangkabau. Some Darek region is then formed a confederation known as Luhak, hereinafter referred to also by the name Luhak Nan Tigo, which consists of Luhak Limo Puluah Koto, Luhak Agam, Luhak Tanah Datar and .Then along with the growth and development of population, Minangkabau society continues to spread to other areas Darek and formed several specific regions into seacoast region.

The Minangkabau or Minang are ethnic groups who speak and uphold Nusantara Minangkabau custom. Areas include West Sumatra adherent culture, half of mainland Riau, Bengkulu northern, western part of Jambi, the southern part of North Sumatra, Aceh’s southwest, and also Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia. In ordinary conversation, people often confused as a person the Minang Padang, referring to the name of the West Sumatra provincial capital Padang. Minang very peculiar customs, which is characterized by kinship system through the female line or matrilineal, although culture is also very strong colored religious teachings of Islam.

Currently Minang people are adherents of matrilineal society in the world. In addition, ethnicity has also been implementing a proto-democratic system since pre-Hindu with a density of indigenous peoples to decide important matters and legal issues.Minangkabau principle contained in the brief statement Basandi Syara’ custom,Syara’ Basandi Kitabullah (based Indigenous law, law based on the Al-Quran) which means the customs based on Islamic teachings.

Indigenous and adherents of matrilineal Minangkabau culture, where the women act as the heir to the inheritance and kinship. According to legend Minangkabau adat system was first coined by two brothers,Datuk Perpatih Nan Sebatang and Datuk Ketumanggungan.Datuk Perpatih customary system Bodi Caniago bequeath a democratic,while Datuk Ketumanggungan bequeath Koto Piliang customary system of aristocratic.In the journey, the two traditional system known as kelarasan this content with each other and form filling system of the Minangkabau.

In Minangkabau society, there are three pillars that build and maintain the integrity of the culture and customs. They are scholars, scholars, and ninik mamak, known as Tali nan Tigo Sapilin. All three are complementary and work together in the same position in height. In Minangkabau society that is democratic and egalitarian, all public affairs were discussed by the three elements unanimously.

Minangkabau people are very prominent in the field of commerce, as professionals and intellectuals. They are honorable heir of an old tradition and the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya, who liked to trade and dynamic

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