Time Evaluation of
FAO Emergency and Rehabilitation Operations in Response to the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami
Final Version
of Content
Annex 1: Terms of Reference
Annex 2: Itineraries
Annex 3: Persons Met
Annex 4: Main
Consulted Documents
Annex 5: List of Tsunami
ADB Asian Development
ARC American Red Cross
BRR Badan Rehabilitasi
dan Rekonstruksi (Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency for Aceh and Nias), Indonesia
CAP Consolidated Appeal
CBO Community-Based
Cey-Nor Originally stood for
Ceylon Norway Development Foundation, now Cey-Nor Foundation Ldt. a state-owned
boatyard company in Sri
CHARM Coastal Habitats and
Resources Management (EU project in Thailand)
DFID UK Department
for International Development
DoAE Department of
Agricultural Extension, Thailand
ECG Emergency
Coordination Group
ECHO European Commission
Humanitarian Aid Department
ERCU Emergency and
Rehabilitation Coordination Unit
FAO Food and Agriculture
FAOR FAO Representative
FRP Fiber-reinforced
HIC Humanitarian Information
HORDI Horticultural Research
and Development Institute, Sri
ICAM Integrated Coastal
Area Management
IFI International
Financial Institution
INGO International
Non-Governmental Organization
LDD Land Development
Department (Thailand)
LoA Letter of Agreement
MFAR Ministries of Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources, Sri
MMAF Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia
MoA Ministry of Agriculture, Sri Lanka and Indonesia
MOAC Ministry of Agriculture
and Cooperatives, Thailand
MP Member of
NACA Network of Aquaculture
Centers in Asia-Pacific
NAD Nanggroe-Aceh-Darussalam
province, Indonesia
NGO Non-Governmental
OCHA United Nations Office
for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
PRA Participatory Rural
RAP FAO Regional Office
for Asia-Pacific
RGT Royal Government of Thailand
RSCU Rehabilitation Support
Coordination Unit (similar to an ERCU)
SAN Save the Andaman Network, Thailand
SDRN FAO Environment and
Natural Resources Service
SFERA FAO Special Fund for
Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities
SLA Sustainable Livelihoods
SPFS Special Programme
for Food Security
TCE FAO Emergency
Operations and Rehabilitation Division
TCP Technical
Cooperation Programme
UNDP United Nations
Development Programme
UNORC Office of the United
Nations Recovery Coordinator for Aceh and Nias
WB World Bank
WFP World Food Programme
WWF Worldwide Fund for
The evaluators
would like to express their gratitude to all the staff and consultants as well
as the governmental and non-governmental partners posted in Tangalle, Colombo, Banda Aceh,
Meulaboh, Malé, Bangkok
or Rome who
played a major role in the success of this evaluation process. They did much
more than just suffer our presence and patiently answer our questions. They
constantly supported our efforts to document successes and failures alike, and
allowed us to deepen the analysis in ways that would have been impossible
without their eagerness to reflect on and learn from their own experience. This
open spirit and tireless assistance in helping us understand and document
complex issues and responses were and remain much appreciated. In turn, it is our
hope that these efforts and support will not be in vain, and that the RTE will
have a positive impact on the way FAO goes about implementing its emergency and
rehabilitation programmes.
The large and
complex FAO tsunami response was sometimes implemented in harsh conditions and
always in a very fluid environment crowded by hundreds if not thousands of NGOs
and other actors. Under these exceptional circumstances, the evaluators have
tried to hold reasonable expectations of performance, and at times could
broadly compare the performance of FAO with that of other actors in similar
fields. However, the reader should understand that even though the report
highlights a number of deficiencies and shortcomings, the evaluators are far
from convinced that placed under similar circumstances, they could have managed
this programme any better than the persons they were tasked to evaluate.
Executive Summary
On 26
December 2004, a massive earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra Island triggered a tsunami across the Indian Ocean, causing extensive damage to coastal
communities and infrastructure across the entire region, with most of the
impact felt in India,
the Maldives,
Sri Lanka
and Thailand.
The tsunami killed approximately 300,000 people, most of them in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. An
estimated 2 million people have been directly or indirectly affected. Entire
coastal infrastructures, resources and livelihood support systems were wiped
out in Indonesia
and seriously damaged in Sri
Lanka. The loss of life and the magnitude of
the damage were less severe in Thailand
and in the Maldives,
but still considerable. In all countries, the fisheries sector was the most
severely affected. In Indonesia
and Sri Lanka,
the disaster almost paralyzed the industry and the livelihoods of communities
which depended on it, with extensive damage to boats, harbours and fish ponds.
The agricultural sector was hit by seawater intrusions, the destruction or
silting of coastal irrigation and drainage structures, damage to salt-sensitive
crops, and the salinization of soils, wells and groundwater. Coastal forests
were also affected.
This unprecedented emergency was met with an equally
unprecedented response from donors and private citizens across the globe. Global
commitments and contributions were estimated at US$15 billion in total, with
donations from private citizens and foundations forming the overwhelming
The present report summarizes the results of the
efforts of the FAO Evaluation Service to evaluate the tsunami response of the
Organisation through a “Real Time Evaluation” (RTE) designed to provide
feedback to programme managers at key junctures of the response. The RTE
involved desk studies, surveys measuring beneficiary satisfaction, and three
evaluation missions in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Maldives in May
2005, November 2005 and June 2006.
The RTE faced many challenges, chief among which
stood the sheer size of the tsunami response. The volume of operation reviewed
accounted for US$60 million, or 78% of the whole FAO tsunami response. In each
country, the evaluation teams attempted to review in various degrees of detail
all the operations, and visited project sites for a wide variety of sectors and
activity types.
Resource mobilization and earmarking
So far, FAO has raised US$ 77 million in support of
its tsunami response. Contributions were received from a number of
non-traditional donors and even from private sector companies. This level of
funding may seem quite significant by FAO standards, but it represented only 0.5%
of the US$15 billion pledged to post-tsunami assistance worldwide.
The resource allocation per country and per sector
appeared appropriate. The fisheries sector received two-third of the funds
mobilized for the tsunami response. More could have been done to mobilise
resources for the rehabilitation of paddy field and related irrigation and
drainage infrastructure in Indonesia
and to a lesser extent Sri
Lanka. In Indonesia, sectoral allocations
were almost evenly split between fisheries and agriculture, perhaps more as a
result of the relative ease of implementation of the two sectoral programmes
than as a reflection of the relative needs in each sector. Agriculture was a
“good deliverer” very early on while fisheries struggled for a time to establish
a viable modus operandi.
As of August 2006, the overall rate of financial
delivery including hard commitments was 65%, a reasonable performance given the
size and complexity of the portfolio. Half of all expenditures concerned
procurement of equipment and inputs. The specific programmes in each country visited
by the Real Time Evaluation are described in the body of the report.
Donor support was generally more flexible than in
previous disaster responses, with some donors allowing for the allocation of
funds to broad sectors or geographical areas. However, many donors still
expressed geographical and sector preferences or restrictions which typically
required the drafting, approval and management of several projects per donor. Funds
channelled through the UN Flash Appeal had to be used in a limited timeframe
(progressively extended from 6 months to a year, then to 18 months). In
general, short-time donor horizon tended to negatively affect the response.
The Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation
Activities (SFERA) recently created by FAO played a critical role to speed up
project implementation and cover strategic though yet unfunded needs, e.g.
needs assessments or set up of Emergency and Rehabilitation Coordination Units
(ERCUs) in the field. Overall, SFERA received some US$10 million for the
purpose of the tsunami response and advanced US$5 million to fund procurement
activities prior to the receipt of funds. However, the Fund’s accounting
processes remain complex, manual and ad hoc, processes, in part because the way
TCE uses the Fund has evolved over and beyond its original scope. Accounting
and reporting requirements would need to be finalized before the accounting
system can be automated.
Collaboration between FAO units
Headquarters, and the Regional Office for
Asia-Pacific, which administered the FAO response in Thailand, played a significant role
in the response. However, the RTE identified a “disconnect” (i.e. a need for
more communication, collaboration and sometimes team spirit) between
headquarters and field offices and between the various headquarters units
involved in the tsunami response, linked with a scattered, project-based
approach to damage assessments, resource mobilization, project design, implementation
and reporting.
This “institutional disconnect” applied to all phases
of the response, compounded by financial disincentives and by the fact that the
FAO Fisheries Department had originally little working relationship with the Emergency
Operations and Rehabilitation Division (TCE). The various mechanisms set up to
coordinate the response considered a range of strategic and operational issues but
did not elaborate corporate strategies with jointly-agreed goals and rules of
Damage and needs assessments
The technical expertise brought to bear by the
Organization during early assessments (January 2005) was widely appreciated:
FAO moved in quickly to assist governments in undertaking initial assessments
in collaboration with the respective governments and other multilateral
organizations (e.g. WB, UNDP). In Thailand and the Maldives, the
damage and needs assessments organized jointly by FAO and the Government very
early after the tsunami helped shape the Government response. A second phase of
assessment occurred from the end of January to April 2005. A large number of
missions were fielded, but results were sometimes far from optimal due to the
absence of a holistic approach. Most of the damage and needs assessments were
piece-meal, following sector and sub-sector technical lines, at the expense of
cross-sectoral environmental, social and livelihoods issues.
The damage and needs assessments in Sri Lanka and
Indonesia led by the FAO Investment Center in February-March 2005 in
partnership with IFIs were noteworthy, as they were consolidated
cross-sectorally, based on an overall economic and social analysis of the
affected regions and sectors, and well communicated to partners, though FAO
technical Departments should have been more closely involved.
A poor link has been identified between needs
assessments and project design. The
absence of experienced project planners or implementers in the assessment teams
resulted in key elements for programme design not being addressed in the
resulting needs assessment reports.
Initial needs assessments became rapidly obsolete in a very dynamic aid environment. Throughout
the response, FAO has attempted to monitor the gradual recovery of the
fisheries sector in Sri
Lanka and to a lesser extent in Indonesia through
various “recovery assessments” to help inform and direct national and
international assistance to the victims. This work has been much noted and
appreciated by partners, but could have been communicated more coherently and
should have extended to the agriculture sector.
Operational Capacity
Many of the difficulties identified during the RTE and
highlighted in this report find their roots in the insufficient operational
capacity of the Organization, its excessive centralisation of authority and
bureaucratic procedures. FAO’s performance in this regard was found lagging
compared to that of other UN specialized agencies. Substantial bottlenecks in
the tsunami programme were identified, which could and often do repeat
themselves in other emergencies. Not all of these bottlenecks resulted from
inflexible administrative procedures. In some cases, the capacity of TCE to set
up field offices and provide them with the human and
financial means necessary to achieve programme goals was also found insufficient.
Deployment of staff during the first few months was
relatively rapid: Emergency Coordinators and other key staff were dispatched to
the region by early January. It was during subsequent phases that most problems
occurred. Instead of dispatching senior operational and technical staff for
long periods of time to the field like many other UN agencies did, FAO resorted
to hiring technical consultants with little familiarity with FAO project
management procedures, backstopped by missions from headquarters. Mandatory
breaks in service for international and national consultants proved a severe
problem for programme implementation. In Indonesia, FAO has found it
difficult to hire and retain a cadre of senior national staff and consultants,
and this seriously handicapped the FAO response there.
Procurements in the fisheries sector tended to be more
complicated and less successful than in the agriculture sector, mainly due to the
wide variety and complexity of fishing gear used in any given country. Moreover,
most fisheries items were not available “off the shelf” and had to be built by
the suppliers, which took time.
The speed in delivery of inputs and the technical
soundness of items delivered also varied considerably from one country to the
next, in relation to a number of factors (FAO’s organizational set-up, presence
of the required goods on local markets, etc.), but also in relation with the
procurement strategy adopted in a particular country. In Thailand,
procurement was overwhelmingly conducted locally by the Regional Office, which benefited
from a spending authority of US$100,000, and procurements were processed faster
than in other countries. In the Maldives,
items were purchased mainly through purchase orders raised at headquarters, since
many of the selected supplies could not be obtained locally. In Indonesia, most
distributed items were constructed or procured locally but the lack of
financial authority of the Emergency Unit in Banda Aceh resulted in delayed
payments to suppliers. In Sri
Lanka, the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (MFAR) insisted on implementing a large boat repair programme through
the parastatal Cey-Nor. Fishing gear for Sri Lanka could not be produced
locally and had to be imported.
Excessive delivery pressure and over-optimistic
schedules sometimes resulted in low-quality items being procured and/or
distributed. Risks are especially high when distributed items are live
(fingerlings, seed, saplings). In some instances, poor storage or handling
resulted in low germination or survival rates, notably in Thailand (sea
bass fingerlings) and Indonesia
(rice and groundnut seed).
FAO forged partnerships with a wide array of
stakeholders and organisations for the purpose of implementing its tsunami
response. The proven capacity of the Organization to relate to and to work with
a wide range of state and non-state actors at local, national and global levels
is striking, even though its contractual arrangements may need substantial
adjustments to make better use of this potential strength.
In all countries, the Government played a significant
and generally useful role in orienting and often co-implementing the FAO-funded
programme. Central and decentralized governments largely influenced the general
approach followed by the FAO response, the programme deliverables and its
beneficiary selection processes. The extent of this influence was probably
strongest in Sri Lanka
and the Maldives,
average in Thailand
and weakest in Indonesia.
The intensity of FAO’s relationship with NGOs could be
characterised as inversely proportional to the strength of the relationship
with the Government. In Sri
Lanka and the Maldives, little role in delivery
was left to non-state actors such as fishers' cooperatives or NGOs. Thailand presented
a fairly balanced situation. In Indonesia,
most of the FAO programme was implemented in partnership with national and
international NGOs, at least in 2005. The Indonesia programme was also
noteworthy in its efforts to work with traditional and community-based organisations.
However, significant challenges were encountered when trying to contract those.
A number of educational and research institutions also
participated in the FAO response, mainly in providing for training, surveys and
studies, but also in sourcing planting material from provincial research
centers in Sri Lanka and in helping iron out the selection of boat
beneficiaries in Indonesia. Use of local capacity – supplemented by foreign
expertise as and when necessary – was not only cost-effective in the short
term, it may also prove to be the best way to build up local disaster
mitigation capacity over the longer term through learning-by-doing.
The cooperation with IFIs (World Bank, IFAD and the
ADB) in damage and needs assessments, leading to the preparation of recovery
strategies in Sri Lanka
and Indonesia,
was found very useful. Cooperation with other UN agencies was significant in Sri Lanka and
in Thailand,
but weaker in Indonesia.
Support to sectoral coordination
Coordination of emergency and early rehabilitation
assistance in the agriculture sector has been a classic function for FAO since
the mid 1990’s. In the tsunami response, some governments and donors expected
FAO to play a strong coordination role in fisheries and agriculture. The need
for coordination was certainly felt by all, as the tsunami disaster generated a
massive influx of private and public funds and hundreds of NGOs, private sector
organisations, donors and agencies quickly crowded the affected coastline.
According to the context and experience of the respective
FAO Emergency Coordinator as well as the resources available, FAO played
different coordinating roles in each of the four countries, with the most substantial
and convincing efforts witnessed in Sri Lanka and to a lesser extent Indonesia. These
efforts were generally limited to information sharing, advocacy, and promotion
of a more even geographic coverage in the fisheries sector in Sri Lanka. Strongly
supported by the Government and widely appreciated by key actors, FAO’s
ambitious attempt in Sri
Lanka achieved good visibility but
nevertheless failed to bring much order to the overall tsunami recovery efforts
of all stakeholders and to control excessive delivery of fishing assets. In Indonesia, FAO’s
coordination efforts were deemed to be useful and the link with BRR was
appreciated by IFIs and NGOs, although participation from NGOs was lower than
in Sri Lanka.
Harmonizing the activities of hundreds of NGOs and
charitable organisations, who all had their own donors and independent
interventions, represented an insurmountable task. Whether NGOs should be
better coordinated other than voluntarily is also debatable since independence
is one of their major strengths.
Beneficiary selection
In the agricultural sector, communities in all
countries tended to spread the FAO assistance farther than intended in project
documents, i.e. to share the predefined packages when they were easy to split
(seed, fertilizer) with a much larger group of beneficiaries than intended, as
a way to help maintain a social balance and share amongst other villagers who
were also recognized to have lost. This trend even applied to large assets
(e.g. tractors, cows): some benefiting communities opted for collective
ownership of the assets in an attempt to reduce conflicts.
However, this tendency to share or redistribute assets
was limited to assets contributing to the reconstruction of self-subsistence
activities (paddy, small scale vegetable production, and to a certain extent
livestock). It applied much less to commercial and competitive domains
(commercial vegetable production, fish drying, and boats and fishing gear), in
which case the tendency for elite capture was harder to resist.
Women did not receive sufficient attention during the
first half of 2005, largely because most of the damage was in the fisheries
sector and the focus FAO chose was on repairing or replacing boats and gear for
fishermen. Later on, nutritional training in Sri Lanka reached 2,000
beneficiaries, almost all of whom were women, and support was provided to
Indonesian fish dryers, 30% of whom were female. In the agricultural sector,
the women met by the RTE missions considered they had received their due share
of assistance. Widows were systematically included as input beneficiaries for
staple crops and women constituted an important proportion of beneficiaries
whenever cash crops were concerned.
Impacts on the restoration of livelihoods
Although the tsunami response was much more varied and
included more technical assistance than previous FAO emergency operations, it
still tended to be dominated by the delivery of physical assets to individual producers,
at the expense of: a) community infrastructures; b) non-production segments of
the value chain even when these were severely affected by the tsunami (e.g.
marketing and food processing)i; c) technical assistance and capacity building.
Physical assistance, when it responds to real and
pressing needs, helps rebuild livelihoods. It also establishes commitment, credibility,
visibility and funding. Governments and communities expected tangible, concrete
assistance. However, FAO’s administrative limitations add to the risk of
failure in ambitious supply, procurement or construction programmes. There are
many other organisations capable of distributing production inputs at a lower
transaction cost, while FAO can provide good quality technical expertise,
capacity building and coordination services in the areas of its mandate in a
way few others can. When present, FAO’s policy guidance and capacity building
activities were often much appreciated, particularly in the fisheries sector.
Overall, the FAO tsunami response assisted an
estimated 110,000 farming and fishing households (approximately 500,000 persons)
affected by the tsunami, through various asset distributions and repairs. FAO was
able to respond to the emergency convincingly in the agriculture sector in all
countries visited by the RTE, helping a majority of affected farmers restore
their capital assets and livelihoods through the distribution of generally
appropriate seeds, tree saplings, fertilizer, tools and livestock. The damage
in the agriculture sector was less severe than in the fisheries sector, and
hence the task at hand was less difficult. In Sri Lanka for instance, it was
reported that FAO could assist almost all affected farmers in one way or
However, the connected issues of drainage and salinity
in Indonesia
and to a lesser extent in Sri
Lanka were left largely unattended. The cash-for-work
modality was used to clear two paddy areas near Banda Aceh from debris and
silt, but with only partial success. The experiment did not go any further.
Much coastal irrigation and drainage infrastructure along the west coast of
Aceh were still in need of rehabilitation during the third RTE mission in
mid-2006, which reduced the impact of the FAO rice seed distribution.
The performance in the fisheries sector was less
convincing than in agriculture. The contrast between the two sectors largely
reflects the long FAO experience with agricultural emergencies contrasted with
a lack of such experience in fisheries. Sri Lanka represented the most creative
and convincing attempt at rebuilding fisheries through a mix of sectoral
coordination, technical assistance and the repair and distribution of generally
suitable assets. However, it was also the most contentious. Key elements of the
FAO response, such as support to the boat repair programme of Cey-Nor, were
provided very early by short-cutting FAO’s procedures. This may have been the
price to pay for contributing significantly to the reconstruction of fishing
capacity. There were a number of other problems as well: a beneficiary selection
process which tended to be politically influenced, a lack of quality spare parts
for the repair of engines, and a delayed procurement of fishing gear. In spite
of these drawbacks however, it is clear that FAO contributed significantly to
the recovery of the fisheries sector in Sri Lanka.
The same statement cannot be made in the case of Indonesia, in
spite of useful contributions such as the training in boatbuilding and the
improvements to traditional boat designs. In aquaculture, rehabilitation work
was useful in restoring production capacity. In fish processing, the programme has
helped in restarting economic activity where the fish supply was available.
However, deliverables in capture fisheries were few and late and came at a
prohibitively high transaction cost.
In Thailand,
impact in the fisheries sector suffered at least initially from incorrect asset
specifications and in the case of aquaculture, high seabass seed mortality
rates. In the Maldives,
the fisheries sector largely recovered by itself, with boat owners undertaking
most of the boat and engine repairs.
Impact on natural resources
The fishing gear distributed by FAO was generally in
accordance with sustainable fishing practices and should not lead to serious
problems. The FAO aquaculture rehabilitation programme in Aceh appropriately focussed
on the reconstruction of pre-existing fish pounds in areas outside the green
belt instituted by the Government.
More broadly speaking, much has been said about the
likely negative impact on fish stocks of excessive fishing capacity created by
the great amount of gear distribution and boat building by all actors. However,
not all these assets are usable. It was estimated that 15% to 20% of all small
boats repaired and replaced by all agencies and charities in Sri Lanka are currently
unusable because of faulty design or poor repair. In Banda Aceh, the Panglima
Laot Provincial Office estimated that 20% of all newly constructed small boats
would never be used because of poor stability. Another factor limiting the
fishing effort has been the high fuel prices over the last two years.
Transition to reconstruction and development
In each of the countries covered by the evaluation,
FAO has introduced long-term concerns in its emergency and early rehabilitation
work and has developed a series of long-term project concept notes. There is significant
demand from governments and other stakeholders for a prolonged involvement of
FAO, either to meet deferred reconstruction needs or to engage in purely
developmental activities. However, FAO was not able to mobilize large development
resources to follow up on its tsunami rehabilitation programme. This may at
least in part reflect donors’ priorities, as all tsunami-affected countries
belong to the middle-income group and the tsunami disaster has already received
far more resources than other crises elsewhere.
Funding arrangements:
should review the scope of SFERA operations and the reporting requirements of
FAO management, individual donors and governing bodies, and should implement
appropriate solutions including financial set-up so as to automate accounting.
should continue to raise the awareness of donors on how useful SFERA was, on
the advantages of flexibility and on the cost of conditionality.
and other organizations involved in livelihood rehabilitation should plead the
case for longer timeframes in consolidated appeals before OCHA and the IASC.
Operational capacity:
should delegate to FAORs a greater delegation of authority for Letters of
Agreement (LoAs) and procurement and set up impress accounts in emergency
operations of significant size.
parallel, FAO should continue to invest in administrative skills, operational
capacity and control mechanisms at the national level (i.e. in FAORs and
significant emergency and rehabilitation programmes, both TCE and Technical
Departments should deploy experienced staff to the field level. This should be
part of TORs for TCE Operations Officers.
should stockpile standard equipment for rapid office set up when a disaster
strikes (office-in-a-box).
rules imposing mandatory breaks in consultancy contracts should be waived for
emergency projects, and the recruitment of national consultant and staff should
always be handled in the field.
optimal ERCU composition should strike a balance between international and
national staff of sufficient seniority and authority.
Damage and needs assessments:
10. In large-scale emergencies, FAO should
conduct holistic damage and needs assessments for all areas within its mandate,
communicate them to all partners through consolidated documents, and should
strive to carry them out in cooperation with the concerned governments and
other international organizations.
11. Needs assessment reports should attempt to
cover an inventory of key assets that were not
damaged and that could be used to jump-start the recovery; an analysis of
non-production segments of market chains affected by the disaster; an
identification of the most affected and vulnerable groups; and a clear
articulation between FAO’s proposed role and priorities.
12. In the tsunami response as well as in other
contexts, FAO should try to provide regular recovery assessments in areas of
its mandate for two to three years after the disaster.
Strategy setting and programmatic approaches:
13. In major emergency operations involving the
participation of a large number of FAO units, FAO must develop explicit
corporate strategies and goals for the Organisation as a whole.
Balance between intervention types:
14. FAO should help recapitalize food producers
and processors during the initial nine to twelve months of a response to a
natural disaster, through the distribution of new equipment or by repairing
damaged equipment. The procurement of simple production inputs such seed or
fertilizer should be gradually phased out thereafter.
15. There is a need for stronger emphasis on
“software” but also on the provision of more diversified “hardware” (e.g.
rehabilitation of small infrastructure and of entire food and value chains).
16. In fast-paced emergency and reconstruction
contexts, FAO should be prepared to provide timely and clear policy advice on
pressing reconstruction issues relevant to its mandate. Capacity building
activities need to be hands-on and focussed on key capacity gaps of other actors
involved in the reconstruction process.
Procurement and input delivery:
17. Tenders should be analysed against a
variety of pre-set criteria, including the track record of the bidders with
FAO, and criteria used more for guidance than as a straight jacket.
18. Splitting procurements in small quantities
ordered on the basis of regular recovery assessments would reduce the risk of
failure and help test and fine-tune programme implementation modalities.
19. Training material should be designed and
in-depth procurement training provided to local and international staff dealing
with purchasing and pre-purchasing functions in the field.
20. FAO should use voucher schemes on a more
significant scale.
21. For large-scale emergency and early
rehabilitation programmes, technical clearance should be delegated to country
offices, if necessary by deploying technical officers to the field.
Participatory approaches:
22. FAO should continue to develop rapid
consultation processes for utilizing livelihoods approaches and practical steps
for implementation under rehabilitation and reconstruction contexts.
23. Cross-sectorality should be promoted
selectively, focusing on precise issues that can only be successfully addressed
this way. Synergies tapped by working cross-sectorally should offset the
additional cost, time and complexity.
Beneficiary selection:
24. Disaster-stricken activities performed by
women should be supported on par with men’s activities. Female-headed
households should receive their fair share of distributed assets. FAO should
strive to reach out to the poorest segments of society in its input
distribution programmes, without excluding the better-off.
25. For small or sharable assets (e.g. seeds
and fertilizer), a simple beneficiary selection process facilitated by an NGO
and involving local officials and community members should suffice.
26. When assets are costly and/or unlikely to
being redistributed, beneficiary selection should be carefully planned,
conducted and monitored. The beneficiary lists provided by local authorities
and village heads should be systematically checked by a neutral third party.
Strategic and operational partnerships:
27. Stand-by partnership agreements should be
explored with INGOs, with the United Nations Joint Logistics Center to help
develop FAO’s logistical capacity, and with WFP to subcontract some logistical
functions (storage, transport).
28. A new, simpler project document format
should replace the LoA in most instances, displaying the financial or in-kind contributions
of FAO and of its implementing partner(s), and emphasising the fact that the
project is a joint effort by FAO and one or several partner(s) rather than a
mere sub-contracting relationship.
Sectoral coordination:
29. FAO should continue to convene national
coordination meetings in its areas of competence. Meetings should be open to
all actors, neutral, well-documented and sharply focussed on issues requiring
30. In
each country or crisis, FAO should seek a progressive build up in terms of
intensity of coordination, starting with information exchange, and moving on to
advocacy, standard setting and, ultimately, trying to promote innovative
Monitoring and communication:
31. TCE should develop standard monitoring
processes by intervention type, involving a simple reporting system for
implementing partners, regular beneficiary surveys contracted to teams of
well-trained third-party enumerators, rudimentary mapping of programme areas
and results and frequent visits to programme sites.
32. In future crises, FAO should provide
mapping and remote sensing services over a longer period, in partnership with the
UN Humanitarian Information Center (UNHIC).
Part I – Background Information
1. Introduction
On 26 December 2004, a
massive earthquake of magnitude 9.3 and a series of aftershocks off the west
coast of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, triggered a series of
tsunami across the Indian Ocean, causing
extensive damage to coastal communities and infrastructure across the entire
region, with most of the impact felt in India, Indonesia, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania were
affected to a lesser degree. The tsunami killed approximately 300,000 people,
most of them in Indonesia
and Sri Lanka,
making it the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. An estimated 2
million people have been directly or indirectly affected. Damage and
destruction to infrastructure harmed people's livelihoods and left many
homeless or without adequate water, sanitation, food or healthcare facilities.
Indonesia, located closest
to the epicentre, suffered from both the earthquake and the tsunami. An
estimated 170,000 people were killed and about 400,000 displaced. Entire
coastal infrastructures, resources and livelihood support systems were wiped
out, particularly along the west coast of the Aceh Province.
In Sri Lanka,
the disaster claimed over 30,000 lives and displaced about 200,000. The loss of
life and the magnitude of the damage were less severe in Thailand and in
the Maldives,
but still considerable.
In all countries,
the fisheries sector was the most severely affected. In Indonesia and Sri Lanka, the
disaster almost paralyzed the industry and the livelihoods of communities which
depended on it, with extensive damage to boats, harbours and fish ponds. The
agricultural sector was hit by seawater intrusions, the destruction or silting
of coastal irrigation and drainage structures, complete damage to salt
sensitive crops and fruit trees, and the salinization of soils, wells and
groundwater. Coastal forests were also damaged, in particular near
the epicenter on the west coast of Aceh.
unprecedented emergency was met with an equally unprecedented response from the
International Community and people across the globe. Commitments and
contributions were estimated at US$15 billion in total, with donations from
private citizens and foundations forming the overwhelming majority. Such
massive generosity created strong expectations in terms of accountability, and
a variety of evaluation exercises were conducted by all partners, some jointly
like the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC) composed of over 50 agencies,
including FAO, which worked together to promote sector-wide evaluations of
tsunami-related programmes.[1]
The present
report summarizes the results of the efforts of the FAO Evaluation Service to
evaluate the tsunami response of the Organisation through a “Real Time
Evaluation” (RTE) designed to provide programme managers with feedback at key
junctures of their programmes.
2. Objectives and methodology of the RTE
The RTE was
designed to (see Terms of Reference in Annex 1):
Provide immediate feedback and guidance to FAO
management on strategic and operational achievements (what works well) and
constraints (what doesn’t work well) in order to improve impact, timeliness,
coverage, appropriateness, sequencing and consistency of operations;
Provide accountability to the affected populations,
Governments, donors and other stakeholders on the use of resources in order to reinforce participation,
transparency, and communication;
Identify gaps or unintended outcomes, with a view to
improving the FAO strategy and programme’s approach, orientation, coherence and
coordination; and
Draw lessons on FAO’s capacity to respond timely and
adequately to sudden natural disasters and to support livelihood recovery and
development efforts in the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors.
Based on a short
desk study of the FAO tsunami portfolio, the Evaluation Service selected a
sample of three countries (Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand) where most of the
tsunami assistance was being provided, and arranged to send to these countries
three successive missions, staged at the beginning, middle and end of the
response. A fourth country, the Maldives,
was added during the third and last evaluation mission upon request from the
Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division (TCE). The RTE involved desk
studies, field surveys and three evaluation missions over the course of 2005
and 2006:
The first mission (May 2005) focussed on
operational procedures and capacity, damage assessments and programme planning.
It was composed of Bernd Bultemeier (Evaluation Officer), Rudolf Hermes (Fisheries Expert), Francois Grunewald
(Evaluation Specialist) and was accompanied by Solveig Kolberg (Gender Expert)
from the Sri Lanka ERCU.
The second mission (November 2005) focussed on
beneficiary selection, beneficiary satisfaction, preliminary indications of
impact, and the use of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) in the
tsunami response. It was composed of Olivier Cossée (Evaluation Officer), Rudolf Hermes (Fisheries Expert), and Salem Mezhoud
The third mission (June - July 2006)
coincided with the end of the period covered by the UN Indian Ocean Tsunami
Flash Appeal, and reviewed beneficiary selection and satisfaction in more depth,
the impact of the response on communities and institutions, prospects for a
transition to longer-term reconstruction and development activities, and the
role played by FAO in sectoral coordination. It was composed of Olivier Cossée
(Evaluation Officer), James Muir (Fisheries
and Natural Resource Management Expert) and Andrée Black-Michaud (Sociologist),
The list of
issues was progressively enriched through consultations with programme
managers, consistently with the principle that the focus of an RTE should be
flexibly adapted to emerging issues and the demand for information emanating
from programme stakeholders (emergent evaluation design).
In addition to
conducting their own document reviews and interviews with a wide array of
stakeholders, these missions trained and supervised national consultants and
surveyors undertaking Beneficiary Assessments on their own, which combined
individual interviews and focus groups discussions with beneficiaries and
non-beneficiaries to draw lessons on the adequacy and impact of the FAO
response in each country as seen by the affected communities. These Beneficiary
Assessments were coordinated by three national consultants who also
participated in the evaluation missions: Nimal Ranaweera
(Economist) from Sri Lanka,
Kanjapat Korsieporn (Economist) from
and Aceng Hidayat (Anthropologist)
from Indonesia.
Finally, a desk review was undertaken in Rome
from March to June 2006 by Luisa Belli (Consultant) to analyse in greater
detail the operational bottlenecks identified during the first and second RTE
The RTE faced
many challenges, chief among which stood the sheer size of the work to be
evaluated. The four countries in the sample, together with headquarters and
regional operations reviewed, accounted for US$60 million or 78% of the whole
FAO tsunami response (90% of all resources available during the period
reviewed, i.e. up to June 2006). The documentation reviewed was enormous. In
each country, the evaluation teams attempted to review in various degrees of detail
all the operations, and visited project sites for a wide variety of sectors and
activity types, splitting into sub-teams when necessary. However, the teams
lacked specialized expertise in some of the technical areas concerned, such as
forestry or animal husbandry, and it was not always possible to retain the same
consultants for the three missions spread over one-and-a-half years.
Part II - Overview of the FAO Tsunami Response
1. Chronology
On the morning of
Sunday, 26 December 2004,
many FAO staff were away on Christmas and New Year vacations. At HQ, staff on
duty immediately called back colleagues and liaised with OCHA. A rush against
time started to prepare an FAO input for the UN Indian Ocean Tsunami Flash
Appeal. The consolidated proposal including the cost for relief and
rehabilitation interventions was to be ready by 6 January 2005, as requested by the Inter
Agency Standing Committee on Emergency response (IASC). From this point on, a
very complex and ambitious programme progressively emerged from the efforts of
programme planners and implementers and thanks to generous donors’ support.
The following
sections of this report review this programme from a geographic standpoint
(overview of the response in each country), proceed with a review of the
different operational processes that shaped the response (needs assessment,
resource mobilization, coordination, beneficiary selection, etc.), attempt to
analyse its impact, and seek to extract lessons and recommendations for future
FAO disaster responses. It may therefore be useful at this juncture to briefly
describe how the FAO tsunami response unfolded over time.
identified six phases in the FAO’s tsunami response:
Phase 1: (26 December 2004 – 6
January 2005) While preparing the United Nations Flash Appeal
for the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, FAO mobilized its own TCP
resources to conduct initial needs assessments in Indonesia, Maldives, Sri
Lanka, and Thailand, and appealed for US$29 million in the Flash Appeal.
Phase 2: (January to April 2005)
Activities focused on more detailed needs assessments, securing funding,
preparing project documents, setting up Emergency and Rehabilitation
Coordination Units (ERCUs), and initial delivery of assistance in Sri Lanka and
Phase 3 (May-June 2005) was marked by the Mid-Term
Review of the Flash Appeal, which saw a sharp increase in FAO’s appeal to
US$103 million, reflecting mainly a longer period of implementation[2]
and additional needs emerging from further needs assessments.
Phase 4 (July 2005 – June 2006) ended with the Flash
Appeal. The bulk of the FAO tsunami response was implemented during this phase
and most activities were fully or almost completed by June 2006, although there
were significant exceptions in Sri
Lanka and Indonesia.
Phase 5 (July 2006 - early 2007) was a wrapping-up
and consolidation phase for the FAO emergency and early rehabilitation
response, and the start of the longer-term reconstruction and development
programme. Most emergency projects should be completed by end of 2006 or mid
2007, though additional extensions in the case of Indonesia and Sri Lanka
cannot be ruled out.
Phase 6 from 2007 to 2009 or 2010 can be expected to
see the implementation of a follow-up reconstruction and development programme.
A small number of medium- or long-term projects have already started (e.g.
GCP/INS/076/GER ending in November 2008 or GCP/INT/984/MUL ending in December
2007) or should start shortly (notably an ARC-funded project in Indonesia). In Sri Lanka
however, the trend appears to be towards a transition to
a new emergency related to the re-escalating conflict in the north of the
Obviously these
phases are not totally homogenous and overlap somewhat with one another. Phase
4 in particular included a variety of activities of different natures, evolving
from projects planned during the previous phase and merely concerned with the
distribution of simple inputs, to projects comprising a more balanced mix of
input distributions, coordination efforts, technical support and training
during the later part of 2005 and 2006.
2. Financial resources
Through the UN
Flash Appeal, FAO requested US$ 26.5 million for six countries – Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Seychelles, Somalia, and Sri Lanka – and
for US$ 2.5 million for regional activities in partnership with UNDP and UNEP.
This figure was raised to US$ 103 million during the Mid-Term Review of the
Appeal. Donor response was very
positive, the most generous ever received until then.[3]
Overall, FAO had raised US$ 77 million as of February 2007 (Table 1), i.e. 75%
of its requirements under the Mid-Term Review of the Flash Appeal. New projects
continue to be funded, particularly in Indonesia, so the total figure is
still slowly increasing.
itself provided about US$ 1.5 million from its Technical Cooperation Programme.
Four TCP projects were prepared and approved one week after the tsunami, for
the Maldives,
Sri Lanka
and Indonesia,
allowing for the rapid establishment of programmes and offices in these
countries. Contributions were also received from a number of non-traditional
donors such as Greece,
Trinidad and Tobago,
The Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Italian Protezione Civile, the
American Red Cross, WFP, and even from private sector companies (CONAD
supermarkets in Italy,
the Standard Bank of South
Africa) or NGOs (American Red Cross).
level of funding may seem quite significant by FAO standards, but it
represented only a tiny fraction of the overall resources availed to
post-tsunami emergency and reconstruction assistance worldwide. FAO received
5.5% of the funds channelled through the UN Flash Appeal and only 0.5% of total
overall post-tsunami funding, estimated by the TEC at US$15 billion.[4]
As of
August 2006, half of all expenditures concerned procurement of equipment and
inputs (Figure 1). Overall, the fisheries sector received two-third of the
funds mobilized for the tsunami response (Figure 2), adequately so.
Indonesia received the largest share of resources, followed by Sri Lanka (Table 2). Like the breakdown by sectors, this resource allocation pattern appears by-and-large appropriate.
Figure 3 above displays the financial delivery of various countries
during the response, and illustrates the fact that Thailand and Sri Lanka were
the countries where the first FAO activities were implemented, with significant
hard commitments as early as March 2005. Up to mid-2005, most commitments and
expenditures concerned global functions, including ERCUs funded through the FAO
Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA, see p.18) and the three most affected countries: Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Expenditures in the less affected Maldives, Myanmar, Seychelles and Somalia only
picked up in the second half of 2005.
As of August
2006, the overall rate of financial delivery including hard commitments was 65%,
a reasonable performance given the size and complexity of the portfolio. At the
current rate of expenditures (about US$2.5 million per month) and assuming
donors are agreeable to project extensions, the FAO tsunami response will come
to a close toward mid-2007. Subsequent sections of the report explore at length
the factors that tended to slow down delivery during the response.
3. Tsunami response in sample countries
FAO mobilized some US$29 million for Indonesia, the
highest FAO budget of all countries affected by the tsunami. This budget was
more evenly spread between sectors than in Sri Lanka, with some US$11 million
devoted to agriculture, US$14 million to capture fisheries and aquaculture, and
the rest allocated to cross-sectoral activities.[5] The programme, implemented in partnership with NGOs
and local governments, involved the following activities:
In the fisheries sector, FAO designed and contracted
the construction of 97 wooden boats of various improved traditional designs[6] in six boatyards around the province, distributed
engines and fishing gear for 2,000 fishermen through NGOs distributing boats,
donated fish processing equipment (racks, pans, cookers, etc.) to some 400
beneficiaries, constructed two fish markets in Banda Aceh, distributed 200
insulated boxes to fishers, fish traders and fish processors around Banda Aceh
and Simeulue, rehabilitated 650 ha of fish ponds in Aceh Besar, Pidie and
Bireuen, and distributed fish farming inputs such as seed, feed, lime, pumps,
and fertilizer to 1,500 fish farmers.
In the agriculture sector, distributions of
various inputs (rice, maize, groundnut, soybean and vegetable seeds,
fertiliser, hand tractors, threshers, reapers, water pumps, handtools and
various fruit trees) to approximately 70,000 farmers from June-August 2005
(mainly in the east coast) to end of 2006 (most distributions in 2006 took
place on the west coast, which was largely inaccessible in 2005); clearing of
380 ha of paddy fields through cash-for-work; and distribution of 500 buffaloes
and cattle, and 1,000 goats to communities having lost their livestock in the
In the forestry sector, FAO assessed timber
needs and sources, and demonstrated a participatory approach for the
restoration of mangroves and coastal forests.
FAO also contributed to damage and need assessments
by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and the Ministry of
Agriculture (MoA), ADB and the World Bank, drafted two sector reconstruction
strategies in agriculture and fisheries, provided technical assistance through
coordination meetings and workshops in agriculture and fisheries, undertook a
survey of the number of constructed boats to lobby for a reduction of the
number of boats constructed by NGOs’ and other partners, advocated for raising
boat building standards and trained boat builders.
Sectoral coordination was facilitated in partnership
with the Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (BRR, Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction Agency for Aceh and Nias). The programme was largely completed
at the end of 2006, with some work extending over the years to come, notably
through a German-funded technical assistance project set to end in 2008 and
funding from the American Red Cross for a three and a half year transitional
Initially, the FAO operations in Indonesia
suffered from a number of logistical constraints and administrative difficulties
(miscommunications between the two Emergency Coordination Units in Jakarta and Banda Aceh,
rapid staff turn-over, unfavourable employment conditions for national staff
and inadequate financial authority). These issues were solved towards the end
of 2005 with the opening of an imprest account and the granting of increased
financial authority and flexibility in the hiring of national staff to the office
in Banda Aceh. Delivery accelerated significantly in 2006.
Sri Lanka
The ERCU was
established in Colombo
in January 2005 and an experienced Coordinator arrived in March. During 2005,
the ERCU grew into a core group of operational staff and international and
national consultants with strong technical expertise. Two regional offices were
opened in Trincomalee and Tangalle and headed by international Area
Coordinators. The national staff contributed significantly to the response. By
February 2006, there were 36 nationals supporting the programme in Colombo (among them seven
experienced national consultants, eight administrative and programme
assistants, etc.). The ERCU also inherited some 20 national field officers from
pre-existing TCEO projects.
It should be
mentioned that FAO remained without a Representative in the country for months
after the incumbent retired in January 2005 and was not immediately replaced.
This may have contributed to an initial difficult relationship with the
FAO teams and
Government officers started to jointly assess damage and needs only a few days
after the catastrophe.[7]
The level of funding secured by FAO for the country ($25 million) was the
second highest for an FAO response in all countries affected by the tsunami.[8]
Most of the funds were used to support the capture fisheries sector (about
70%). This is justifiable since most of the damage was in the fisheries sector.
The programme was implemented largely through governmental institutions but
also in partnership with a few NGOs, notably Italian. It delivered the
following assistance:
In the fisheries sector, 2,738 boats and
1,329 outboard engines were repaired through the parastatal Cey‑Nor[9]
in a relatively short timeframe (first half of 2005); 712 new outboard engines
and 41 new inboard engines were distributed (as of September 2006); some 5,300 fishers
benefited from the distribution of some 76,000 fishing nets (end of 2005 to
September 2006). The delivery of fishing gear was unfortunately delayed by a
protracted procurement process described on page 24. An attempt to repair in-board engines for
multi-day boats was largely unsuccessful due to the shortage of spare parts for
these 30-year-old engines.
In the agricultural sector, FAO distributed
68 tonnes of paddy seed, 165 tonnes of fertilizer, 560 packs of vegetable seed
and 9,250 hoes during the yala season (February-March 2005), and of 280 tonnes
of paddy seed, 1,173 tonnes of fertilizer, 44,000 fruit trees, 3,600 packets of
vegetable seeds and 39 tonnes of seed for other field crops for the maha season
(October-November 2005). Various other materials have been delivered (sprayers,
water pumps, rice threshers), as well as livestock (cattle, goats and poultry)
to about 2,000 households. Altogether, these distributions reached some 80% of
the tsunami affected farmers, i.e. a total of approximately 13,000 families. Three
solar refrigerators were delivered to three veterinary offices in the
North-East (Mulativu) to store vaccines.
In the forestry sector, the programme worked
with the Department of Forestry to rehabilitate coastal forests and urban trees
in some of the most affected areas of the east coast.[10]
Capacity building
formed a significant component in Sri Lanka. Nearly all agricultural
input beneficiaries were trained in simple plant and animal production
techniques and nutrition. Conductivity meters and pH metres were donated to the
Government and salinity surveillance contracts awarded to the North-East
Provincial Department of Agriculture and to the Horticultural Research and
Development Institute (HORDI), and thirty-six Agriculture Instructors were
exposed to soil and water sampling methodologies. The Ministry of Fisheries and
Marine Resources (MFAR) received assistance to design and enforce safety-at-sea
FAO’s support to
sectoral coordination in Sri
Lanka was noteworthy. Monthly coordination
meetings with wide participation of donors and NGOs started as early as January
2005. The meetings started to be co-chaired by the Government and FAO in March
2005. They discussed a rich variety of topics over the evaluated period,
notably the risk of creating excessive fishing capacity, documented through
regular surveys of NGOs and other partners’ asset donations in the fisheries
Two strategies
for post-tsunami reconstruction of the fisheries and agriculture sectors were
drafted in March 2005, presented to the fisheries and agriculture coordination
meeting and discussed in national workshops. The fisheries strategy was published
in April 2006 and the agriculture strategy was being finalized during the third RTE
mission. A master plan for fish landing site rehabilitation was also prepared
by FAO and the Government and presented in sectoral coordination meetings. Iceland and the
consequently funded the rehabilitation of several landing sites based on this
master plan.
The FAO Emergency
Operations and Rehabilitation Division (TCE)’s role in backstopping the tsunami
programme in Thailand
was rather limited, as the Thai Affairs Section of the FAO Regional Office for
Asia Pacific (RAP) almost entirely managed the FAO response. Technical experts
from the regional representation carried out needs assessments. Project
documentation and operational processes were all drafted and approved locally,
making good use of the authority level of the ADG-RAP for procurements,
contracts and LoAs[12].
The programme benefited from a small cadre of national consultants with very
good knowledge of local conditions, institutions and capacities.
In view of the
respective needs of other, more severely affected countries and of the Royal
Government of Thailand (RGT) own financial assistance to affected farmers and
fisher folks, FAO allocated a comparatively small amount of financial resources
to its tsunami response programme in Thailand, with some US$2 million approved,
of which two-third were for the fisheries sector and one third for agriculture.
FAO/RAP worked
with the Government right from January 2005, when conducting damage and needs
assessments, then moved on to implement initial asset replacement projects, and
gradually shifted to longer-term rehabilitation and developmental initiatives
over the course of 2005 and 2006. This close relationship with the Government was
a constant throughout the response. Partnerships with NGOs and with research
and academic centers developed progressively during 2005 and 2006. All projects
were completed by 30 June
2006 and the financial delivery is close to 100%. The programme
delivered the following:
In the fisheries sector, 800 fish cage units,
1,128 fish cage nets, 180,000 fish fingerlings (sea bass and grouper species),
18,000 fish, crab and squid traps, 3,320 shrimp gill nets and 408 timber pieces
for boat repair, as well as 430 boat engines (on a credit
basis) were distributed to an estimated 2,230 affected
In the agriculture sector, the programme
benefited some 1,300 farmers through the distribution of 356 kg of rice and
watermelon seeds, 15,000 fruit seedlings, 46 tons of chemical fertilizer, 247
tons of gypsum and 1,052 tons of organic fertilizer (salinity management).
Thirty net houses and eighty hydroponic systems were also distributed to
promote livelihoods diversification. Finally, 500 livestock owners received 42
tons of feed concentrate, 135 tons of hay and 1,500 mineral blocks to feed
their livestock while pastures were recovering from seawater intrusion.
Towards the end
of 2005 and in 2006, FAO focussed on providing policy advice and further
assessments. A fishing capacity survey was carried out to provide policy
recommendations and management strategies for the sustainable use of fishery
resources. Detailed damage assessment for mangrove and coastal forests were
also undertaken. Training courses were provided to programme beneficiaries in
aquaculture, hydroponic vegetable production. Two Mangrove Research Stations in
Phuket and Phang Nga were supported with GIS equipment and salinity meters and
conductivity testers were provided to the Department of Agriculture Extension
(DoAE) and to the Land Development Department (LDD). A salinity damage
assessment was also performed and made recommendations for the rehabilitation
and development of the agriculture sector. The programme also carried out
public awareness promotion activities on ecological and economic functions of
coastal forests, and a long-term rehabilitation framework and an action plan
for the rehabilitation of tsunami-affected coastal forests were prepared and
validated in a national workshop.
efforts came later than in other countries. A Post-Tsunami Rehabilitation
Coordination Unit was created within the Department of Fisheries (DOF) in
October 2005 and fully established as an independent unit under DOF in April
2006 to monitor fisheries asset replacement programmes by all agencies and NGOs
and avoid the creation of excess capacity; a national coordination meeting in
the fisheries sector was held in March 2006; two
provincial workshops met in Ranong and Phang Nga in June 2006.
The Maldives
Prior to the
tsunami, FAO representation in the Maldives was covered from Sri Lanka. In
February 2005, TCE set up an Emergency and Rehabilitation Coordination Unit
(ERCU) in Malé to manage the tsunami response. The office was headed by an
Officer in Charge and, since July 2005, by an outposted TCE Operation Officer
acting as Emergency Coordinator. The office also hired five national assistants
and logisticians.
The geography of
the Maldives
presents a particularly challenging context for an emergency operation, with a
dispersed location of tsunami-affected communities as the main feature. A third
of the archipelago’s 199 inhabited islands house less than 500 people.
Right at the
onset of the tsunami response in January 2005, FAO took the lead in damage and
needs assessments in the fisheries and agriculture sectors, carried out in
partnership with the Government, the World Bank, IFAD and the ADB.
The overall level
of funding that FAO was subsequently able to commit to the Maldives was
relatively modest and totalled about US$4.2 million: $2 million for fisheries
and $2.2 million for agriculture.[13]
The primary aim of the FAO response has been the restoration of the means of
fisheries-, agricultural- and forestry-based livelihoods, through the
replacement of fishing vessels and gear, and the provision of seeds, seedlings,
fertilisers and implements for agriculture and forestry:
In the fisheries sector, it was decided in
consultation with the Government to support the introduction of the
Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) technology with the construction and
distribution of 89 small boats to replace lost bokkuraas (small boats for
transport and reef fishing). The programme also assisted the Ministry of
Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine Resources (MFAMR) in designing a new 85-foot
FRP vessel built by MFAMR with JICS funding, and distributed fishing gear to
378 large vessel owners who had repaired their boats at their own cost.
Thirteen boat engines were repaired through an agreement with JICS.
The agriculture programme targeted some 4,500
households in 51 islands. Each agricultural kit contained 65 gm of assorted
vegetable seeds, 100 kg of compost, 100 kg of cow dung, 30 kg of chemical
fertilizer, various hand tools, sweet potato cuttings and a selection of fruit
tree and chili seedlings. Distribution in the South was delayed by the late
arrival of compost and the loss of a significant number of sweet potato
cuttings and fruit trees during transport in February 2006.
In the forestry sector, the programme
assessed the forestry damage and status of forestry resources and developed a
programme focusing on the restoration of damaged coastal forests and
agro-forestry in six islands in the North.
Specific elements
of training and planning support were also provided in FRP construction and
repair, compost making, salinity measurement, and nursery techniques.
Assistance in policy advice included a fisheries sector review developed in
cooperation with the World Bank, technical assistance to establish a plant
quarantine system, and the drafting of an agriculture master plan.
4. The role of the Regional Office
Given the
tsunami’s regional impact, the FAO Regional Office for Asia Pacific (RAP) had a
significant role to play at the strategic level, over and beyond the support it
provided to the implementation of the Thailand programme. RAP helped to
develop a number of guidelines (e.g. on aquaculture and saline soil
reclamation) and provided technical guidance to governments and FAO emergency
programme counterparts, initially through the mobilization of RAP staff but
later through development of TORs for consultants, review of project proposals
and the provision of technical clearance.
For agriculture,
the responsibility for technical clearance of tsunami projects, reports, recruitments
and procurements was decentralized from headquarters to RAP. In the forestry
sector, a technical officer was decentralized to Bangkok to manage the response (mainly
composed of the Finnish regional project OSRO/GLO/502/FIN) from within the
region. In contrast, the Fisheries Department did not devolve its technical
clearance function to RAP because RAP lacked sufficient technical capacity in
fisheries industries (fishing vessels and gear).[14]
A number of
regional or global projects have also been formulated and implemented from Bangkok. In the fisheries
sector, RAP supported programme and strategy development in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and India. It was a
founding partner of the CONSRN consortium[15]
which held 13 regular meetings, two regional workshops and one programme
planning workshop since its initiation. A project funded by the Peoples'
Democratic Republic of Lao (OSRO/RAS/504/LAO) and managed by RAP funded
participatory fishery resource assessments in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The
main project in the forestry sector (OSRO/GLO/502/FIN) was also managed at the
regional level.[16]
Another project, intended to facilitate information management and coordination
in agriculture (OSRO/RAS/503/CHA), funded recovery surveys, trainings and
workshops in Indonesia,
Sri Lanka
and Thailand.
Finally, a longer-term regional project was recently approved, with a view to
pilot participatory, community-based rehabilitation and planning approaches in
the countries affected by the tsunami (GCP/RAS/218/JPN).
Although a strong
argument can be made for programmes and approaches to be decided at the
national level, the RTE concluded that the Regional Office demonstrated added
value in the following areas:
- Interactions with regional bodies;
- Focal point for strategic sectoral approaches;
- Facilitation of experience sharing and lessons learning among affected countries through the organization of regional meetings;
- Transboundary issues concerning, in this case, fisheries;
- Technical resources outposted to the regional level were potentially more effective than in headquarters, because more accessible; and
- Resource mobilization when some important donors were within the region (e.g. Japan).
5. Support from headquarters
The degree of
involvement and mobilization of headquarters in decision making varied from one
phase to the next. During the first and second phases, i.e. from January to
April 2005, headquarters were clearly highly mobilized to draft the FAO
contribution to the Flash Appeal, prepare project documents and mobilize funds,
organize needs assessments, and set up the FAO Tsunami Website (Box 1
An illustration
of this strong mobilization of headquarters at the outset of the response is
provided by the frequency of coordination meetings held at headquarters. These
were of three types:
- The ADG meetings on the FAO response to the tsunami in Asia, chaired by the Deputy DG with attendance from all ADGs, and relevant staff from all departments, and a mandate in decision making at the strategic level;
- The Tsunami Technical Committee meetings, also known as Tsunami Task Force meetings, with a more technical mandate in supporting programme design and implementation;
- The videoconferences between the Tsunami Technical Committee and FAO field offices (RAP, Sri Lanka and Indonesia), destined to coordinate efforts at headquarters with the field level.
All together,
there were 12 formal coordination meetings held at headquarters in January
2005, 11 in February, 7 in March, 4 in April, and about one per month thereafter.
A meeting fatigue developed over time. Some participants opined that smaller,
more focussed and less formal meetings constituted more efficient
decision-making forums.
Perhaps an
illustration of this trend toward smaller coordination groups is the creation
by the Fisheries Department in January 2006 of its own Coordination and
Technical Support Unit for Tsunami Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (CTSU) to
facilitate the transition from the emergency programme to longer-term
development activities in the fisheries sector. In Sri Lanka, the CTSU helped develop eleven
priority project proposals addressing issues such as safety at sea, fish
quality improvement or reducing post harvest losses, and assisted the MFAR in
presenting these proposals to potential donors. The CTSU also provided
assistance in the development of the American Red Cross proposal for Indonesia and
of a comprehensive project to be funded by the World Bank to develop a
management framework for fisheries in India (Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry).
A review of the
minutes of the ADG meetings, the Tsunami Technical Committee meetings and the
videoconferences between FAO headquarters and field offices indicated that most
of the issues that would later evolve into critical problems and that are
analysed in the present report were identified very early on, such as the
challenges posed by insufficient coordination of a huge crowd of actors, the
desired balance between physical inputs and technical support in FAO’s
assistance, or the administrative challenges posed by such a large and complex
FAO intervention. What is striking, however, is that while these fundamental
issues were raised very early on, they were seldom analysed in sufficient
detail to allow for their resolution.
6. Collaboration between FAO units
identified a “disconnect” (i.e. a need for more communication, collaboration
and sometimes team spirit) between headquarters and field offices and between
the various headquarters units involved in the tsunami response. The FAO Fisheries
Department had never been involved in an emergency response of this dimension
before and had originally little working relationship with TCE. Some progress
was made as rapport developed across divisional lines. This “institutional
disconnect” applied to all phases of the response, though it bore particular
relevance during the initial programme planning phase and toward the end of the
response during the transition from an emergency and early rehabilitation
operation to a longer term reconstruction and development programme. It was
compounded by the following factors:
- The absence of an established mechanism in FAO to take policy and strategic decisions for cross-departmental programmes. The PAIA REHAB (now programme entity 4DS02) is geared towards lessons learning and normative activities rather than at operational issues. The Emergency Coordination Group (ECG) has not been used as a forum to coordinate individual responses. This role was devolved to the ADG tsunami group, which as explained above met frequently at the onset of the response and did discuss programme-wide strategies and identify the need for a smooth transition from emergency to development as early as February 2005. However, neither the ADG group nor any other body seem to have developed an overall programme strategy with jointly agreed goals.
- Financial disincentives, particularly during the transition from rehabilitation to reconstruction and development: TCEO is almost entirely funded out of extra-budgetary projects, which makes it unlikely to transfer to other FAO units the donors’ resources and contacts it depends on. Correspondingly, FAORs are not formally assessed against the quantity and quality of their delivery in emergencies, which is unfair to those FAORs who do contribute to emergency programmes and may help explain why some others do not.
- An unclear conceptual framework to define terms such as “emergency”, “rehabilitation” or “reconstruction” as they apply to FAO, as well as the respective roles of TCE and Technical Departments in each of these functions.
Part III – Programme Design and Management
1. Damage and needs assessments
The first two weeks after the tsunami were
characterized by rapid fact finding missions that produced mostly
“guesstimates” and assessed damage and needs based on limited field visits and
a number of assumptions and secondary sources, followed by the second phase of
more structured assessments combining a review of secondary data with the
collection of primary data during more extensive field visits, direct
observation and key informants interviews.[17]
The RTE confirmed that the technical expertise
brought to bear by the Organization during early assessments was widely
appreciated: FAO moved in quickly to assist governments in undertaking initial
assessments. In Thailand
and the Maldives,
the damage and needs assessments organized jointly by FAO and the Government
very early after the tsunami helped shape the Government response.
At headquarters, a tsunami atlas and maps were
prepared quickly by SDRN in cooperation with other partners, and the ongoing
technical surveys and fine-tuned assessments provided valuable inputs to
post-tsunami plans and strategy development of International Financial
Institutions (IFIs). The regional workshops organized by RAP provided some
basic principles for more holistic approaches, although these were seldom
translated into practice.
The second phase of
assessment occurred from the end of January to April 2005. A large number of
missions were fielded, and although much effort was spent, results were
sometimes far from optimal. One of the reasons behind this weakness is the
mechanism through which FAO carried out this assessment work:
The absence of a holistic approach, with most of the
assessment work done following sector and sub-sector divisions. The majority of
assessment reports by FAO were not formal assessment reports but were
back-to-office reports, a type of document typically used by a single staff or
a few colleagues for the purpose of their own Division’s information needs.
The position of TCE in the overall coordination of
diagnostic and assessment work was challenged by technical units. A degree of
institutional disconnect was already apparent during the second batch of needs
assessments. Work coordinated by TCE (emergency procurement of relief items,
fielding of missions, budgetary planning, etc.) was initially not well
coordinated with the work of technical units, concentrated on needs assessments
and strategic planning.
Some of the teams sent out for the assessment work
were not familiar with programme design and implementation. Key elements for
programme design (e.g. the status and capacities of national and local
institutions) were often missing in needs assessment reports.
Many assessment reports were cleared or released
late by technical divisions and some assessment reports were not well
communicated and disseminated.
Assessments rapidly became outdated. The needs and
the assistance on offer were evolving fast.
A truly multi-disciplinary
and coherent approach would have suited the situation in Sri Lanka and Indonesia
better – as it was, the FAO approach was fragmented, with people working side
by side but not together. There is also a need to better relate damage and
needs assessment to ecological assessments and livelihoods issues. Due to this
narrowly sectoral and technical focus, a number of key areas for understanding
livelihoods and how they were affected by the tsunami were not or
insufficiently covered:
the assessments tended to focus on the productive
function of farmers and fishers, with little attention paid to the damage
inflicted to the rest of the market
chains, e.g. fish processing industries, marketing channels, input
providers – this may have contributed to the strong bias in the initial
response towards supporting food production, at the expense of other affected
segments of the market chains;
linked to the above, gender and gender roles in food production / processing / marketing
were insufficiently analysed, which may be the root cause for gender not being
much factored in the response at least initially;
with the damage assessments focussing on damaged
infrastructures, there was a lack of attention paid to local capacities and assets which were not or only marginally affected
by the tsunami: seed cooperatives, hatcheries, social capital that could be
used and built upon in the response, and the experience and expertise available
from FAO long-term projects (notably SPFS)[18]; and
forestry and costal
management, leading to FAO losing visibility in these areas to other actors
such as UNEP or NGOs.
In all assessments, local officials in district and
sub-district offices and village heads constituted the main source of primary
data, appropriately so as communities did not have the time and inclination to
do PRAs or group interviews, at least initially. However, there could have been
a more systematic and structured attempt at collecting needs and
recommendations from producer organisations and fishing societies.
Given the reliance on secondary data, the lack of
pre-tsunami data in some countries proved a major impediment. In the Maldives,
agriculture was long considered a low-priority sector and very little data had
been collected prior to the tsunami. In Indonesia, the long-standing conflict
situation in Aceh led to some sectors being under-studied by the Government,
notably aquaculture. In none of the countries visited by the RTE was the
fishing boat registration system comprehensive enough to form a strong basis
for the assessment of damage and individual entitlements in capture fisheries.
Due to these limitations and to the need to report
on needs assessments as quickly as possible, initial assessments are often and
understandably imperfect. They also tend to become quickly outdated in a very
dynamic environment where needs and assistance on offer are evolving rapidly.
The particular characteristics of the tsunami, with massive displacement of
populations, also contributed to problems in identifying beneficiaries and
their needs. These observations call for regular assessments of needs and
recovery conducted all through the recovery period, rather than a one-off
initial assessment. FAO is in an excellent position to provide this sort of recovery monitoring services in areas of
its mandate, and in fact it did conduct regular needs and recovery assessments
in the fisheries sector in Sri
Lanka, and to a lesser extent in Thailand and Indonesia.
These periodic surveys tracking how many boats and fishing gear were being
distributed and recovered by all actors combined were much appreciated by
governments, donors and NGOs alike, and helped shape the FAO response as well.
2. Project design
As explained
above, most early project documents were derived very rapidly from generic
versions of earlier emergency project documents, rather than on the basis of
needs assessments, still ongoing at that time. The proposals for the Flash
Appeal had to be submitted to OCHA on 6 January 2005, before any serious assessment could be
completed. As it turned out, the cost estimates for the FAO proposal to the
Flash Appeal had to be substantially increased during the mid-term review of
the Appeal, partly because needs had been underestimated and also to reflect
the extension of the Appeal implementation period from six to twelve months.
In order to save
time, some projects were also written based on limited feedback from field
offices and with insufficient involvement of the national governments, which
led in some cases to delays in their approval and implementation at the
national level. However, project design during subsequent phases became more
context-specific. These subsequent project documents were more diversified and
more strategic than in past FAO emergency operations. While most early projects
were focused chiefly on the delivery of “hardware”, i.e. relief inputs,
projects designed later on considered exit strategies for emergency assistance
and the transition to development. Overall a gradation towards a greater
emphasis on “software” (capacity building, technical assistance) activities was
noticeable over 2005 and 2006. However, the initial over-emphasis on
input-delivery clearly compromised the time technical staff could have devoted
to coordination, technical assistance, quality control and monitoring.
Though the
desirability of participatory processes was emphasised from early commentaries
onwards, their use in initial stages was negligible. Only later, in projects
such as OSRO/SRL/505/ITA was this made more explicit in project design. The
approach proved difficult to implement properly given the limited timescale of
two years. PRA documents
reviewed by the mission were of high quality, though apparently extractive in
nature. More generally, there are perhaps misunderstandings about using SLA just as an analytical tool, identifying need and
weaknesses, rather than considering it as a potentially empowering tool. The
importance of the role of livelihoods approaches – over and beyond PRA – in
defining current and future needs and in developing social capital to help
manage natural resources has been under-recognised so far.
Another issue has
been the absence of a formal programme approach, apart from the Flash Appeal
itself, which could be construed as a cursory programme document. Projects
tended to be developed as scattered, isolated initiatives, usually limited to
one country and one sector or sub-sector with little reference to
programme-wide objectives, strategies and priorities. This lack of an overall
programme approach may explain some of the discrepancies between the strategies
followed by the respective country programmes, e.g. in the ways and extent to
which FAO promoted sectoral coordination in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia.
3. Earmarking resources and budgeting
In general terms,
donors’ generosity in support of the FAO tsunami response was matched by a
willingness to apply greater flexibility in the way the use of their resource
would be planned and budgeted. Japan,
and OCHA selected some Flash Appeal profiles for allocating their funds and did
not require the lengthy process of approving a detailed project document and
Some donors gave un-earmarked or programmatic funds to the recently-created
Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA, see below) for
the tsunami needs assessments and for the set up and support of Emergency and
Rehabilitation Coordination Units (Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Finland and Canada). Others
did not fund SFERA but did nevertheless have a rather flexible budgeting
approach which enabled the allocation of funds to broad sectors or geographical
areas that were not covered by other donors. In the case of Finland, funds
were used to finance a single regional forestry project active in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and
the Maldives.
However, many
donors still expressed geographical and sector preferences or restrictions
which typically required the drafting, approval and management of several
projects per donor.
Some donors
imposed particular conditions concerning the type of support provided:
- Italy and Japan insisted that some of their funds be used in projects implemented in collaboration with Italian / Japanese NGOs.[20]
- ECHO and Belgium required that a minimum of, respectively, 60% and 70% of the budget be spent on equipment and inputs to be delivered to beneficiaries, thus restricting the part of the budget devoted to technical assistance and staff.
The People’s Republic of China provided most of
its support in kind, in the form of fishing gear and boat engines made in China. FAO
found ways to use the Chinese fishing gear by donating them to Maldivian
fishermen in compensation for expenses incurred in boat repair, but the RTE
concluded that this utilisation of the Chinese in-kind donation was not
cost-effective. The Chinese boat engines arrived so late in Indonesia that
it was difficult to identify fishers genuinely needing them.
One condition
imposed by many donors and by OCHA[21]
regarded the duration of project implementation. Past evaluations of FAO
emergency and early rehabilitation programmes[22]
have highlighted the issue of time constraints linked to donors’ procedures. It
was found that performance tended to be negatively affected by short-term donor
horizons for funding, especially through the Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP).
This has a negative impact on staff management, on longer-term planning and
connectedness between emergency and longer-term interventions, and on technical
work, since CAP timeframes are rather inflexible and do not necessarily match
agricultural seasons.
It should be
stressed that funding instruments such as the CAP and humanitarian donors such
as ECHO were historically set up to fund simple and short-term humanitarian
assistance typically not extending beyond six months. They are unfit to the
medium-term horizon entailed by FAO’s programmes, which aim at the
rehabilitation of livelihoods, infrastructures and capacities. This tension was
evident in the case of the tsunami, as the sheer extent of the damage, the size
of the financial resource mobilized and a limited absorption capacity all
contributed to long implementation periods. For instance, the Indonesian Badan
Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency for
Aceh and Nias - BRR) estimated that the reconstruction of the most affected
west coast of Aceh will take no less than four years.
In some cases,
the late approval of the project documents by the donor or, more frequently, by
the recipient government caused delays in project implementation. In Sri Lanka, a
situation developed where the Government refused to sign project documents for
months due to a disagreement over the share of the budgets devoted to physical
inputs, seen as insufficient.
In general terms
however, this sort of delay induced by funding and project preparation, a
frequent occurrence in previous FAO emergency programmes, was largely avoided
during the tsunami response thanks to the use of a new fund set up by FAO to
expedite emergency funding: the Special Fund for Emergency
and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA). Established in 2004, the fund was
used for the first time during the tsunami response. It was authorized to
provide for the following, often under-funded activities:
- Participation in inter-agency needs assessment and coordination activities;
- Establishment of Emergency and Rehabilitation Coordination Units (ERCUs);
- Preparation of programme frameworks and projects;
- Advance funding for input procurement once a donor’s commitment is secured;
- GIEWS crop and food supply assessment missions; and
- Early involvement in market research for procurement purposes.[23]
Overall, SFERA
received some US$10 million for the purpose of the tsunami response (Table 3). Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom
agreed to use SFERA to fund needs assessments and the establishment of Emergency
Coordination Units, for a total of US$4.1 million. Contributions from Finland, Norway and Canada were
used to support technical advice in forestry and agriculture to the tune of US$
6.5 millions. In addition, nearly US$5 million were advanced from SFERA to fund
procurement activities under nine projects prior to the receipt of funds, in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand (not
shown in Table 4 because refunded).
The Fund played a
pivotal role in shaping FAO’s initial emergency response to the tsunami
disaster and contributed to the continuous availability of funding, which in
the majority of cases was not perceived as a constraint by programme managers.
It enabled a relatively rapid deployment of expertise and early start of
project implementation.
Up until May
2006, 96% of the advances were replenished. Replenishment occurred on average
three weeks after the SFERA advance, though it took up to five months when the
transfer of funds from the donor was particularly delayed.
However, the Fund’s accounting processes
remain complex, manual and ad hoc, processes. The processes to account for
advances and their reimbursement are time-consuming and entirely based on hard
copy journals and spreadsheets. Besides,
is used to support a wide range of emergency programmes (tsunami, avian flu,
etc.). However, the particular disaster to which a particular project budget is
earmarked is currently not coded in the accounting system.
As a result, TCE
has to rely on manually-maintained spreadsheets to account for the use of SFERA
funds. One of the reasons for this is that the way TCE uses the Fund has evolved over and beyond its original
scope to serve as a means of channelling donor contributions that do not
require detailed project proposals and budgets in advance. The Fund’s
operational model and its accounting and reporting requirements would first
need to be finalized before the accounting system can be automated.
4. Monitoring of the response
Overall and in
spite of exceptions mentioned below, the FAO tsunami response was not
sufficiently monitored, and this weakness contributed to a number of problems
not being picked up soon enough.
In Sri Lanka,
the second RTE mission (November 2005) identified a need to monitor the FAO
tsunami response more closely than was the case until then, not only
technically but also in terms of beneficiary satisfaction. This was
particularly important since the partner in charge of boat repairs (Cey-Nor)
was awarded the work without a competitive process and tended to operate in a
non-transparent manner.
In Indonesia,
the programme set up formal monitoring processes in the agriculture sector
only. The general principle was to request FAO implementing partners (NGOs and
more recently decentralize governments) to produce two progress reports for
each operation: one post-distribution report describing the beneficiary
selection and distribution process, and one final report summarizing the
results of post distribution surveys of beneficiary satisfaction and outcomes.
The RTE reviewed a cross section of such reports and found them of generally
good – if uneven – quality, the unevenness reflecting the wide variety of
The beneficiary
surveys could have generated more useful findings, had they been entrusted to a
group of professional surveyors. Requesting implementation partners to collect
such data entails loss of data quality (implementation partners often lack the
expertise to collect and analyze such data) as well as a conflict of interest
(implementing partners have little interest in reporting low satisfaction
rates). However, the agriculture team in Indonesia must be commended for
collecting outcome data and for using this data in analyzing problems and
sources of dissatisfaction so as to improve their performance. The fisheries
team should have done better, e.g. develop a log book on which to record
catches and expenses incurred by the beneficiaries of the distributed boats in
order to gauge programme outcomes.
In the Maldives, most activities did
not require much regular monitoring, a good thing since the capacity for
ongoing monitoring at the island level was limited. However, an independent
survey of programme beneficiaries could have been useful to identify mismatches
between the offer of assistance and the needs of assisted communities.
In Thailand,
the programme’s outputs, beneficiaries and outcomes were very closely monitored
and amply reported to all partners, not through a structured M&E system but
by way of frequent field visits by national and international consultants and
good process documentation. Frequent adjustments to the programme
implementation approach were introduced following feedback gathered through
such monitoring missions.
5. Reporting to donors
The donor
representatives met by the RTE missions were generally satisfied with the
degree to which they have been kept informed about the progress of the
activities they funded. The channels used were however often informal, through
meetings and short, ad hoc interim
reports. Formal progress or final reports started to be prepared towards May
and June 2006, i.e. at the tail-end of the period reviewed by the RTE. Another
source of information on the programme was provided by quarterly newsletters
produced by the Communication and Reporting Officer in Indonesia.
These newsletters, of excellent quality, could have been produced in other
countries as well and distributed more widely. In addition, two monitoring
missions by the FAO Liaison Office in Japan (LOJA) were fielded in November
2005 in Indonesia,
Sri Lanka
and the Maldives,
and acted largely on behalf of the donor.
time-consuming step in producing project reports was in deciding which part of
the input packages delivered by FAO was purchased with funds from which
particular project, since funds from various related projects are often pulled
together to purchase a particular input package. Such a programme approach to
procurement is certainly a good thing, but it creates difficulties when trying
to report to donors about what particular items their funds have served to
procure. The simplest, easiest and most transparent solution to this problem
was to report to donors on a programme basis rather than project by project,
explaining that their individual contributions served to fund x % of the total
programme. This approach has been adopted in Sri Lanka and in the Maldives. Along
the same lines, an overall report for all Japanese-funded projects funded
through the Flash Appeal was issued in June 2006.[24]
In the past, donors often insisted on detailed, project-by-project reporting
but things appear to be changing, as illustrated by widespread donor agreement
with the new approach of the FAO Evaluation Service to evaluate programmes like
the tsunami response as a whole rather than through individual project
Part IV – Operational Capacity and Efficiency
This section of the report reviews the issue of the
FAO operational capacity in some detail. The issue has been highlighted in
previous evaluations of FAO’s emergency activities, and it emerged once again
during the three evaluation missions of the RTE as an important and lasting
problem, repeatedly identified by staff, consultants and partners alike as the
main weakness in the FAO tsunami response. Rather than contenting itself with
general statements about the insufficient FAO’s operational capacities in
emergencies, the RTE resorted to analyse carefully a number of case studies
based on feedback from the field and a desk study conducted at headquarters,
with a view to locate precisely where the main bottlenecks lie in the chain of
operational processes and propose specific and practical ways of making
progress. This section presents the main conclusions from this analysis, and illustrates
them with a few examples drawn from case studies.
1. Human resource management
Deployment of staff during phase 1 and phase 2 of
the chronology defined on p.3 was relatively rapid: Emergency Coordinators and
other key staff were dispatched to the region by early January. It was during
subsequent phases that most problems occurred:
Mandatory breaks in contract for national and
international consultants and short-term staff contribute to a continuous
turnover and consume time and resources unnecessarily. Even though waivers are
routinely asked and generally granted, the preparation and processing of these
waivers take an inordinate amount of time.
There was not enough logistical or administrative
capacity positioned at the field level, and a lack of senior FAO staff presence in the field. Other UN organizations
deployed very senior operational and technical staff for long periods of time;
instead, FAO tended to resort to hiring technical consultants and backstop them
through numerous missions from headquarters, a system that has shown its
As a result of the above, technical consultants were
asked to perform too many tasks: formulate and manage projects, manage project
procedures they were not familiar with, facilitate sectoral coordination which
in itself requires proper skills and experiences, and of course provide
technical assistance to FAO and its partners. Administrative tasks took
precedence over technical assistance.
While an ample number of national consultants were
hired to supervise the programme in Sri Lanka and in Thailand,
recruitment of national consultants was slower in Indonesia, leaving the
international staff under higher pressure than necessary and with limited local
contacts. A key factor here was probably the insufficiently attractive
conditions offered by FAO.
The time and resources currently spent by TCEO to
follow upon personnel matters (up to two-third of Operations Officers’ time by
some accounts) are not sustainable in an emergency operation, when efforts
should be focused on designing and delivering relevant assistance for
livelihoods restoration. In some cases delays in issuing the contract led to
the loss of the desired candidate. In other cases delays in contract renewal
have forced officers to leave their post for a few weeks in the middle of
important assignments.
2. Procurement
The speed in delivery of inputs varied from one
country to the next, in relation with the local organizational set-up, the
procedures adopted, the presence of required goods on local markets or the
degree of competition with other organizations trying to procure the same sorts
of items.
Taking these factors into account, there still seems
to be a clear relationship between the procurement strategy adopted by FAO in a
particular country on the one hand, and the speed of delivery and technical
soundness of items delivered on the other. The comparison between the two
smaller programmes, Thailand
and the Maldives,
is instructive in this regard.
In Thailand,
procurement was overwhelmingly conducted locally by the Regional Office, which
had spending authority of US$100,000[25], and the programme procured faster than in other
countries. Most purchase orders were completed in February and various inputs
could be delivered to beneficiaries as early as March-April 2005, i.e. three to
four months after the disaster[26].
In the Maldives,
items were purchased mainly through purchase orders raised at headquarters, as
many of the selected supplies (e.g. fishing gear, compost) could not be obtained
locally. The procurement process, from the purchase request to the delivery of
the goods to FAO, lasted four months on average, with the first items arriving
in Malé in September 2005. Due to further logistical constraints in the
country, the delivery to final beneficiaries extended over many months, well
into 2006.
In Indonesia
and Sri Lanka,
two procurement missions were fielded from February to April 2005 as soon as
lists of items were identified by TCEO. However, no satisfactory technical
specification and list of suppliers was made available to the procurement
missions before arrival in country, and the missions could not entirely fulfil
their TORs.
In Indonesia,
the majority of the items were purchased in country. However, the Banda Aceh
office faced a particularly complicated situation in that it did not have any
financial autonomy during the whole of 2005.[27] All payments had to be requested through Jakarta, which added
delays to the process. When a second procurement mission was fielded in Banda
Aceh from June to July 2005 with the idea of buying locally, it found out that
FAO had become quite unpopular among local suppliers, who insisted on being
paid on delivery or even in advance. Hence local procurements can only work if
they are coupled with sufficient financial authority decentralised to the
It should be stressed that
the “prime factor” approach followed by FAO rules (tender assessed against either the lowest price or the quickest delivery, as defined in
advance) can lead to suboptimal choices imposed by the rules. In Indonesia, a
large volume of fertilizers was tendered by the procurement mission with a
delivery time set to three weeks, as requested by the technical team in the
field in an attempt to catch the April-May rice planting season. Out of the
three suppliers who responded to the tender, one was prepared to deliver in
three weeks, the second in four weeks and the third in seven weeks. Applying
the “prime factor” rule, the procurement committee awarded the contract to the supplier
with the quickest stated delivery
time although he charged more than the others. Unfortunately this supplier was
not able to deliver the required quantity of fertilizers within the three weeks
limit. Finally it was decided to cancel this contract and re-tender. The
fertilizer was delivered to farmers in September 2005. Perhaps another lesson
from this example is that excessive delivery pressure and expectations may be
counter-productive to a well-planned, orderly and efficient programme. In the
case of Indonesia,
the beneficiary assessments indicated that the distributions of rice seeds
during June - July 2005 came too early
in many instances, as most paddy fields and drainage systems were not yet
rehabilitated. Most of the seed was only planted in September - October 2005.
In Sri Lanka,
some procurement activities were implemented with little regard to
administrative rules in order to save time. The Ministry of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources (MFAR) had insisted on implementing a large boat repair programme
through the parastatal Cey-Nor. Based on a verbal agreement in principle,
Cey-Nor started repairing boats before the signature of any contract with FAO.
When the procurement of spare parts to repair boat engines, contracted to local
private companies, became delayed due to a taxation dispute with the
Government, Cey-Nor resorted to purchasing spare parts on its own without a
contractual arrangement with FAO. The resulting contracting and auditing
wrangle lasted until 2006, and feedback from beneficiaries made evidently clear
that Cey-Nor’s performance should have been monitored more rigorously to ensure
adequate service delivery. However, in retrospect this boat repair activity, by
shortcutting FAO procedures, could be implemented quickly and did contribute to
the speedy recovery of the fisheries sector in Sri Lanka. Repairing boats was
clearly the best technical option in Sri Lanka, and repairing them fast
helped ensure the quick recovery of fisheries based livelihoods.
While the agricultural inputs were all procured
locally from an FAO project in the conflict-stricken North and from other local
suppliers (including from farmers themselves in the case of the livestock
distribution programme), the fishing gear could only be purchased
internationally because national manufacturers were not able to meet the huge
demand for fishing gear after the tsunami in Sri Lanka. The ERCU in Colombo requested a very
large procurement of fishing gear in June 2005, worth about US$2.7 million. The process ran into significant delays after
erroneous technical specifications were attached to the bid invitation.
Correcting this mistake took months and the fishing gear was ultimately
received in Sri Lanka from January to March 2006 with a few items still to be
received as late as June 2006, a year after the country office had requested
them and at a time when most active fishermen had already replaced the fishing
gear lost in the tsunami.
The first lesson to draw from this admittedly
extreme example is that there are quite a number of FAO units involved in
requesting (TCEO in headquarters, ERCU in the field), clearing (Technical
Department at headquarters with input from consultants in the field), issuing
(AFSP), and evaluating (all of the above, PRC) international tenders and bids.
This long chain of actors spread across time zones mechanically generates
lengthy correspondence, slows down communications, and increases risks of
miscommunication. The second lesson is that, if indeed international
procurements are by nature slower than local ones, sometimes they are the only
available option or offer better value for money. However, needs in the field
change quickly, as the affected population is progressively recovering from the
shock through its own efforts and thanks to other aid providers. Therefore,
large international procurements sometimes deliver too late, at a stage when
the equipment might not be needed anymore. Splitting large international
procurements in smaller and quicker-to-produce quantities, specified and ordered
over a period of twelve months on the basis of periodic recovery assessments,
may reduce this risk.
3. Letters of Agreement
Significant delays occurred in the approval of
Letters of Agreement (LoAs)[28] above US$25,000 that could not be approved in the
field (except in Thailand).
The problem was somewhat eased through the increase up to US$100,000 in the
authority granted to the TCE Director.[29] Still in some instances, the approval of LoAs
greatly delayed project implementation, such as the case of seven LoAs prepared
under OSRO/SRL/505/ITA in Sri
Lanka, which works through seven Italian
NGOs to develop 14 “model coastal communities” and promotes Integrated Coastal
Area Management (ICAM) at the community level. The project became operational
in May 2005 and is set to end in April 2007. After a series of PRA studies, an
aid package was designed for each of the community and LoAs prepared with seven
Italian NGOs. The process of drafting and approving the LoAs took over six
months, largely because the activities covered by these LoAs were complex and
multi-sectoral. The documents had to be cleared by numerous technical
divisions. Delays occurred even when TCEO could approve the LoAs (total value
less than US$100,000), due to a long editing and quality control process at
headquarters.[30] Another issue that took some time to clear was the
“tied-aid” aspect, i.e. the requirement that FAO work with Italian NGOs only.
Over and beyond this particular example, it should
be stressed that all NGOs found the FAO LoAs and international bank transfer
procedures unwieldy and overly lengthy. National NGOs were particularly
vulnerable due to their small cash-flow and reduced administrative capacity.
4. Operational capacity in a competitive environment
Finally, the issue of operational capacity needs to
be assessed within the broader context of emergency operations. FAO is not the
only organisation facing the issue of insufficient operational capacity in this
context. The TEC as well as evaluations commissioned by other UN organizations
and NGOs have highlighted the significant operational challenges posed by
post-tsunami reconstruction activities. More generally, operational capacity in
emergency progammes is recognised as an area for improvements.[31] FAO needs to keep pace with this evolution.
Most emergency operations take place in a very fluid
and at times competitive environment. The tsunami generated a massive influx of
private and public funds, and the organizations to which these funds were
entrusted frequently competed with one another for such scarce resources as
qualified national staff, implementation partners, replacement assets from
suppliers, and even beneficiaries.[32] In such an environment, only the most agile
organizations will be in a position to hire sufficient national staff, secure
advantageous deals with suppliers or establish their field presence. For all
sorts of reasons including its legitimate insistence on technical quality and
suitability, FAO may never be as quick-paced and flexible as most NGOs. It
should, however, be expected to keep up with other specialized UN organizations
involved in emergency and reconstruction assistance. In spite of a number of
useful initiatives taken to instil more flexibility in
FAO operational processes,[33] the
Organization’s performance remains unsatisfactory in this regard.
Part V – Working with Partners
1. Operational Partnerships
The main partners
of FAO in its tsunami response were the governments of the affected countries,
donors, NGOs, academic institutes, other UN agencies and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs). The relationship with donors has been briefly
analysed in Part III - sections 3 and 5 above. The current section reviews the
other types of partners and moves on to analysing their relationship(s) with FAO.
Governments of tsunami-affected countries
In all countries
covered by the evaluation, the relationship with the Government was a key
factor in the FAO response. The general approach followed, the content of the
programme and its deliverables, its beneficiary selection processes were
largely influenced by central and, to a lesser extent, decentralized
governments. The extent of this influence depended on the country concerned and
evolved over time. It was probably strongest in Sri Lanka
and the Maldives, with prominent
government roles in defining programme deliverables, selecting beneficiaries
and delivering assistance through line ministries and parastatals.
However, this
strong relationship started unfavourably in Sri Lanka,
where FAO had to manage difficult relations with the ministries of fisheries
and agriculture of the ex-coalition government. The Government initially
resented the fact that most projects had been designed and some already started
by FAO without formal government approval, under the assumption that the
Government had requested and approved the Flash Appeal through which projects
were delineated. There was also a perception in Sri Lanka as a whole and in the
Government in particular that foreign agencies and NGOs were using too much of
their resources to pay for expatriates, offices and cars, and too little to
help tsunami victims. This limited level of trust initially resulted in a lot
of difficulties, notably from the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
(MFAR), including blocking key consultancies and holding project equipment in
customs, at the expense of tsunami-affected fishermen. Relations with
government authorities markedly improved over 2005 and 2006.
influence on the FAO tsunami response was less pronounced in Indonesia,
where the years of conflict, the ensuing peace process and the current
decentralisation policy created an environment where decentralised governments
had to beef up their capacity to take on their new governance role and
participate in reconstruction just after the tsunami had severely hurt their
The initial needs assessment phase saw good collaboration with central
ministries. However, in 2005 FAO delivered its assistance primarily via NGOs,
and communication with line ministries suffered, especially at the national
level. Links existed between the FAOR and the Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta but less so with
other national authorities, which complained that they got little information
on FAO programmes and consultants’ work.
In Aceh, FAO has
worked with the Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction Agency for Aceh and Nias - BRR) since its creation in mid 2005
to set up monthly coordination meetings and various workshops, and made a
number of technical advisors available to BRR. The link between FAO and BRR was
considered to be very valuable by other partners (WB, ADB, NGOs). However, FAO
and BRR implemented their respective programmes independently from one another.
The very fact that BRR started to implement its own rehabilitation programme in
2006 came at the expense of its coordination role, not just for lack of staff
capacity to play both roles, but also because of the potential conflict of
interest between the two functions.
In Thailand,
the Government was formally involved at every stage of the programme through a
Steering Committee regrouping various departments of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) and FAO. FAO retained control over key
steps of the response, for instance approving the lists of beneficiaries in
final instance. Provincial governments played an important role in beneficiary
selection, input distribution and follow up.
Non-Governmental and Community-Based Organizations
TCEO routinely delivers much of its assistance through NGOs. In the
tsunami response, the intensity of the relationship with NGOs could be
characterised as inversely proportional to the strength of the relationship
with the Government. In Sri Lanka and the Maldives,
little role in delivery was left to non-state actors such as fishers'
cooperatives or NGOs. In Indonesia,
most of the FAO programme was implemented in partnership with national and
international NGOs, at least in 2005. The involvement of decentralised
governments increased in 2006. The Indonesia programme was also
noteworthy in its efforts to work with traditional organisations and CBOs (Box 2). For
procedural reasons, entering into direct partnerships with small, informal
organisations proved difficult and the Organization finally resorted to work
with traditional organisations and CBOs via the conduit of registered and
well-established NGOs.
Thailand once again
presented a fairly balanced situation, with national NGOs initially acting as a
“watchdog” in the beneficiary selection process managed by village headmen and
sub-district administrators. This paved the way for a more active involvement
of national NGOs and greater use of existing social capital during subsequent
phases of the response, for instance working with fishers’ cooperatives to
deliver engines under a revolving fund mechanism, implemented through NGOs of
the Save the Adaman Network (SAN). The cooperation between FAO, the Government,
donor-funded projects such as CHARM, NGOs and cooperatives was described as
innovative by national ministry officials.
Overall, FAO
tended to work more with national NGOs than with international ones, including
in Indonesia.
However, the decision to opt for local or international NGOs was largely made
pragmatically on a case-by-case basis, depending on the capacity and interest
of international and national NGOs to work with FAO. International NGOs
presented some advantages over national ones (contracting, reporting and
management capacity, cash flow, capacity to advance, complement or repair FAO's
assistance), but also some weaknesses (limited knowledge of the local context,
weak link with communities and leaders, short-term presence and insufficient
commitment to follow up on activities).
Academic and research institutes
Interestingly, quite a
number of educational and research institutions participated in the FAO
response in one way or another, mainly in providing for training, surveys and
studies, but also in the provision of seed from provincial research centers in
Sri Lanka and in helping iron out the selection of boat beneficiaries in
Indonesia. The main academic institutions involved were:
- Thailand: the Coastal Development Center and the Faculty of Forestry of the Kasetsart University, the Prince of Songkra University and the Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific (NACA) provided trainings and conducted damage and recovery studies.
- Sri Lanka: the Horticulture Research and Development Institute (HORDI) in the Department of Agriculture helped with salinity testing. Numerous decentralized agriculture research centers provided seeds and technical support.
- Indonesia: the Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah (SUPM, Fisheries High School) located near Banda Aceh, reviewed all the boat beneficiary lists produced by NGOs, Panglima Laot and government officials with a view to verify, consolidate and finalize them. The local Universitas Syiah Kuala was also an important partner involved in training and surveys, and NACA backstopped the aquaculture rehabilitation programme.
- The Maldives: the Faculty of Engineering and Technology helped develop the FRP training curriculum.
These varied involvements were well received by the respective
governments and communities, and testify to the growing importance of technical
and policy support in the FAO tsunami response. Use of local capacity –
supplemented by foreign expertise as and when necessary – was not only
cost-effective in the short term, it may also prove to be the best way to build
up local disaster mitigation capacity over the longer term through
Other UN agencies and IFIs
Cooperation with
other UN agencies such as UNOCHA or UNDP was significant in Sri Lanka and in
Thailand but was found to be weaker in Indonesia, where FAO opted to develop a
close relationship with the BRR created by the Government to coordinate
reconstruction and rehabilitation activities in Aceh and Nias, and did not
participate sufficiently in UN-led coordination forums. As a result, the
Organization did not develop operational partnerships with other UN
organizations in Aceh, though the situation appeared better in Nias Island.
More is said in the next section about the importance for FAO of participating
in cross-sectoral, district-level coordination forums led by decentralized
governments and other UN organizations.
The main area of cooperation with IFIs (World Bank, IFAD and the ADB)
was through the participation of the FAO Investment Center (TCI) in the
development of recovery strategies in Sri Lanka and Indonesia and
of investment programmes for IFIs in Indonesia and the Maldives.
Potential for more strategic partnerships
FAO managed to
forge partnerships with a wide array of stakeholders and organisations for the
purpose of implementing its tsunami response. The proven capacity of the
Organization to relate and work with a wide range of state and non-state actors
at local, national and global levels is striking, even though its contractual
arrangements may need substantial adjustments to make better use of this
potential strength.
The question
arises therefore of whether FAO shouldn’t try to forge partnerships on broader
issues of importance for all actors. Over and above the narrow needs of
programme implementation, there might be an opportunity for more strategic
partnerships with the civil society in particular, leveraging the credibility
of the Organization to advocate technically, socially and environmentally sound
practice by all stakeholders. To a limited extent, such a role was achieved
through sectoral coordination.
2. Coordination with a broader set of partners
Support to sectoral coordination
Coordination of
emergency and early rehabilitation assistance in the agriculture sector has
been a classic function for FAO since at least the Rwanda emergency programme in the
mid 1990’s. In the tsunami response, some governments – notably the Government
of Indonesia and the provincial government of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) –
as well as a few donors such as Norway
expected FAO to play a strong coordination role in fisheries and agriculture.
The need for coordination was felt by all, as the tsunami disaster generated a
massive influx of private and public funds and hundreds of NGOs, private sector
organisations, donors and agencies quickly crowded the affected coastline. The
multiplicity of players, especially in Sri Lanka and Indonesia, as
well as their lack of habit of cooperating made it very difficult from the
onset. Developing and maintaining links with them, and establishing credibility
as a capable and impartial technical agency succeeded in instances; however, at
times FAO appeared to compete with international NGOs especially when looking
for implementation partners for delivery of relief items.
The extent of
coordination support provided by FAO and its success varied significantly from
one country to another, according to the context, the experience and interest
of the Emergency Coordinator, as well as the resources available. Not too
surprisingly, government officials, donors and colleagues also had their vision
of what FAO should do. At times, it matched what FAO was doing, at times, it
did not and there has been disappointment.
In Sri Lanka,
FAO helped the Government organise monthly meetings open to all stakeholders at
the national level as early as March 2005, in an attempt to orchestrate efforts
toward appropriate, effective and coherent delivery of assets in fisheries and
agriculture. Strongly supported by the Government and widely appreciated by key
actors, FAO’s ambitious attempt in Sri Lanka achieved good visibility
but nevertheless failed to bring much order to the overall tsunami recovery
efforts of all stakeholders and to control excessive delivery of fishing
assets. In Indonesia,
the FAO efforts towards coordination were deemed to be useful and the link with
BRR was appreciated by IFIs and NGOs, but these efforts were not regular and
limited in their outreach (few NGOs participated in meetings). As for Thailand,
until recently, FAO coordination efforts were mostly limited to working
harmoniously with the Government.
Participation in local coordination forums
FAO played a
significant role in helping the respective governments coordinate the
post-tsunami rehabilitation at the central level (Colombo, Aceh), but its role
in supporting coordination forums at the local level (district, region, etc.)
was less convincing, and only attempted in Sri Lanka where some level of
district-level presence was achieved. In Indonesia, FAO tended to perceive
the UNORC-supported thematic and area-based coordination forums at the
provincial and district levels as redundant rather than complementary with
BRR-led and FAO-supported sectoral forums. The lack of FAO presence at the
district level also constrained its capacity to participate in district-level
coordination forums supported by UNORC and chaired by local authorities.
Achievements against various coordination objectives
One of the
difficulties in analysing this issue is that coordination is a loose and broad
term. Generally defined as “working together harmoniously”, it is subject to varied
interpretations and expectations. The conceptual framework described in Box 3 makes a useful
distinction between four different levels of coordination, each more demanding
but also potentially more rewarding than the previous one.
At the first level (information sharing), FAO
attempted to facilitate the exchange of information and views between donors,
the Government and NGOs in all RTE countries. In that, it used a comparative
advantage derived from its neutrality and capacity to act as a mediator between
state and non-state actors, in what often amounts to a difficult balancing act.
On the second
level (support harmonious yet autonomous decision making), FAO played a
significant role in Sri
Lanka and Indonesia. It advocated for good
quality boat construction so as to avoid the delivery of unsafe boats, alerted
the respective governments and other actors delivering fishing assets of the
risk of rebuilding an excessive fishing capacity, mapped boat and fishing gear
delivery and plans so as to re-orient actors towards geographic areas with
lesser levels of support, and supported the development of medium and
longer-term rehabilitation and development strategies, master plans and
programmes for the fisheries and agriculture sector. These messages and
strategies were largely relayed through the national coordination forums set up
by the government and FAO, as well as by the national and sometimes
international media. The RTE is not in a position to conclude whether or not
these efforts made or will make a significant difference in respective
programmes of all the actors involved and ultimately at the community level,
but the appeared generally well focussed and quite relevant in a context
characterized in the TEC thematic report on coordination as “the chaos created
by the multiplicity of players in Sri Lanka and Indonesia”.[35]
On the third level (monitor,
streamline and re-orient the work of all partners) FAO was expected by some in Sri Lanka, and
to a lesser extent Indonesia,
to help streamline the activities of NGOs and other actors in the fisheries,
agricultural and forestry sectors. The most substantial effort in this
direction was witnessed in the fisheries sector in Sri Lanka, where the Government
attempted to develop a central system for beneficiary registration and set up a
comprehensive beneficiary database.[36]
The teams in charge of early damage assessments at the district level
(“District Disaster Committees” composed of the MP of the area and other
district officials) issued beneficiary lists, based on which “entitlement
cards” were later issued by the central MFAR. These entitlement cards should
have allowed all the various implementing partners to check whether someone had
already received a given type of assistance. FAO worked through this system and
supported its implementation at the district level through the collection of
NGOs’ beneficiary lists.
The system was plagued by a
number of problems. There was no formal mechanism for contesting the list of
beneficiaries and decisions in this regard were left to the discretion of the
district fisheries inspectors. Several NGOs and even the National Development
Bank disregarded a system that they perceived as tainted by bribery and
politically manipulated. As a result of this ambitious but unsuccessful
coordination attempt, significant duplications and overlaps occurred between
agencies and many non-fishers received fishing gear.[37]
Whether one
should expect an agency like FAO to effectively contribute to coordination on
the “third level” (monitor, streamline and re-orient the work of all partners)
is open to question. FAO was and is dealing with a multitude of participants
over whom it has no authority. Such a role appears the prerogative of the host
government, but ministries or governmental coordinating agencies were not
always in a position to get the level of cooperation required even from
governmental institutions operating their own relief programmes. Harmonizing
the activities of hundreds of NGOs and charitable organisations, who all had
their own donors and independent interventions, represented an insurmountable task. Whether NGOs should be
better regulated other than voluntarily is also debatable since independence is
one of their major strengths.
However, FAO
could have enhanced its coordination role by more consistently providing
reliable information not otherwise available (aid tracking and recovery
monitoring). In Sri Lanka,
the lack of consistency between some recovery studies may have weakened FAO’s
Survey methodologies should have been communicated more explicitly and
potential biases identified when communicating the results. FAO could also have
done more to promote the transparency, integrity and credibility of the central
fisheries beneficiary registration system, rather than limiting its support to
technical aspects.
achievement against the fourth level (joint endeavours) fell in the category of
programmatic partnerships, reviewed in section 1 above. It goes without saying
that such joint endeavours benefited and often stemmed directly from
information sharing and other coordination efforts. In turn, FAO implementing
partners seem to have attended coordination meetings more consistently than
other actors.
Part VI – Quality, Adequacy and Impact of the FAO Tsunami Response
1. Beneficiary selection
Equity vs. capacity
By definition, activities that consist in the
replacement of lost individual assets lend themselves to helping the relatively
better-off segments of society, i.e. those who owned those assets in the first
place before the disaster (land owners, boat owners, etc.). This issue was
insufficiently recognised in project documentation. Asset replacement projects
typically pursue two distinct and at times conflicting objectives: rebuild the
economy rapidly and efficiently, which calls for helping good, established
asset managers, and help the most vulnerable segments of society overcome the
disaster, under the assumption that the better-off can take care of themselves.
In practice, FAO generally supported both small and large fishermen and farmers
affected by the tsunami, with significant variations.[39] However, this could become a more explicit
two-pronged strategy implemented more coherently throughout countries and
projects if the tension between the two objectives was more clearly analysed,
recognised and communicated.
There are valid arguments in support of both
objectives. On the one hand, a bias in favour of established asset managers is
often unavoidable, as was the case in boat replacement and the distribution of
fish processing equipment in Indonesia.
Both deep sea fishing and fish processing are competitive and specialised
activities which require skills, experience, knowledge and working capital. In
the case of deep sea fishing, the profession is often transmitted from father
to sons and, in that of fish processing, from mothers to daughters. In such
instances, experience entrepreneurs are more likely than inexperienced ones to
successfully run their business and create jobs. Supporting only the poor, who
often lack the experience in managing complex assets but rely on employment and
family transfers to make a living, may therefore prove counterproductive. On
the other hand, the better-off often enjoy greater access to credit, formal or
informal, and/or may have retained sufficient resources to rebuild their
business by themselves. Excluding vulnerable households may lead to elite
capture and entrench pre-existing inequalities.[40]
On this admittedly complex issue, the RTE has argued
that the Millennium Development Goals to which the Organization has subscribed
require an attempt to reach out to the poor and to try and include them in its
programmes together with established asset managers, even if at times this
could mean donating to the poor assets that they may not have possessed before
the disaster. The goal should be to reconstruct sustainable livelihoods, and
not necessarily pre-existing ones. In this sense, there is a ‘fitness for
purpose’ dimension to reconstruction. Well-targeted livelihoods diversification
activities can be advisable when coming back to previous practices is
impossible or unadvisable, or when Government or communities themselves react
to the disaster by establishing more secure, sustainable and diversified
livelihoods. If this is the case, the capacity
to properly manage the donated asset becomes more important than the ownership of the asset prior to the
Another important consideration is whether asset
distributions are perceived as fair locally, at the district and village levels
where they have the greatest potential for creating tensions.[41] In this respect, a few useful lessons can be drawn
from FAO post-tsunami operations.
Distributions and redistributions
In the agricultural sector, the RTE observed a
general tendency by communities to spread the assistance further than intended
in project documents, i.e. to share those predefined packages that were easy to
split (seed, fertilizer) with a larger group of beneficiaries than intended by
the programme, sometimes in full consultation with FAO and its implementation
partners, and sometimes not. Interviewed communities explained that they did so
in order to avoid the social tensions that would always result from a
distribution to only some of the tsunami victims in a community, or in some
cases, to take care of the discrepancies between the standard package offered
and the variety of land areas cropped by beneficiaries. Some large assets (e.g. tractors, cows) were
not easy to share, but even in such cases, some communities opted for
collective ownership of the assets, again as a way to reduce conflicts. The
case of the hand-tractors distributed in Indonesia is a typical example.
The RTE concluded that input redistributions among
villagers are a positive thing as long as they are voluntary and help correct
disparities between the supply and the demand for assets. They should not be
seen as a problem but as the solution to a problem, i.e. the difficulty to give
to all those who need assistance. Such redistributions increase the number of
beneficiaries and reduce conflicts, but obviously decrease the amount of assets
each beneficiary receives. Using the sustainable livelihoods conceptual
framework, one could say that the distribution of physical assets put the
social capital of benefiting communities to test. Such distributions can
threaten social cohesion, and communities have to tap into their social capital
to manage them.
The RTE did witness one case of more competitive
beneficiary selections in the agriculture sector, in a peri-urban setting in
Indonesia, where the need to pay high rental fees for land, amongst other
competitive pressures, acted as a disincentive to the wider sharing of
vegetable seed among beneficiaries.
In the fisheries sector, beneficiary selection
proved on average more contentious and difficult than in the agriculture
sector. Redistributions were only rarely witnessed among fishermen, and
interviewed fishers in all countries tended to be more argumentative than
farmers about the programme and its beneficiary selection processes. It appears
that the process to arrive at beneficiaries lists for boats in Indonesia was
rather contentious. FAO had to set up a team from a local fisheries school,
SUPM, to verify and crosscheck all the beneficiary lists prepared by the NGOs,
local officials and the Panglima Laot. In Sri Lanka, interviewed boat owners
were quite vocal in denouncing cases of favouritism in the distribution of
resin and matting for boat repair.
A primary reason was that the sort of items
distributed (boats, engines) could not be divided or shared with a large number
of people. Even when items were by nature sharable – fishing gear and fish
processing equipment – the tendency was for beneficiaries to keep all their
entitlement, and/or barter or sell their excess gear rather than donate them.
In Indonesia,
fish processing equipment was not redistributed to the larger group of
processor beneficiaries, probably because this particular business can be quite
competitive, with competition among processors for a limited supply of fish,
for physical space on the beach necessary to dry fish, and for marketing
Other factors contributed to this contrast between
the two sectors:
- FAO has a long-standing experience with agricultural emergencies, including prior to the tsunami in Sri Lanka;
- the importance of the damage was more limited – and the rehabilitation response usually simpler – in agriculture than in fisheries;
- expectations for assistance – and opportunities to earn cash quickly with a restored production capacity – were also much higher among fishers than among farmers, hence the greater frustration when expectations were not met;
- the value of the distributed packages tended to be higher in fisheries than in agriculture;
- the intrusion in fisheries reconstruction of political considerations in choices which should have been mostly technical or social; and
- the number of key actors involved in the response to the disaster was very large in fisheries, hence a more chaotic beneficiary selection process, while FAO was the main if not the only agency distributing a large number of assets to farming communities at least during 2005.
In conclusion on this subject, the tendency to share
or redistribute assets was limited to
assets contributing to the reconstruction of self-subsistence activities
(paddy, small scale vegetable production, and to a certain extent livestock)
but applied much less to commercial and
competitive domains (commercial vegetable production, fish drying, and to a
lesser extent boats and fishing gear). In the latter cases, the tendency for
elite capture was harder to resist.
Gender and cultural minorities in beneficiary selection
Women’s livelihoods did not receive the attention
they deserved at the very beginning of the FAO response, largely because most
of the damage was in the fisheries sector and the focus FAO chose – defined
primarily by its recognised technical competences – was on repairing or
replacing boats and gear for fishermen.
Fishing is typically a male activity in the four countries surveyed, and an
important argument at the outset was that fishing activity would create early
income and help ‘kick-start’ local economies.
There was some moderate progress during 2005.
Nutritional training in Sri
Lanka reached 2,000 beneficiaries, almost
all of whom women. Support was provided to Indonesian fish dryers, 30% of them
female. In the agricultural sector, the women met by the RTE missions
considered they had received their due share of assistance. Widows have
systematically been included as input beneficiaries for staple crops and women
constitute an important proportion of beneficiaries whenever cash crops are
concerned (fruits and vegetables in the Maldives and Indonesia,
hydroponics culture in Thailand,
home gardens in Sri Lanka).
Whenever a PRA study was carried out, the need to reach women was always taken
into consideration.
The RTE concludes that a case can be made for
recognising more clearly the different gender roles and adjust the type and
timing of interventions to ensure not just inclusion of women for the sake of
inclusion, but effective support and impact at the household and micro-economic
level, building human, social and technical capacity across market chains.
terms of equity toward ethnic minorities, Sri Lanka represented the most
critical situation, with various cultural groups such
as Tamil, Muslim and Sinhalese living side by side along some portions of the
affected cost, notably in the East. The long-standing
conflict in the North, where FAO was also operating, complicated matters
further. FAO spared no efforts to assist communities affected by the tsunami in
the South, East and North of the country in a balanced and culturally-sensitive
Similarly in Thailand, the programme equally
assisted affected Buddhist and Muslims communities, and extended assistance to
Mogen (so-called “sea gypsies”) fishing communities around Phuket.
2. Impacts on the restoration of livelihoods
Overall, the FAO tsunami response assisted an
estimated 110,000 farming and fishing households affected
by the tsunami (approximately
500,000 people) through various assets distributions as well as through capacity
building, coordination and technical assistance. Table 4 above summarizes the
outreach and impact of the physical assets delivered by FAO, based on
Beneficiary Assessment results. This section further examines impact on
livelihoods reconstruction in the fisheries and agriculture sectors.[42]
Fisheries livelihoods
Overall, the RTE concludes that the fisheries
programme was more effective in Sri Lanka
than in other countries in the sample, mainly for reasons of timeliness.
However, it was also the most contentious. Key responses such as support to the
boat repair programme of Cey-Nor were provided very early by short-cutting
FAO’s procedures. This created complex accounting issues, but it may have been
the price to pay for contributing significantly to the reconstruction of
fishing capacity. There were a number of other problems as well: a beneficiary
selection process which tended to be politically influenced; a lack of quality
spare parts for the repair of boat engines; and a much-delayed procurement of
fishing gear, mainly distributed in 2006 at a stage when other agents had
supplied an abundance of gear (Figure 4 overleaf). The latter point came in
contravention of FAO’s own global position on responsible fishing and local
advocacy against the creation of excessive fishing capacity.
In spite of these drawbacks however, it is clear
that FAO contributed significantly to the recovery of the fisheries sector in Sri Lanka.
The same statement cannot
yet be made in the case of Indonesia,
in spite of useful contributions such as the training in boatbuilding and the
improvements brought to traditional boat designs. NGOs are increasingly
adopting the FAO designs for their own construction work, and though the FAO
boat designs may not be used as standards by private boatyards in the future,
the latter are likely to incorporate various modifications and improvements
from them.
However, these sorts of
impacts stemming from technical assistance will take time to materialize, and
short-term impacts derived from the delivery of physical assets are likely to
remain modest, as the Indonesia
fisheries programme was clearly less efficient in producing boats or
distributing fishing gear by itself than it was at teaching others how to do
it. Deliverables in the fisheries sector were few and late and came at a prohibitively
high transaction cost.
To be fair, Indonesia
presented a much more difficult context than Sri Lanka, from the points of view
of logistics, local institution’s capacity and language. The boat building
techniques also differed: Fibre-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) technology had been
widely adopted in Sri Lanka
for decades, and allowed for relatively quick and inexpensive repair of hulls.
In this context, FAO opted to repair boats rather than construct new ones as
all other partners were doing. That proved a good decision, the key to a
relatively fast, large-scale, and successful remobilisation for all parts of
the fleet. In Aceh, Indonesia, almost all boats are
built in wood, and introducing FRP more widely would have added further
difficulty in restoring capacity. FAO decided to focus on constructing new
wooden boats, a much slower process than repairing FRP boats. The supply of
timber from sustainable sources became an issue. Design changes were also
introduced after the signing of boat building contracts. These were useful from
a technical standpoint but necessitated a renegotiation of all contracts and a
decrease in the number of boat to be built.
In aquaculture, construction work, albeit not to ideal standards, was useful in restoring production capacity in Aceh. Attempts to build local capacity in hatchery production and support services are potentially valuable, as is the technical guidance on fish pond reconstruction and management principles. However, this guidance needs to be developed around local extensive practices to a larger extent than is currently the case, and taken up more convincingly by partners such as BRR and ADB. In fish processing, the delivery of very basic materials such as boiling pans and drying racks has helped in restarting economic activity when and where the fish supply was available.
In Thailand,
the focus on providing well-sourced timber for boat owners to carry out their
own repairs proved to be effective. The response was very timely and
efficiently delivered, but impact in the fisheries sector suffered at least
initially from incorrect asset specifications and in the case of aquaculture,
high sea bass seed mortality rates.
Input specifications and adequacy in meeting
beneficiaries’ requirements have also been a problem elsewhere, especially for
fishing gear which can vary significantly within a given country. In most
cases, the beneficiaries adapted the donated materials themselves, sometimes at
significant cost. International NGOs were also able to complement FAO inputs since
they had access to other sources of funds. This said, fishing techniques of
tsunami-affected communities could have been studied in greater detail in Indonesia –
particularly on the West coast and Nias
Island – and to a lesser
extent in Thailand.
The case of Sri Lanka
where the gear was largely adequate technically illustrates the importance of
working with seasoned international and national staff with a good grasp of
local fishing techniques.
In the Maldives,
the fisheries sector largely recovered by itself, with boat owners undertaking
most of the boat and engine repairs. The option to use donated fishing gear to
compensate owners of large dhoni
boats who had repaired their boats themselves was found to be not
cost-effective: recipients had to sell the received gear, which in most cases
meant that gear painstakingly transported to dozens of islands by FAO had to be
shipped back to Malé by the beneficiaries in order to be sold there. This
option was clearly a result of accepting an in-kind donation defined on the
basis of insufficient damage data, and then trying to make the best possible
use of it in the face of emerging needs. The replacement of traditional wooden bokkharas (small multi-purpose boats)
with a new FRP design, with construction skills imparted locally, was well
appreciated and reasonably effective, especially the design aspect, but it is
too early to tell whether it will have a significant impact on fishing vessels
and catches.
Agriculture livelihoods
The overall picture that emerges in the agriculture
sector is one of effective distributions of appropriate items. With the
exception of Indonesia,
the damage in the agriculture sector was much less severe than in the fisheries
sector, and hence the task at hand was less difficult. In Sri Lanka for
instance, it was reported that FAO could assist almost
all affected farmers in one way or
In Indonesia,
hand tractors, fruit trees and fertiliser were all widely appreciated. The
quality of the distributed seed was sometimes an issue, with high moisture
contents in air-tight packaging leading to low germination rates (rice,
groundnut). The rice varieties were appropriate but for a number of reasons
(presence of flooded conditions or debris in affected paddy fields,
distributions poorly timed against planting seasons, availability of
cash-for-work or other employment opportunities, and availability of food aid
in Indonesia
as late as March 2006[43]) were not always used by the beneficiaries as and
when intended. Some rice seed initially distributed along the east coast also
failed to grow in water-logged fields.
Indeed, a significant gap in the FAO agriculture
programme in Aceh concerned the physical rehabilitation of coastal paddy
fields. Initial needs assessments identified the issue of deposits in coastal
paddy fields and clogging of irrigation and drainage systems as an important
area of concern and need. However, RTE field visits and beneficiary assessments
indicated that the issues of field rehabilitation and drainage were not
sufficiently addressed. It took an inordinate amount of time to debate whether
the Organization could afford to contract small, informal organisations to
implement cash-for-work projects to clear fields of debris and repair drainage
channels, as proposed by the field. Once the cash-for-work modalities were
agreed upon, they were tested on 380 ha in two sites near Banda Aceh. These two
experiences were only partial successes, for reasons analysed in Box 2 p.27. The experiment did not go any further. Much
coastal irrigation and drainage infrastructure along the west coast of Aceh
were still in need of rehabilitation during the third RTE mission in mid-2006,
which reduced the impact of the FAO rice seed distribution.
Similarly, the effects of the tsunami on soil
salinity have been studied in one district by the Indonesian SPFS, but more
concerted and systematic research could have been useful to assess the
evolution of salinity in the field. The electric conductivity meters handed out
to district MoA staff were
only sporadically used.
These considerations apply to Sri Lanka
as well but to a lesser degree, as drainage systems were less severely damaged
than in Aceh. The agricultural inputs distributed in the South and the West
coasts have allowed for the early resumption of agriculture and horticulture
production. The offer of assets and services has widened recently with the
provision of simple and short training on crop management or animal husbandry
and this was well received. The rice varieties distributed for the last maha season were locally adapted and
tolerant to salinity and they seem to have produced good yields in most cases,
probably thanks to the associated distribution of fertilizer. Similarly, there
does not appear to be any major problem in the distributed varieties for
vegetable crops and other field crops. However, the suitability of the cattle
breed distributed (Jersey crossbred) may be an issue, as previous experiences
by the SPFS on distribution of Jersey crossbreds in warm coastal areas have not
been positive.
In Thailand,
the positive effect of the soil reclamation inputs (gypsum, organic fertiliser)
on soil salinity was confirmed by interviewed beneficiaries. The distributed
300 kg of animal feed per beneficiary allowed for 10 buffaloes to be fed for a
period of one month to one month and a half in the three-month dry season when
much grass had been burnt by the salt. Though it will take four to seven years
for the impact of the distributed tree seedlings to be seen, these inputs were
well appreciated as returns are potentially very positive. The nethouses and
hydroponic units distributed later in the response are more complex items and
their profitability is not yet assured. Progress has been made in reducing
production costs, but less so in accessing the intended high-end tourism
industry market. Another core problem is the high capital cost of the
hydroponic units. Recipients of these systems will be able to derive continued
benefits until major capital replacement is required. However, they could not
afford to replace their unit or expand their production. Further training and
strict monitoring will be required well after the project period, and the role
of agricultural extension in support of these technologies will be important.
In the Maldives,
the tasks were in many ways more complex and challenging, not least because of
the potentially hostile environmental conditions for transporting plant
materials. The large delivery achieved in such conditions is a tribute to the
FAO and MFAMR delivery teams, but was not always matched by the ability of
recipients to use the delivered items. The agricultural kit seemed to contain
far more cuttings and trees than was necessary for a single homestead garden,
at least for some species (chilli, sweet potato), leading to part of the kits
not being used. In some instances, communities explained that they did not need
all of the packages distributed to them. Those beneficiaries who could use most
of their kit are facing marketing problems at harvest time. Most islands are
sparsely populated and cannot absorb a significant surplus. The Malé market is
far away, and resorts typically rely on imports rather than on local
agricultural produces.
3. Impact on natural resources
This section concerns mainly the fisheries (capture
fisheries and aquaculture) and the forestry sectors, as there is no major natural
resource issue in agriculture.
Fisheries sector
The fishing gear distributed by FAO was generally in
accordance with sustainable fishing practices and should not lead to serious
problems. The FAO aquaculture rehabilitation programme in Aceh focussed on the
reconstruction of pre-existing fish pounds in areas outside the green belt
instituted by the Government. This careful approach was appropriate.
More broadly speaking, much has been said about the
likely negative impact on fish stocks of excessive fishing capacity created by
the great amount of gear distribution and boat building by all actors that
followed the tsunami. A recovery assessment in Sri Lanka indicates that there are
already more boats in the country than before the tsunami, particularly small
boats donated in large number by NGOs. The early availability of small boats,
combined with the shortage of expensive high-sea fishing gear in 2005, seem to
have temporarily resulted in excessive and destructive rock fishing of lobster
in some inshore areas, as lobster nets are relatively inexpensive.
Similarly along the Andaman coast in Thailand, the
number of small fishing boats and the average fishing capacity of each boat now
seem to exceed pre-tsunami levels. In Indonesia, boat construction is
taking longer, but indications are that pre-tsunami levels of fishing capacity
will be exceeded if all boat construction projects are implemented as planned.
Maximum targets for new boat construction have been issued by FAO and the BRR
to try and prevent or control this outcome.
However, one may not assume a linear relationship
between fishing capacity and fishing effort. Boats and gear have first to be used
by their beneficiaries before they translate into an actual fishing effort. In Sri Lanka, it
is estimated that from 15 to 20% of all small boats (traditional crafts and
19-footers) repaired and replaced by all actors so far are unusable because of
faulty design or poor repair. The mission observed a large number of idle small
boats along the South and West coasts of Sri Lanka and confirmed in
interviews that they were not being used. In Banda Aceh, the Panglima Laot Provincial Office
estimated that 20% of all newly constructed small boats would never be used
because of poor stability, that another 40% would be used for about two years
before being discarded, and that only about 40% would be used for a longer
time. Another factor limiting the fishing effort has been the high fuel
prices over the last two years, which
reduced the profitability of some fishing practices. For all these reasons, it
is not certain that the fishing equipment replaced or repaired by all partners
will systematically result in more unsustainable fisheries than before the
tsunami, although harmful practices have been witnessed in some locations.
Forestry sector
The rehabilitation of coastal forests (plantation of
mangrove, other coastal forest and also urban trees in Sri Lanka) was
still at an early stage in all sample countries during the third RTE mission,
and its impact could not be analysed.
In terms of policy advisory, estimates of timber
requirements and technical options for local and international sourcing of wood
for reconstruction in Aceh were found to be useful by national and
international agencies and are being translated into Indonesian at request of
the Ministry of Forestry. However, their impact in practice could not be fully
determined by the RTE. FAO may have lost ground to other organizations in this
sector during 2005, notably in terms of advocacy on the complex policy issues
raised by reconstruction in Indonesia, e.g. sourcing timber for reconstruction
on which the FAO advice was provided rather guardedly and belatedly given the
political sensitivity of this issue. However, in 2006 the FAOR expressed
serious concerns over the ecological risks posed by some of BRR fish ponds
excavation work in areas covered by mangrove prior to the tsunami, thereby
assuming the sort of policy advisory function one would normally expect from a
UN specialized agency in its areas of competence. It would appear that this
position had an impact on BRR’s field practice, indicating that in
post-disaster contexts, policy advice can make a difference when provided
promptly and in clear, unambiguous terms.
4. Impact on investment by donors and governments
An original element of the tsunami response was the
participation of TCI in the definition of broad reconstruction strategies and
ultimately the formulating of investment programmes, in partnership with the
World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.
All the governments involved strongly appreciated
the support FAO provided in strategy development, and printed later versions of
the draft recovery strategies under government cover. These government
strategies informed the national response and may also orient donors’ funding
either directly (through the parallel formulation of investment programmes for
IFIs) or indirectly, through coordination with bilateral donors.
However, the impact of TCI’s involvement in the
formulation of IFIs’ investment programmes has not been very clear so far, as
project formulation and approval in IFIs remain a very long process. Even when
projects are approved and resource earmarked relatively quickly, long
negotiations may ensue on operational arrangements, ways and means to spend the
budget and technical approaches, as was the case with the ADB in Indonesia. IFI
programmes will often start delivering about two years after the date of the
catastrophe they are intended to address, at a time when the most immediate
production and livelihoods needs have already been taken care of.[44]
5. Transition to reconstruction and development
An effective transition from
emergency to longer-term reconstruction and development is highly desirable and
was promoted as a significant and distinctive capacity of FAO. In each of the
countries covered by the evaluation, FAO has introduced long-term concerns in
its emergency and early rehabilitation work and has developed a series of
long-term project concept notes. There is significant demand from governments
and other stakeholders for a prolonged involvement of FAO, either to meet
deferred reconstruction needs or in purely developmental activities. However,
FAO was not able to mobilize much development resources to follow upon its
large tsunami rehabilitation programme. This may at least in part reflect
donors’ priorities, as all tsunami-affected countries belong to the
middle-income group, and the perception that the tsunami disaster has already
received far more resources than other crises elsewhere.
In all the countries covered
by the RTE, there exists a potential for FAO to capitalize on the visibility
and presence established during the tsunami response to build up a credible and
significant portfolio of longer-term activities.
In Sri Lanka,
this transition is already on track. The placement of the fisheries team within the MFAR has potential for supporting good
sectoral thematic work as well as establishing or updating capacity for
sectoral data and management information. The development of new regulations for multi-day boats
and the publication by the Government of the strategy and programme for
post-tsunami reconstruction and development of the marine fisheries sector
augur well for this evolution.
In Indonesia,
the FAO tsunami response and the reconstruction of Aceh in general will last
much longer than in other countries due to the severity of the damage. There
has been some FAO engagement in longer-term areas, but it has not been very
explicit and strategic. The partnerships built with BRR, decentralized
authorities, CBOs and NGOs may prove an asset in this regard. A contextual
problem in Indonesia is that not all actors are at the same stage in their
tsunami response: some NGOs are moving towards longer term participatory
development processes and the rehabilitation of more complex infrastructures,
while others (e.g. BRR, WFP, INGOs with large tsunami budgets) are still implementing
fairly basic, relief-oriented cash-for-work and food aid activities, sometimes
disrupting the transition.
In Thailand,
the FAO emergency response to the tsunami is now essentially completed. The
absence of a dichotomy between the Emergency Coordinator and the FAO Country
Representative in Thailand means that unlike in other countries of the RTE
sample, there is no “institutional disconnect” (see below) between the
emergency arm and the development arm of the Organization at the country level.
Some of the late projects implemented under the tsunami response already
displayed a strong development orientation.
In the Maldives, the FAO tsunami response was completed and a number
of developmental activities started by the end of 2006, including an agriculture
master plan, fisheries and forestry sector reviews, plans for a quarantine
system, etc.
Part VII – Conclusions and Recommendations
This section
concludes the analysis of what amounted to a very complex and challenging
programme, and attempts to present in summary form the main conclusions,
lessons and recommendations produced by the successive evaluation missions.
The tsunami was
described as a very large and atypical emergency, a “freak event”, and it is
unlikely that all the lessons learned from the tsunami response would
straightforwardly apply to other emergencies, or even to all sudden-onset
disasters. However, it can also be argued that the tsunami has magnified and
brought into sharper focus many pre-existing deficiencies in the way FAO and the
broader “humanitarian and development community” goes about providing relief to
emergency-stricken populations around the world.
With the
significant resources availed by donors, FAO was able to cover its ground
convincingly in the agriculture sector in all countries visited by the RTE,
helping a majority of affected farmers restore their capital assets and
livelihoods through the distribution of generally appropriate seed, trees,
tools and livestock. However, the Organization did little to address the connected
issues of drainage and salinity in Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
These challenges specific to the tsunami emergency called for innovative
interventions, over and beyond the now “classic” seeds and tools distribution
The performance
in the fisheries sector was found weaker than in agriculture. The contrast
between the two sectors largely reflects the long FAO track record in, and
experience with, agricultural emergencies as compared with a lack of such FAO
emergency experience in the fisheries sector. New modalities had to be
invented, each tailored to the needs and varied nature of fishery-based
industries and livelihoods in tsunami-affected countries. Sri Lanka represented
the most creative and convincing attempt at rebuilding fisheries through a mix
of sectoral coordination, technical assistance and the repair and distribution
of generally suitable assets. In Indonesia, Thailand and
the Maldives,
the FAO contribution to the reconstruction of the fisheries sector was less
relevant and significant. Although interesting approaches were tested in
promoting safety-at-sea and good practices by other actors, the FAO programme
and its influence on other partners in capture fisheries and aquaculture were
much less visible than in Sri Lanka and tended to get lost in the plethora of
initiatives implemented by other organizations.
The FAO in the
forestry sector was small and came rather late. FAO may have lost ground to
other organizations in this sector, notably in terms of advocacy on the complex
policy issues raised in Indonesia
(e.g. sourcing timber for reconstruction). However in 2006, the FAOR expressed
grave concerns over the ecological risks posed by some of BRR fish ponds
excavation work in areas covered by mangrove prior to the tsunami, thereby
assuming this policy advisory function one would normally expect from a UN
specialized agency in its areas of competence. The position of the FAOR based
on Forestry Project information has had an impact on BRRs field practice with
staffing changes having been made.
In summary, FAO
struggled to invent new operational modalities to tackle the very peculiar
nature and massive extent of the tsunami-inflicted damage and the specific
policy issues raised by the reconstruction of coastal areas. The Organization lacked
the suppleness necessary to rapidly design, experiment with and scale up new,
tailor-made technical responses.
It should be
stressed that livelihoods restoration remains a rather new and ground-breaking
domain, still poorly understood and under-funded. Besides, it is an area in
which operational modalities cannot be standardised to the same extent as in
purely humanitarian operations. It takes time and efforts to study complex
livelihoods strategies and find the best ways of rebuilding them. Similarly,
considerations of equity, economic efficiency and sustainable management of
natural resources are much more complex in livelihoods restoration than in
humanitarian interventions.
Unwieldy FAO programme
procedures and insufficient operational capacity were found to be major
constraints during implementation but also in adopting innovative rehabilitation
approaches (e.g. cash-for-work, collaboration with community-based
organizations). From the evidence at hand, it is clear that low operational
capacity negatively affected programme delivery, depleted staff morale,
contributed to high staff turn-over rates, and ultimately lessened the
cost-effectiveness and the impact of the entire FAO tsunami response. As FAO
entered the domain of emergency operations fairly recently (mid-1990s), the
Organization has had to approach emergencies with administrative processes and
operational resources that were not designed for the fast-paced emergency
arena. Today, the FAO emergency operations represent about 40% of the Organization’s
overall financial resources. This calls for a significant reinforcement of its
operational capacity in the field and a comprehensive review of its
administrative processes as they apply to emergency projects.
The lack of a
coherent strategic approach at the programme level emerges as a common thread
in this report and throughout the response, from needs assessments to programme
design, programme implementation, and transition to development. The RTE was
perhaps a useful exercise in this regard, as its programme-wide format resulted
in debriefing meetings, at headquarters and in the field, where all the
concerned FAO staff, consultants, and implementing partners could meet and
confront their perspectives on issues of common interest, often for the first
time in months.
1. Funding arrangements
Donors support
was generous and generally more flexible than in previous disaster responses,
some donors allowing for the allocation of funds to broad sectors or
geographical areas. However, funds channelled through the UN Flash Appeal had
to be used in a limited timeframe (progressively extended from 6 months to a
year, then to 18 months). This as well as other limitations of timescale tended
to negatively affect the response. In-kind donations from the People’s Republic
of China
also proved difficult to use effectively.
The SFERA set up
by FAO played a critical role to speed up project implementation and cover
strategic though yet unfunded needs (e.g. needs assessments or ERCU set up).
However, the Fund is currently accounted for as a series of unconnected
projects through complex, manual and ad
hoc accounting processes.
While FAO was
able to mobilize very significant resources for its early rehabilitation
programmes, insufficient resources were made available for longer-term
reconstruction and development activities. This may in part reflect donors’
priorities and “fatigue” with an emergency perceived as over-funded as compared
to other, more recent ones.
The Consolidated
Appeal Process was designed to fund humanitarian assistance, i.e. to save
lives, hence its timescale limited to 6-months. This timeframe poses
significant problems for the funding of livelihoods rehabilitation programmes
of the type FAO is implementing and, as underlined by the TEC, contradicts principle
9 of the Good Humanitarian Donorship initiative[45].
Responsible parties
FAO should review the scope of SFERA operations
and the reporting requirements of FAO management, individual donors and governing
bodies, and should implement appropriate solutions including financial set-up
so as to automate accounting.
FAO should continue to raise the awareness of
donors on how useful SFERA was, on the advantages of flexibility and on the
cost of conditionality. TCE itself should be more conscious of the risk it
takes when accepting some donors’ conditions, and at times should send the
right message by turning down funding propositions which come with too many
strings attached.
FAO and other organizations involved in livelihood
rehabilitation should plead the case for longer timeframes in consolidated and
flash appeals before OCHA and the IASC, arguing of the differences between
humanitarian / relief assistance destined to save life and relying on “kits”
easy to quantify and stockpile, and more complex support to the recreation of
livelihoods and food security which involves re-capitalizing affected
communities with materials that are likely to change from one crisis to the
2. Operational capacity
Many of the
difficulties identified during the RTE and underlined in this report find their
roots in the insufficient operational
capacity of the Organization, its excessive centralisation of authority and
bureaucratic procedures. FAO’s performance in this regard was found lagging compared
to that of other UN specialized agencies. Substantial bottlenecks in
the tsunami programme were identified, which could and often do repeat
themselves in other emergencies. Not all of these bottlenecks resulted from
inflexible administrative procedures. In Indonesia, the field structure set
up by TCE initially lacked coherence and was only entrusted with the human and
financial means necessary to achieve programme goals towards the end of 2005.
Initiatives taken
in 2005 and 2006 to instil more flexibility in FAO operational processes are
welcome but remain insufficient. For instance, ceilings for delegation of
authority to FAORs have been raised to US$50,000, which merely allows FAORs to
regain the purchasing power they lost to inflation since the early 1990’s.
Instead of
dispatching senior operational and technical staff for long periods of time to
the field, FAO resorted to hiring technical consultants with little familiarity
with FAO project management procedures, backstopped by missions from
While the
employment of short-term staff in emergency operations makes practical sense
and gives the Organization a flexible instrument for human resource management,
mandatory breaks in service for international and national staff proved a
severe problem for programme implementation and in maintaining institutional
memory and stable contacts with partners.
In Indonesia, FAO
has found it difficult to hire and retain a cadre of senior national staff and
consultants, and this seriously handicapped the FAO response there.
programmes are fast-paced, high-volume operations that cannot be managed by
remote control from headquarters, the role of which is to set priorities and
define response and exit strategies rather than to implement programmes. The
case of Thailand
demonstrates that an experienced FAOR with solid operational capacity and
appropriate delegation of authority can implement an emergency response faster
and more effectively than when most administrative processes are managed from
The “input risks”
(risks of loss or embezzlement) involved in decentralising procurement or
contracting pale in comparison with the significant “outcome risks” that FAO is
currently taking with its lengthy administrative processes, resulting in a poor
reputation of the Organization at the field level, late delivery of assistance
and reduced usefulness of the delivered inputs.
Reducing staff
absences from the field, staff turn-over and the time devoted by TCEO to manage
staff and consultancy contracts are prerequisites to raise the quality of the
delivered programmes.
National staff of
sufficient seniority, experience and credibility are essential to the success
of an emergency programme. However, the recruitment of national consultants is
beset by numerous problems, including undue limitations in the length of
contracts and uncompetitive salary scales.
3. Damage and needs assessments
Damage and needs
assessments were widely appreciated by partners, but a poor link has been
identified with the design of FAO projects. The absence of experienced project
planners or implementers in the assessment teams resulted in key elements for
programme design not being addressed in the resulting needs assessment reports.
Most of the early assessments were piece-meal, following sector and
sub-sector technical lines, at the expense of cross-sectoral environmental,
social and livelihoods issues.
Throughout the
response, FAO has attempted to monitor the gradual recovery of the fisheries
sector in Sri Lanka
and to a lesser extent in Indonesia
through various recovery assessments. This work has been much noted and
appreciated by partners, but could have been communicated more coherently and
should have extended to the agriculture sector.
UN specialised
agencies have a comparative advantage in providing consolidated damage and
needs assessments in their areas of mandate because these assessments require
significant technical expertise. However, involving key national and international
partners in joint damage and needs assessments helps build up the quality and
credibility of the final report.
Needs are
constantly changing as communities progressively recover from the initial
shock. Hence needs assessments cannot be done once and for all. There is a
strong demand for a regular stream of needs and recovery assessments, also
called “recovery monitoring”.
4. Strategy setting and programmatic approaches
highlighted a disconnect between FAO units, linked with a scattered,
project-based approach to damage assessments, resource mobilization, project
design, implementation and reporting.
In particular,
the transition from an emergency and immediate rehabilitation phase, mainly
orchestrated by TCE, to a reconstruction and development phase conducted by
Technical Departments and Regional Offices could have been more explicitly
The ADG tsunami
group, specifically set up to coordinate the FAO tsunami response, discussed
and explored issues but unfortunately did not elaborate broadly-agreed corporate
strategies, e.g. for the transition from early rehabilitation to longer-term
reconstruction and development.
There is a need
for more programmatic approaches and for an effective corporate mechanism for
strategy setting about FAO emergency programmes. Some decisions must be taken
at the level of the Organization, for instance decisions about cross-sectoral
priorities and approaches, about the best balance between hardware and
software, or about the transition between immediate rehabilitation and
longer-term reconstruction and development.
Responsible parties
The mandate of high-level corporate coordination
groups, such as the ADG tsunami group, should be to define shared goals and
strategies for the Organisation as a whole, looking forward to an orderly
collaboration between units and a smooth transition between early
rehabilitation and longer-term reconstruction and development.
5. Balance between intervention types
The balance of
funds allocated to each country and sector was found generally appropriate.
More could have been done to mobilise resources for the rehabilitation of paddy
field and related irrigation and drainage infrastructure in Indonesia and
to a lesser extent Sri Lanka.
In Indonesia,
sectoral allocations were more evenly split between fisheries and agriculture,
perhaps more as a result of the relative ease of implementation of the two
sectoral programmes – agriculture was a “good deliverer” very early on while fisheries
struggled for a time to establish a viable modus operandi – than as a
reflection of the relative needs in each sector.
Although the
tsunami response was much more varied and included more technical assistance
than previous FAO emergency operations, it still tended to be dominated by
“hardware activities” designed to help individual producers recover some of
their physical production assets (seeds, fertiliser, livestock, boats and
fishing gear), at the expense of: a) community infrastructures (irrigation and
drainage channels, fish-landing sites); b) non-production segments of the value
chain (support services, marketing) even when these were severely affected by
the tsunami; c) “software activities” such as policy advice, sectoral planning,
capacity building and coordination.
This “input bias”
does not necessarily take into account the comparative advantages of the
Organization, and its administrative limitations add to the risk of failure in
ambitious supply, procurement or construction programmes.
When present,
FAO’s policy guidance and capacity building activities were often much
appreciated, particularly in the fisheries sector (e.g. on reconstruction
strategies, boat building quality standards and safety at sea). However, many
missions from headquarters were poorly coordinated with the concerned ERCU,
which reduced their usefulness.
assistance, when it responds to real and pressing needs, helps rebuild
livelihoods. It also establishes commitment, credibility, visibility and
funding. However, FAO is not operating in a vacuum. There are many other
organisations capable of distributing production inputs, while FAO can provide
good quality technical expertise, capacity building and coordination services
in the areas of its mandate in a way few others can.
Techniques and
approaches which are relevant at the onset of a disaster response may not be
adequate later on, as affected communities gradually reconstruct their
productive means. The response needs to follow and support endogenous recovery
strategies and processes.
The capture
fisheries sector required greater attention to the carrying capacity of the
natural resource base than other tsunami-affected sectors, and brought into
sharp focus the necessity of adopting a long-term outlook in livelihoods rehabilitation,
in order to ensure that the assistance provided in emergency contexts does not
lead to unsustainable practices later on.
assistance in the context of emergencies cannot rely on the same approaches and
formats as in traditional development assistance. It should remain focused,
simple and hands-on. There is a great demand, in particular from national and
international NGOs, for simple, hands-on and prolonged training and guidelines
focussed on key capacity gaps. Another difference is that policy issues tend to
be more pressing and critical, but also more risky politically in highly
visible post-disaster contexts than in most development situations.
FAO could have an
important advocacy role in building awareness and commitment among donors and
providers of humanitarian assistance concerning the need for a broader and
longer-term approach to rehabilitation.
6. Procurement and input delivery
Procurements in the fisheries sector tended to be
more complicated and less successful than in the agriculture sector, mainly on
account of the wide variety and complexity of fishing gear used in any given
country. Besides, most fisheries items were not available “off the shelf” and
had to be built by the suppliers, which took time.
The speed in delivery of inputs and the technical
soundness of items delivered varied considerably from one country to the next,
in relation to a number of external factors (organizational set-up, presence of
the required goods on local markets, degree of competition with other
organizations trying to procure the same sorts of items, etc.), but also in
relation with the procurement strategy adopted by FAO in a particular country.
Local procurements were found generally preferable
to international ones both for reasons of efficiency and speed and to
contribute to a recovery of local markets and supply chains, but they were not
always possible (e.g. fishing gear in Sri Lanka, where local manufacturers
could not face up to the demand after the tsunami).
Procurement missions in Indonesia and Sri Lanka did
not achieve their objectives because technical specifications and suppliers had
not been listed beforehand. Rather than rely on procurement missions from
headquarters, it seems preferable to build up procurement capacity in the
respective field offices.
Excessive delivery pressure and over-optimistic
schedules sometimes resulted in low-quality items being procured and/or
distributed. Risks are especially high when distributed items are alive (fingerlings,
seed, saplings). In some instances, poor storage or handling resulted in low
germination or survival rates.
The “prime factor” approach to tender evaluation
(tender assessed against either the
best offer or the quickest delivery,
as defined in advance) is too simplistic and rigid and may lead to suboptimal
choices imposed by the rules.
Many units are involved in requesting, clearing,
issuing and evaluating international tenders and bids (TCEO, ERCU, Technical
Department, AFSP, PRC). This long chain of actors spread across time zones
mechanically generates lengthy correspondence, slows down communications, and
increases risks of miscommunication.
Split orders may be
slightly more expensive than bulk orders but they provide for a more flexible
response. The savings derived from large bulk orders are generally
insignificant as compared to the risks incurred: 1) large international
procurements tend to deliver late, at a stage when the affected communities
might have already recovered from their losses; and 2) when a large
international procurement fails or becomes stalled, it jeopardizes the entire
Local orders stimulate the recovery of the local
market, but require the capacity to effect payments rapidly, and hence a strong
financial capacity and level of authority in the field, in line with
recommendation 4 above.
Adherence to beneficiaries’ technical and economic
requirements often makes the difference between a usable and a non-usable item.
Even when beneficiaries will be able to adapt the equipment to their needs by
modifying part of the structure or design, the cost of these alterations will
be borne by them, thus tapping into household resources that could probably be
put to better use in the aftermath of a disaster.
The best and easiest way to make sure that delivered
items fit beneficiaries’ requirements may have been to let tsunami victims
decide for themselves what assets they need through vouchers schemes and/or
input fairs, as already tried by FAO in Africa.
Responsible parties
Tenders should be analysed against a variety of pre-set
criteria, including the track record of the bidders with FAO, and criteria
used more for guidance than as a straight jacket.
Splitting large procurements in smaller and
quicker-to-produce quantities, ordered on the basis of regular recovery
assessments, would reduce risks of procurement failure or delay and help
progressively test and fine-tune programme implementation modalities.
Training material should be designed and in-depth
procurement training provided to local and international staff dealing with
purchasing and pre-purchasing functions in the field and at headquarters, to
ensure that the tasks are carried out within the rules and regulations of the
organization. This training effort should be financed by TCE and implemented
by AFSP.
For large-scale emergency / early rehabilitation
programmes, technical clearance should be delegated to country offices if the
required technical capacity is available at that level. When the capacity
does not exist in country, it should be created, for instance by outposting
the appropriate technical officer from headquarters to the country during
relevant parts of the programme.
Technical Departments
FAO should continue to experiment with voucher
schemes on a more significant scale. Partner NGOs and governments would focus
on beneficiary selection and documentation, while FAO liaises with suppliers
and organizes the fair.
7. Participatory approaches and SLA
FAO has attempted
to use participatory approaches in its tsunami response within the sphere of
specific projects, through the use of PRAs and the Sustainable Livelihoods
Approach. These efforts have often been frustratingly slow, but were useful as
they aimed to involve beneficiaries in the design of project activities.
SLA has been used
mainly as an analytical tool, identifying needs and priorities, rather than
considering it also as an empowering tool.
The use of rapid
and efficient participatory mechanisms is essential to improve the quality and
relevance of the FAO emergency programmes. However, there are risks entailed by
overly complex and multi-sectoral approaches in a rehabilitation context, most
notably the risk of unduly raising expectations and ultimately failing to deliver
significant assistance due to long planning and complex processes. More
generally, the role of livelihoods approaches in developing social capital to
help manage natural resources and collective infrastructure has been
under-recognised so far.
Responsible parties
FAO should continue to develop rapid consultation
processes for utilizing livelihoods approaches and practical steps for their implementation
under rehabilitation and reconstruction contexts, but it should remain mindful
of the risk of delays entailed by such approaches in the very limited
timescale typical of many “emergency” projects.
Cross-sectorality should be promoted selectively,
focusing on precise and pressing issues that can only be successfully
addressed this way, such as the green belt issue in Indonesia.
The key is that the synergies tapped by working cross-sectorally should
offset the additional cost, time and complexity.
8. Beneficiary selection
Asset replacement
projects tended to pursue two distinct and at times conflicting objectives: 1)
rebuild the economy rapidly and efficiently, which calls for helping good,
established asset managers; and 2) help the most vulnerable segments of society
overcome the disaster, under the assumption that the better-off can take care
of themselves. This tension is seldom recognised in programme documentation.
In the
agricultural sector, communities in all countries tended to spread the FAO
assistance farther than intended in project documents, i.e. to share the
predefined packages when they were easy to split (seed, fertilizer) with a much
larger group of beneficiaries than intended, as a way to help maintain a social
balance and share amongst other villagers who were also recognized to have
lost. This trend even applied to large assets (e.g. tractors, cows): some
benefiting communities opted for collective ownership of the assets, again in
an attempt to reduce conflicts.
However, this
tendency to share or redistribute assets was limited to assets contributing to
the reconstruction of self-subsistence activities (paddy, small scale vegetable
production, and to a certain extent livestock) but applied much less to
commercial and competitive domains (commercial vegetable production, fish
drying, and boats and fishing gear). In the latter cases, the tendency for
elite capture was harder to resist. As a result, beneficiary selection was on
average more contentious and difficult in the fisheries than in the agriculture
By definition,
activities that consist in the replacement of lost individual assets lend
themselves to helping the relatively better-off segments of society, i.e. those
who owned those assets in the first place before the disaster (land owners,
boat owners, etc.). An established asset manager is also more likely to make
good use of a complex or costly asset than someone who never owned one in the
However, the goal
should be to reconstruct sustainable livelihoods, and not necessarily
pre-existing ones (‘fitness for purpose’ dimension to reconstruction).
Well-targeted livelihoods diversification activities can be advisable when
coming back to previous practices is impossible or unadvisable. In this sense,
the capacity to properly manage the
donated asset is therefore a more important criterion than the ownership of the asset prior to the
When distributed
assets are sharable by nature, are not costly and contribute to
self-subsistence activities (e.g. most seeds, tools and fertilizer), there does
not seem to be any justification to devote extra time and money to
sophisticated beneficiary selection processes and stringent criteria, as
communities are likely to re-distribute items among their members using their
own criteria.
redistributions among community members are a positive thing as long as they
are voluntary and help correct disparities between the supply and the demand
for replacement assets. The important thing is not whether standard eligibility
criteria have been fulfilled, but whether asset distributions are perceived as
fair locally, at the community levels where they have the greatest potential
for creating tensions, and whether they do not create greater disparities than
Responsible parties
Corporate commitments to vulnerable groups such as
women and the poorest of the poor must be translated into action. Activities
that tend to be performed by women should be identified and, when they were
affected by a disaster, supported on par with masculine activities.
Female-headed households should receive their fair share of distributed
assets. There should also be an attempt to reach out to the poorest segments
of society and to include them in input distribution programmes on par with
the relatively better-off, even if at times this would mean donating to the
poor access to assets that they may not have possessed before the disaster,
as long as they have the capacity to use them well.
For small or sharable assets (e.g. seeds,
fertilizer), a simple beneficiary selection process facilitated by an NGO and
involving local officials and community members should normally suffice.
When assets are costly and/or unlikely to being
redistributed (planting material for cash crops, tractors, fish processing
equipment, fish cages, fishing vessels...) and/or their oversupply likely to
have negative consequences (e.g. over production and drops in market prices
or over-fishing), beneficiary selection should be carefully planned,
conducted and monitored. The beneficiary lists provided by local authorities
and village heads should be systematically checked by a neutral third party,
e.g. an NGO or an academic institution, and local authorities informed in
advance of this independent verification step. For costly assets, FAO should
also continue to experiment with sharing arrangements between a small number
of beneficiaries, as these seem to have worked well in the tsunami response.
9. Strategic and operational partnerships
In all countries,
the Government played a significant and generally useful role in orienting and
often co-implementing the FAO-funded programme. However, cases of manipulation
of beneficiary lists also occurred.
NGOs displayed advantages over national ones (contracting, reporting and
management capacity) but also weaknesses (insufficient knowledge of the local
context, weaker links with communities and leaders than local NGOs). The
decision to opt for local or international NGOs for the delivery of FAO
assistance was largely and appropriately grounded on pragmatic considerations,
depending on the capacity and interest of international and national NGOs to
work with FAO.
organisations and CBOs have also been partners in implementation, and this may
represent an original feature of the tsunami response. However, significant
challenges were encountered when trying to contract small and/or informal
organizations with no bank account and limited understanding of English, such
as the traditional organizations in Aceh (Panglima Laot, Keujruen
LoAs were found a
generally inflexible document, requiring a high level of detail about the
activities to be undertaken by partners at times when activities are not always
clearly identified. Amendments to LoAs after contract signature resulted in
substantial wrangling and consumed considerable time.
humanitarian programmes can be highly political. Using a combination of
governmental and non-governmental partners is a good way to promote neutrality
and transparency.
The LoA format
imparts a rather bureaucratic dimension to partnerships, one in which FAO is
merely subcontracting an activity to a service provider rather than partnering
with a peer to share risks and benefits.
Under the current
FAO procedural framework, CBOs, small cooperatives and traditional
organizations are best contracted through the conduit of well-established,
registered NGOs.
Responsible parties
As a way to speed up the implementation of initial
projects in other crises, stand-by partnership agreements should be explored
with interested INGOs, with the United Nations Joint Logistics Center to help
develop FAO’s logistical capacity, and with WFP to subcontract some
logistical functions (storage, transport).
A new, simpler project document format should
replace the LoA in most instances, with the legal fine print placed in annex
and the objectives and implementation modalities upfront. The document should
allow for donations in-kind only, display the contribution of the
implementing partner(s), and emphasise the fact that it is a joint effort by
FAO and one or several partner(s) rather than a mere sub-contracting
10. Sectoral coordination
According to the
context and experience of the Emergency Coordinator as well as the resources
available, FAO played different coordinating roles in each of the four
countries, with the most credible efforts witnessed in Sri Lanka and
to a lesser extent Indonesia.
In all cases, these efforts were limited to information sharing, advocacy, and
trying to promote a more even geographic coverage and shared beneficiary lists
in the fisheries sector in Sri
Harmonizing the
activities of hundreds of NGOs and charitable organisations, who all had their
own donors and independent interventions, represented an insurmountable task. Whether NGOs should be
better regulated other than voluntarily is also debatable since independence is
one of their major strengths.
The comparative
advantage of specialised UN agencies in helping coordinate complex responses
through sectoral, multi-stakeholder coordination forums bringing together state
and non-state actors was illustrated once again in the tsunami response. If
pursued during the entire response, well facilitated and truly participatory,
these sectoral coordination forums may easily surpass the delivery of physical
assistance in terms of visibility and usefulness.
coordination at the local level (district, region, etc.) is best promoted
through to generalist, area-based forums under the chairmanship of
decentralised governments and/or OCHA, in order to avoid a proliferation of
local forums leading to “meeting fatigue”. Arguably, cross-sectoral, area-based
coordination forums are best suited to the local level, while sectoral
coordination is best positioned at the national level.
Overall, the FAO
tsunami response was not sufficiently monitored, and this weakness contributed
to a number of problems not being picked up soon enough, notably in Sri Lanka where
the partner in charge of boat repairs was awarded the work without a
competitive process and tended to operate in a non-transparent manner. In Indonesia, the
agriculture programme did set up formal monitoring processes, requesting FAO
implementing partners to produce progress reports and conduct post distribution
surveys of beneficiary satisfaction and outcomes. These beneficiary surveys
could have generated more useful findings, had they been entrusted to a group
of professional surveyors. In Thailand,
the programme’s outputs, beneficiaries and outcomes were closely monitored by
way of frequent field visits by national and international consultants and good
process documentation.
The RTE observed
an encouraging trend toward tackling communication and visibility issues more
and more vigorously. Various means were used to disseminate FAO’s messages and
raise the visibility of its interventions: roadside boards, t-shirts and caps,
national media, newsletters. However, the newsletters could have been better
exploited and disseminated, and the visibility of the FAO tsunami response in
international media remained minimal.
The tsunami
atlases initially produced by SDRN and posted on the FAO tsunami Website
constituted potentially useful products that should have been disseminated more
widely at the country level and through UNHIC and ReliefWeb.
monitoring processes would help the Organization manage its rehabilitation
programmes and improve upon its reporting to donors by providing the required
data on implementation progress and on outcomes at the beneficiaries’ level.
implementation partners to conduct beneficiary surveys entails loss of data
quality (implementation partners often lack the expertise to collect and
analyze such data) as well as a conflict of interest (implementing partners
have little interest in reporting low beneficiary satisfaction rates).
Tight monitoring
systems would be particularly desirable in cases where the choice of
implementation partner is not entirely under the control of FAO but imposed by
local circumstances.
systems are certainly useful tools, but do not reduce the need for frequent
field visits by project staff and consultants, which remain absolutely
essential to identify issues or deepen the analysis of issues identified
through other means, and adjust programmes in real time.
Responsible parties
TCE should develop standard monitoring processes
by intervention type, involving a blend of tools such as: a) a simple
reporting system for implementing partners; b) databases of beneficiaries’
names and location; c) regular beneficiary surveys contracted to teams of
well-trained third-party enumerators; d) rudimentary mapping of programme
areas and results; and e) frequent visits by staff and consultants to
programme sites. These monitoring processes should be kept simple and be
geared toward: a) verifying that FAO’s assistance is properly and efficiently
channelled to ultimate beneficiaries; b) collating an overview of programme
realisations; c) assessing outcomes (use and appreciation of outputs by
beneficiaries); and d) facilitating information management and reporting to
In future crises, FAO should provide mapping and
remote sensing services over a longer period, with an emphasis on damage
assessments at the onset of the response, moving on during the rehabilitation
phase to basic agro-ecological zoning to support a closer fit between
rehabilitation assistance and local livelihoods. This work needs to be
conducted in partnership with UNHIC and FAO maps posted on ReliefWeb, so as
to contribute to the collective effort of the UN system towards better GIS
products in support of emergency programmes.
Annex 1:
Terms of Reference for a
Real Time Evaluation of FAO Operations
in Response to the Tsunami Emergency
unprecedented emergency caused by the December 2004 Tsunami in South Asia provoked an equally unprecedented response
from the International Community and the UN. As a first response, FAO committed
US$ 1.5 million from its own limited resources to needs assessments and early
recovery in Indonesia,
Sri Lanka,
and Thailand
and mobilized 35 experts within one month.
Through the UN
Flash Appeal, FAO appealed on 6 January for US$ 26.5 million for six countries
– Indonesia,
and Sri Lanka
– and for US$ 2.5 million for regional activities in partnership with UNDP and
UNEP. As of 9 February, funds approved for FAO amount to US$ 31.1 million
including US$ 12.5 million in cash received. Three donors - Germany, Norway, and United Kingdom
- made commitments to FAO’s newly established Special Fund for Emergency and
Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA). FAO’s assistance is focused on the
agriculture and fisheries sectors; regarding the latter, the Group of 77 and
the European Commissioner for Fisheries have called upon FAO to take the lead
in coordinating rehabilitation of the fisheries sector in the region.
intervention strategy follows a flexible, step-wise response:
Needs and damage assessment in the agriculture and
fisheries sectors;
Short-term rehabilitation activities including
input delivery (such as fishing gear, boat repair kits, replacement boats,
irrigation pumps, soil salinity testing equipment, seeds, fertilizers, hand
tractors tools, and other agricultural inputs) and repair contracts/casual
labour (e.g. for rehabilitation of harbours, anchorages, fish storage and
processing facilities, repair of irrigation and drainage infrastructure) and
cash for work (land clearing, etc.);
Technical assistance to facilitate coordination of
the rehabilitation efforts and provide technical/strategic guidance
Formulation of rehabilitation and recovery
strategies and programmes;
By February
2005, FAO had fielded numerous missions to the region and had 70 international
and regional experts deployed across Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Thailand and Myanmar. These
included fisheries specialists, agronomists, experts in salinity issues, in
horticulture, irrigation and water management, and property rights.
for the RTE
The magnitude of
the support mobilized calls for particular attention to ensure efficient and
effective use of resources by FAO. More specifically, the reasons for a Real
Time Evaluation (RTE) of FAO operations stem from the following considerations:
The volume of funds involved and the diversity of
sources require adequate disbursement, reporting and management procedures, as
well as rapid and effective supervisory mechanisms;
The size and complexity of operations in the seven
affected countries call for responses tailored to local specific circumstances
and needs, as the extent and depth of damage differ;
A history of political conflict in some of the
affected areas necessitates a politically sensitive approach;
The wide range of partners and stakeholders
intervening simultaneously in the same areas and sectors requires effective
coordination mechanisms;
The changing character of the intervention over
time – initial high intensity of humanitarian operations followed by
rehabilitation programmes, with a longer term perspective of reconstruction and
development – highlight the need for adequate guidance and review for successful
transition from relief/emergency to recovery/development; and last, but not
The worldwide attention focused on the efficiency
and transparency of UN operations call for timely feedback on the use of
resources made available.
of the RTE
The RTE is to
serve multiple purposes:
Provision of immediate feedback and guidance to FAO
management on strategic and operational achievements (what works well) and
constraints (what doesn’t work well) in order to improve impact, timeliness,
coverage, appropriateness, sequencing and consistency of operations;
Promoting accountability to populations affected,
Governments, donors and other stakeholders on the use of resources to reinforce
participation, transparency, and communication;
Identification of gaps or unintended outcomes, with
a view to improving the FAO strategy and programme’s approach, orientation,
coherence and coordination; and
Drawing lessons on FAO’s capacity to respond timely
and adequately to a sudden natural disaster and to support livelihood recovery
and development efforts in the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sector.
of the RTE
Generally, the
RTE will provide ongoing and timely assessments of FAO’s Tsunami response
vis-à-vis the Organization’s mandates as (i) UN lead agency for emergency
response, recovery and development of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries
sectors, and (ii) implementation agency entrusted by some donors with direct
livelihood protection operations. In this context, the RTE will review
processes such as strategic and operational programming, information flows,
management issues (including disbursements and procurement arrangements),
internal coordination as well as external coordination and support to
transition planning, assess FAO’s advocacy work and partnerships[47], and analyse the Tsunami
Relief Operations’ actual and potential impact.
Furthermore, in
reviewing FAO’s operations, the RTE will consider recommendations made and
lessons learned of recent evaluations carried out on emergency operations and
will pay attention to the extent to which these recommendations and lessons
have been taken into account in the planning, programming and management of the
Tsunami related operations.
specifically, the RTE will include assessments of the following:
Accuracy and comprehensiveness of needs assessments
and targeting;
Relevance of Tsunami Relief operations to needs of
the affected populations (including consideration of alternative approaches,
such as cash transfers);
Adequacy of (international and national) human and
financial resources mobilized;
Realism in the design and planning of operations;
Efficiency of operations[48]: timeliness,
cost-effectiveness (including consideration of outsourcing and delegation
arrangements), internal coordination and backstopping mechanisms (including
roles and responsibilities of FAO HQ and regional and national decentralized
Coordination and complementarities with all those
involved in the provision of assistance in the agriculture and fisheries sector
(including avoidance of duplication, and harmonization of approaches);
Technical, social, economic and political soundness
and feasibility of strategies, programmes and projects;
Quantity and quality of inputs and services
(including technical assistance) delivered, and outputs produced;
Actual and potential effects and impact at three
levels of beneficiaries/stakeholders[49]:
Directly affected populations, including
smallholders, artisanal fisher folk, as well as small agri-businesses in
agriculture, forestry and fisheries (with specific attention to gender aspects
and the conditions of most vulnerable groups);
Service providers, including local and regional
staff of line ministries, humanitarian, Non Governmental and Community Based
Organizations, UN agencies, and other FAO partners;
Decision-makers (national Governments, UN agencies,
other humanitarian /NGO organizations, and donors).
and Methodology
FAO’s RTE is
meant to be part of an international coordination effort for inter-sectoral,
inter-agency evaluations of Tsunami assistance initiated by ALNAP and OCHA. The
scope, the approach and the methodology of the RTE may be adjusted if
opportunities for evaluation collaboration occur.
The RTE process
will be participatory and iterative. Attention will be given to ensuring the
ownership of its results by the main stakeholders (see section on reporting/information dissemination/RTE interface
below) and to providing immediate feedback to FAO management and others
on the on-going assistance. Openness, transparency and constructive criticism
will be part of the process. Participatory in the context of the FAO RTE means
that views, feedback and suggestions for improvement will be collected from the
three groups of beneficiaries/stakeholders mentioned above. Staff’s views and
feedback will be particularly important for the assessment of internal
processes and for integrating the evaluation results into management processes.
The evaluation questions and approaches to be used by the mission will be
defined in more detail before the actual field work. Inputs from FAO
colleagues, partners and stakeholders are expressly requested so as to guide
the mission’s work, and make its approach more representative. It is expected
that some issues raised in the ongoing TCE review/visioning process could also
be considered as key questions for the RTE.
The RTE will be
carried out over approximately a one year time-span and will consist of three
stages to assess FAO’s role and response at different points in time:
post-inception, mid-term, final. Each round will include a desk review, field
visits to countries, in-country reporting and feedback mechanisms (such as reports, workshops, bulletins, and
telephone conferences). The RTE will make use of a number of tools,
including document analysis, interviews, field visits, SWOT analysis with
stakeholders, focus groups discussion, beneficiaries impact assessment, etc.
according to circumstances. For the
beneficiary impact assessment, the RTE will commission national Beneficiary
Assessment studies to feed into the evaluation. All stages of the
RTE will include internal FAO briefing and debriefing sessions, as well as
briefing and debriefing sessions with partners and decision makers at the
national level.
Stage 1 of the RTE will have a dual purpose:
it will be a scoping exercise for the RTE mission while at the same time
providing timely and pertinent feedback to FAO management and main
donors/partners and stakeholders. The focus will be on operational aspects of
the emergency phase (bullet points 1 to 6 under Scope above), but also include
an initial review of strategic initiatives developed for the post-emergency
phase. An internal report covering the mission’s conclusions and
recommendations will be prepared following the field work.
Stage 2 will have the following objectives: (i) to
analyse strengths and weaknesses of FAO’s response, including management and
coordination processes; (ii) to formulate – based on consultations with FAO
colleagues and main stakeholders – operational as well as strategic
recommendations, and (iii) to strengthen – through an extension of the
consultative process, the ownership of findings and recommendations of the RTE.
In addition to extensive FAO-internal briefing and debriefing sessions, a
regional partner workshop will be
organized. An interim report for wider circulation will be prepared
following the workshop.
Stage 3 will consolidate the RTE
findings and recommendations, and concentrate on the lessons learned as well as
the assessment of outputs, effects and impact. Also stage 3 will feature a
regional workshop; in addition, a final report will be prepared to include
lessons learned on FAO’s efficiency and effectiveness in its response to the
emergency and on its role and capacity as leading agency in the coordination of
the agriculture fisheries and forestry sectors. Provision will also be made for
internal and external feedback on the RTE process and methodology and for the
formulation of suggestions for future RTEs.
RTE stages 2 and
3 will pay specific attention to the implementation of agreed recommendations
and adjustments made. At the end of each stage (and if needed, also in
between), the issues to be addressed by the RTE at the next stage will be
revisited, and if necessary adjusted and fine-tuned to allow for an adequate
response to changed circumstances and to address eventual requests for
information received from stakeholders[50].
The RTE team[51] will be composed of:
(Evaluation Service) staff member who will particularly focus on
institutional and learning aspects of the evaluation and will ensure continuity
over the evaluation period;
international consultant with experience in emergency and rehabilitation
operations with a good knowledge of FAO;
One international
consultant with experience in fisheries;
One rural livelihoods and gender officer (TCEO -
Emergency Operation Services, Sri Lanka) who will particularly look at the
integration of gender considerations into project implementation, and
beneficiary analysis; and
consultants[52] (one in each
country) recruited in Thailand,
and Sri Lanka,
appointed if possible in agreement with the respective governments.
information dissemination, and interface with stakeholders
The RTE will
deal with four categories of stakeholders: (1) the directly affected
populations, (2) regional and local service providers/partners, (3)
decision-makers and partners at national and regional level (national
Governments, UN agencies, other humanitarian/NGO organizations, donors) and (4)
FAO management and staff (field, regional and HQ staff).
The mission
itself will be able to provide only limited feedback to the directly affected
populations: to the extent possible, the mission’s field visits will be organized
in such a way as to provide the maximum interface with affected populations and
their representatives. (The beneficiary assessment missions are expected to
complement this effort.) Regional and local service providers are expected to
give and receive feedback during briefing and debriefing sessions with the
mission, and again through interaction with the beneficiary assessment team.
Decision-makers at the national and regional level (national Governments, UN
agencies, other humanitarian/NGO organizations, and donors) will be met at
briefing and debriefing sessions, and will also be invited to the workshops
supported by the RTE.
Within FAO, the
mission will interact with staff and management in FAO HQ and regional and
national decentralized offices. (An eventual link to the high-level Tsunami
Committee still needs to be decided) Within FAO HQ, the Technical Departments
concerned (AG, FI and FO) as well as TC Department are expected to nominate
members (departmental focal points, or specific nominees) for an RTE Committee
to review and guide the process.
Governments (in
all affected countries) will be invited to nominate focal points to interact
with the RTE.
It is suggested
that the RTE be given some flexibility concerning information products prepared
by the mission. The choice of information products and channels of
communication will depend on the intended audiences. Careful attention will be
paid to distinguish between internal working documents intended for FAO, and
those reports, bulletins, presentations etc. produced for a wider audience. For
information products in the latter category, it is suggested to allow for their
circulation in the public domain (accompanied by an appropriate disclaimer). At
the end of each mission, there will be a report submitted to FAO Higher
Management (proposed circulation: addressed to Director of TCE, with copies to
ADG, TC, FAORs concerned, ADG, RAP, and Focal Points in Technical Departments).
The interim
report (at the end of Stage 2) as well as the final report (end of Stage 3)
will be circulated to a wider audience, including the Inter-agency and Donor
Evaluation Coalition.
and Itinerary
Three missions,
with durations of up to five weeks, will take place in three countries: Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Indonesia and Sri Lanka have
been selected for the volume of operations involved and Bangkok for being a regional hub (but also
field operations will be reviewed). The first mission will take place in May
2005. A field visit to Maldives
is envisaged in order to assess the situation in one of the small island states
Further details
regarding the dates of country visits will follow as soon as the mission
composition has been confirmed, and logistical arrangements clarified.
Annex 2: Itineraries
First mission:
Sun 15 May 05
Travel to Bangkok
Mon 16 May
Meetings with RAP in Bangkok, travel to Jakarta
Tue 17 May
Meeting with FAO Representation in Jakarta
Wed 18 May
Meetings with various ministries and partners in Jakarta
Thu 19 May
Meeting in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and
Fisheries, Jakarta
Fri 20 May
Meetings with BAKORNAS and UN agencies in Jakarta
Sat 21 May
Travel to Banda Aceh, meetings with ERCU
Sun 22 May
Document review
Mon 23 - Wed 25 May
Meetings with partners in Banda Aceh
Thu 26 May
Meetings with ERCU
Fri 27 May
Debriefing with ERCU, BRR
Sat 28 May
Travel to Bangkok
Sun 29 May
Document review, note writing
Mon 30 May
Meetings with RAP, UN and government partners in Bangkok
Tue 31 May
Travel to Phuket, meetings with Vice Governor, MOAC
and FAO consultants
Wed 01 Jun
Travel to Phang-Nga, meeting with Vice Governor and
Thu 02 Jun
Phuket - Bangkok
Fri 03 Jun
Meetings with partners in Bangkok, travel to Colombo
Sat 04 Jun
Meetings with ERCU in Colombo, travel to Hambantota
Sun 05 Jun
Field visit in Hambantota, travel back to Colombo
Mon 06 Jun
Meetings with FAOR, ERCU and partners in Colombo
Tue 07 Jun
Meetings with ERCU and partners in Colombo
Wed 08 Jun
Travel to the Northeast Province,
meetings with partners in Trincomalee
Thu 09 Jun
Field visit in Northeast Province,
travel back to Colombo
Fri 10 Jun
Debriefing with FAO and MFAR
Sat 11 Jun
Travel to Bangkok
Sun 12 Jun
Preparation of debriefing with RAP
Mon 13 Jun
Debriefing with RAP
Tue 14 Jun
Return travel
Mon 11 July 05
Debriefing at headquarters and with RAP by
Second mission:
Sun 30 Oct 05
Travel to Bangkok
Mon 31 Oct
FAO RAP Office briefing, meeting with Beneficiary
Assessment team in Thailand
Tue 01 Nov
Bangkok, meeting with government and partner
Wed 02 Nov
Flight Bangkok
- Phuket in the morning, field visits in Phang Nga
Thu 03 Nov
Field visits in Phuket
Fri 04 Nov
Field visits in Krabi and Trang
Sat 05 Nov
Field visits in Satun, return to Bangkok
Sun 06 Nov
Flight Bangkok
- Colombo
Mon 07 Nov
Colombo, meetings with FAO Rep, ERCU, government
and partners
Tue 08 Nov
Meeting with partners and Sri Lanka Beneficiary
Assessment team
Wed 09 Nov
Field visits, Kalutara
Thu 10 Nov
Field visits, Galle
Fri 11 Nov
Field visits in Tangalle, meeting with the FAO
Tangalle Office
Sat 12 Nov
Field visits (Dondra, Dikwella,
Sun 13 Nov
Travel back to Colombo
Mon 14 Nov
Meetings with partner institutions, government and
donors in Colombo
Tue 15 Nov
Debriefing with FAO / ERCU in Colombo
Wed 16 Nov
Flight Colombo
- Bangkok - Jakarta
Thu 17 Nov
Jakarta, meeting with FAO Rep, government, UN
Fri 18 Nov
Flight Jakarta
- Banda Aceh
Sat 19 - Sun 20 Nov
Meeting with ERCU office and partner institutions in
Banda Aceh
Mon 21 Nov
Meeting with Beneficiary Assessment team
Tue 22 - Wed 23 Nov
More meeting in Banda Aceh; attendance in FAO
Agriculture Consolidation Workshop and GTZ Coastal Management Workshop.
Thu 24 Nov
Meetings in Banda Aceh
Fri 25 Nov
Field trip on North-East Coast:
Pidie - Panta Raja
Sat 26 Nov
Field trip on North-East Coast:
Sun 27 Nov
Drive back to Banda Aceh
Mon 28 - Tue 29 Nov
Meetings in Banda Aceh
Wed 30 Nov
Debriefing with FAO Banda Aceh, leave for Jakarta
Thu 01 Dec
Debriefing with FAO Rep, meeting with JICA and Japan
Fri 02 Dec
Report writing
Sat 03 Dec
Flight Jakarta
- Bangkok
Sun 04 Dec
Return travel
Wed 14 Dec 05
Debriefing at headquarters and with RAP by
Third mission:
Wed 31 May 06
Arrival in Colombo
Thu 1 Jun
Meetings with FAOR, ERCU and partners in Colombo
Fri 2 Jun
Field visits: Galle
Sat 3 Jun
Field visits: Matara
Sun 4 – Mon 5 Jun
Field visit: Tangalle
Wed 7 Jun
Travel Back to Colombo
Thu 8 Jun
Workshop in Colombo
Fri 9 Jun
Debriefing in Colombo
and travel to Malé
Sat 10 Jun
Sun 11 Jun
Mon 12 Jun
Tue 13 Jun
Wed 14 Jun
North - back to Malé
Thu 15 Jun
Workshop in Malé
Fri 16 Jun
Debriefing in Malé
Sat 17 Jun
Fly back to Rome
Fri 23 Jun
Partial debriefing in headquarters
Sun 9 Jul
Departure for Thailand
Mon 10 Jul
Tue 11 Jul
Wed 12 Jul
Field (Phang Na, Phuket, Krabi etc.)
Thu 13 Jul
Fri 14 Jul
Field (workshop?)
Sat 15 Jul
Sun 16 Jul
Field, back to Bangkok
Mon 17 Jul
Debriefing in Bangkok
Tue 18 Jul
Fly to Indonesia
Wed 19 Jul
Thu 20 Jul
Fly to Banda Aceh
Fri 21 Jul
Banda Aceh
Sat 22 Jul
Banda Aceh
Sun 23 Jul
Banda Aceh
Mon 24 Jul
Meulaboh - West coast
Tue 25 Jul
Meulaboh - West coast
Wed 26 Jul
Meulaboh - West coast (workshop?)
Thu 27 Jul
Meulaboh - back to BA (through Medan?)
Fri 28 Jul
Return to Banda Aceh
Sat 29 Jul
Boat yards in East coast or near BA
Sun 30 Jul
Workshop preparation
Mon 31 Jul
Workshop in BA
Tue 1 Aug
Debriefing in BA - fly to Jakarta
Wed 2 Aug
Debriefing in Jakarta
- fly to Bangkok
Thu 3 Aug
Debriefing with Regional Office - Fly back
Fri 4 Aug
Return travel
Fri 11 Aug
Debriefing in headquarters
Annex 3: Persons Met
FAO Rome:
Anne Bauer Director TCE
Fernanda Guerrieri Chief TCEO
Cristina Amaral Senior Operations
Officer TCEO
Mariano Gosi Agronomist TCEO
Alexander Jones Tsunami Operations Coordinator TCEO
Andrew Sobey Administration
Officer TCEO
Victoria Sun Operations
Officer TCEO
Sanna Lisa Taivalmaa Development Economist TCEO
Laura Jane Tiberi Operations Officer TCEO
Mirela Hasibra Operations Officer TCEO
Sylvie Wabbes-Candotti Agronomist TCEO
Richard China Senior
Economist TCER
Patrick Jacqueson Programme Officer TCER
Erminio Sacco Emergency
and Transition Strategy Officer TCER
Regina Gambino Procurement Strategy
& Monitoring Officer AFSP
Catherine Meier Special Legal Adviser AFSP
David Baugh Senior
Finance Officer AFFC
Pedro Andreo Andreo Internal Auditor AUD
Daniel Renault Senior
Officer - Irrigation System AGLW
Florence Egal Nutrition
Officer ESNP
Lahsen Ababouch Chief FIIU
Jeremy Turner Chief FIIT
Lena Westlund Fisheries
Consultant FIIT
Marc Nolting Fish
Farming and Aquaculture Consultant FIIT
Dominique Greboval Senior Fishery Planning Officer FIPP
Rolf Willmann Senior
Fishery Planning Officer FIPP
Nick Parsons Director GIID
Marta Bruno Rural
Socio-Economist SDAR
Beneviève Dionne Anthropologist ESWD
Dalia Mattioni Food
and Nutrition Economist TCID
Royal Government of Thailand:
Waraporn Prompoj Chief, International Coop. Group, Fisheries Dprt
Duanghathai Danviwat National FAO Committee, MOAC
Kanok Katikarn Inspector General, MOAC
Chamaiporn Tanomsridejchai Foreign Relations Officer, DOAE/MOAC
Atchara Somsuay Plan and Policy Analyst, DOAE/MOAC
Thongarg Dhandang Plan and Policy Analyst, DOAE/MOAC
Kasem Prasutsangehan Plan and Policy Analyst, FARD/MOAC
Nuttharon Kaewwichit Director, Phang Nga Provincial MOAC
Sueksa Malakanchana Director, Phang Nga Provincial MOAC
Raweewan Yinguansiri Chief of Livestock Office, Phang Nga Provincial MOAC
Suwannee Srinak Livestock
Officer, Phang Nga Provincial MOAC
Apichat Kanjanaopas Chief of Extension Office, Phang Nga Provincial MOAC
Kasem Phatsung Extension
Officer, Phang Nga Provincial MOAC
Apichart Khanom Assistant Director, Satun Provincial MOAC
Charoen Omanee Dprt
of Fisheries, Satun Provincial MOAC
Thanastanee Sawatdirak Director, Phuket Provincial MOAC
Sompong Pean Tong Phuket Provincial MOAC
Supakit Indopala Phuket Provincial MOAC
Issara Bujayarut Phuket Provincial MOAC
Manoch Charungkettikajon Tai Muang Learning Center
Augchara Nopparat Tai
Muang Learning
Center – DOAE/MOAC
Sakarind Tunsakul Tai
Muang Learning
Center – DOAE/MOAC
Piyaporn Natrug Tai
Muang Learning
Center – DOAE/MOAC
Thapacha Tavaroj Tai
Muang Learning
Center – DOAE/MOAC
Taluengsak Junechum Tai
Muang Learning
Center – DOAE/MOAC
Jarupa Rodtook Tai Muang
Learning Center
Sontaya Junetayong Tai
Muang Learning
Center – DOAE/MOAC
FAO RAP Office:
He Changchui Assistant
Director General/Regional Representative
Hiroyuki Konuma Deputy Regional Representative
Yuji Niino Land
Management Officer
Hiroshi Hiraoka Soil Fertility Officer
Suzan Braatz Senior
Forestry Officer
Patrick B. Durst Senior Forestry Officer
Miyuki Ishikawa APO
Forest Economics and
Masakazu Kashio Forest
Resources Officer
David Dawe Senior
Food Systems Economist
David Brown Senior
Food System Economist
Derek Staples Senior
Fishery Officer
Thierry Facon Senior
Water Management Officer
Simon Funge-Smith Aquaculture Officer
Peter Ooi Regional
Coordinator, Ag. Recovery and Emergency
Yuji Niino Land
Management Officer
Buddy Hla Chief,
Hideko Tsuji Programme
Officer (Thai Affairs Section)
Kayo Torii Programme
Officer (Thai Affairs Section)
Tienpati Supajii Assistant (Thai Affairs Section)
Shunji Sugiyama Information and Liaison Officer
Alastair Hicks Senior
Agro-Industry and Post Harvest Officer
Ralph Houtman Marketing
and Rural Finance Officer
David Hitchcock Senior Farming Systems Development Officer
Hans Gerhard Wagner Senior Animal Production and Health Officer
Anton Bontje RAPX
Wim Polman Rural
Development Officer
Kim Kimpara
FAO National Consultants:
Kungwan Juntarashote National Consultant – Fisheries; Director of the
Coastal Development
Center, Kasetsart University
Apinan Kamnalrut National Consultant – Agriculture
Sakul Supongpan National Consultant – Fisheries
Praphas Weerapat Lead National Consultant
Other Partners:
Joana Merlin-Scholtes UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative
Håkan Björkman Deputy
Resident Representative, UNDP
David Hollister Disaster recovery Advisor, UNDP
Barbara Orlandini Manager, Inter Agency Support Unit
Markus Werne Regional
Humanitarian Affairs Officer - OCHA
Pete Bueno Director
General, NACA
Hassanai Kongkeo Special Adviser, NACA
Yves Henocque Co-Director,
Sanchai Tandavanitj Co-Director, CHARM
David Thomson Fisheries
Advisor, CHARM
Tanu Nabnian Save
the Andaman Network/CHARM
Parkpoom Witantiratiwat Save the Andaman Network/Federation of Southern
Jonqrak Save
the Andaman Network/Federation of Southern Fisherfolks
Worawit Wanchana Project Assistant - SEAFDEC
Supaporn Anuchiracheeva Fisheries Management Specialist - SEAFDEC
Theo Ebbero Coastal
Resources Management Advisor - SEAFDEC
Mr. Nazri Ishak Fisheries Specialist (Malaysia) -
Win Myint Maung Fisheries Specialist (Myanmar) - SEAFDEC
Tanu Naebnian WWF
Sri Lanka:
Government of Sri Lanka:
L.K. Hathurusinghe Director/Projects, Ministry of Agriculture and
G. Piyasena Director,
Dprt of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Ministry of Fisheries
H.S.G. Fernando Director, Dprt of Ocean Resources, Ministry
of Fisheries
Indhra Kaushal Rajapaksa Director, Livelihoods Dprt, TAFREN
Bandula Abeygunawardena Finance Manager, Cey-Nor Foundation Ltd
Ratnatilaka Assistant
Director, Fisheries Dprt, Kalutara District
A. Hettiarachchi Director General (Development) - MFAR
Domingo George Assistant
Director - DFAR, Kalmunai District
B. Mahadeva Agriculture
and Fisheries Office, Batticaloa District
S. Ganachandren Provincial Director of Agriculture,
Trincomalee District
Galappathi Junior
Minister Fisheries (ret.), Tangalle
Pote Chumsri FAO
Premalal Kuruppuarachchi Assistant FAO Representative
Mona Chaya Emergency
and Rehabilitation Coordinator - Tsunami
Serge Tissot Emergency
Programme Officer
Giuseppe Simeon Emergency Programme Officer
Giuseppe de Bac Horticulture Expert
Claude Fernando Fisheries Consultant
Leslie Joseph Fisheries
Development and Management Consultant
Kamalsiri Nissanga Boat Repair Programme Coordinator
Raymond Patrick Marine Engineer
R.R.D. Warnadasa Marine Engineer
M Mahadeva Marine
Germain Pajot Fishing
Gear Consultant
Cyril Binduhewa Fishing Gear Specialist
Sydney Jayawardene Fishing Gear Assistant
Samithamby Ramachandran National Consultant - Fishing Gear
Samantha Rathnayake Programme Assistant
Chamila Livera District
Officer, Galle
Nuwan De Silva Assistant District
Officer, Galle
Saverio Frazzoli Area Coordinator, Tangalle
Veronica Grazioli Volunteer from Italian
Protezione Civile, Tangalle Office
H.R.C. Fernando National Project Officer, Tangalle Office
Sarath Amarasekera Deputy National Project Officer, Tangalle Office
H.A.B. Rodrigo District
Officer, Tangalle Office
James Breene Agriculture
Lars Engvall Fisheries
Sector Advisor
James Terjanian Reporting and Information Officer
Peiris Sugathapala Senior Administrative Assistant
Other Partners:
Jeff Taft-Dicks Representative and Country Director - WFP
Jean-Yves Lequime Head of Field Operations - WFP
Valentin Gatzinski Head of Office - OCHA
Lalith Kiriella Assistant Field Security Coordination
Officer - UN
Gabriela Elroy Head
of Trincomalee Zone Office - UNICEF
Paolo Bononi Office
Coordinator, Italian Cooperation
Roland Steurer Director,
Peter Seibert Consultant,
Kristin Lunden Second
Secretary - Norwegian Embassy
Erik Brede Counsellor,
Norwegian Embassy
Vidya Perera Senior
Advisor, Norwegian Embassy
Kirsten Björu Senior
Fisheries Advisor - NORAD
Gunnar Album Tsunami
Rehabilitation Project, Coastal Campaign/A.J. Fishing
Christin Lidzba Program Manager, CBM (German NGO)
Tan Eng Guan Fishery
Facilities Development Advisor - JICA
Government of Indonesia:
Mappaona Director,
Bureau of Planning, MoA
Pamela Fadhilah Head of Planning Resources, Bureau of
Planning, MoA
Emilia Harahap Director
- Bureau of International Cooperation, MoA
Djoko Supono Technical
Support - Bureau of International Cooperation, MoA
Farid Hasan B. Head
of Division - Bureau of International Cooperation, MoA
Saut P. Hutagalung Director - Planning and Int’l Cooperation Bureau,
Mian Sahala Sitanggang Public Awareness (FAO Focal Point), MFAR
Hadimulyo Public
Affairs and Institutional Relations, MFAR
Dedy H. Sutisna Director - Fishing Facilities, MFAR
Soen’an H. Poernomo Secretary - Center of Fisheries
Education and Training, MFAR
Ida Kusuma Planning
Division - Coasts and Small
Islands, MFAR
Iskandar Deputy
- Department of Economic and Business Empowerment, BRR NAD-Nias
Zainul Arifin Panglima Polem Head, Food Crops and Horticulture Dinas, NAD
T. Thurmizi Deputy
Head - Provincial Agriculture Office, NAD
Iskandar Ahmad Head, Dinas Kelautan dan
Perikanan, NAD
Fadhli Usman Reporting Officer,
Dinas Pertanian in Jenieb, Pidie
Rafiani M. Yusuf Community Empowerment
Officer, Camat Office in Jenieb, Pidie
Moch Ikhwanuddin Mawardi Aceh Secretariat - Bappenas (National
Development Planning Agency)
Endah Murniningtyas Director - Directorate of Food and Agriculture,
Risman Musa Deputy
for Coordination of Religion - Culture and Tourism (Barkonas)
Rasyidi Hasyim Deputy
Head - Meulaboh District Fisheries Office
Ulul Izmi Division
Head - Food Crop Section, Meulaboh District Agriculture Office
Ruzman Salam Head
- Horticulture Section, Meulaboh District Agriculture Office
Man Ho So FAO
Rudolf Ziesler Officer-in-Charge
Benni Sormin Assistant
FAO Representative
Shin Imai Regional
SPFS Coordinator
Malene Arboe-Rasmussen Information and Communication Officer
Nicholas MB Hughes Administrator, FAO Office Banda Aceh
Jean-Jacques Franc
de Ferriere Area Coordinator
Ulrich Schmidt Chief
Technical Officer - Fisheries
Bart Dominicus Emergency
Christophe Charbon Agronomist
Henry Franks Senior
Technical Advisor for BRR
Peter Flewwelling Chief Technical Officer - Fisheries
Michael Savins Master
Boat Builder
Michael Phillips Aquaculture Specialist
Arun Padiyar Consultant
– Aquaculture
Yudha Fahrimal Consultant
– Livestock
Rajendra Aryal Agronomist
(later Emergency Coordinator)
Alfizar Agronomist
Akmal Syukri National
Consultant – Fisheries
Mulia Nurhasan Consultant
– Small Scale Fish Processing
Angus Graham Programme
Priya Gujadhur Reporting
and Information Officer
Erkan Ozcelik Operation
Ronald Dijk Land
and Water Management Specialist (Meulaboh Office)
John Stevens Consultant
– Agriculture
George Kuru Consultant
– Forestry
Hasan Yudie Sastra Consultant – Agriculture Machinery
Timothy Nolan Liaison
Philippe Leperre Livestock Adviser
David James Post
Harvest and Fisheries Adviser
Susan Siar Fishery
Industry Officer
Other Partners:
Reyko Niimi Deputy
Resident Coordinator, UNORC-Jakarta
Enayet Madani Deputy
Head of Office, UNORC-Banda Aceh
Samsudin Berlian Information and Advocacy Officer, UNORC
Simon Field Team
Leader (Livelihoods), UNDP
Lyndal Meehan Coordinator,
Livelihoods Network, UNDP
Patrick Sweeting Head - Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit,
Mohamed Saleheen Country Director - WFP
Regis Chapman Programme
Officer - WFP
Robert Ashe Regional
Representative - UNHCR
Alia Nankoe Programme
Officer - UNFPA
Oliver Lacey-Hall Deputy to Chief - OCHA
Beatrice Walker OCHA Meulaboh
Trine Lynggard OCHA
Philippe Borel Regional
Chief - Tsunami Relief Operation, UN Joint Logistics Centre
Chan Jwee Kah Chief
Elizabeth Petrovski Information Manager - UNJLC
Jens Grimm Operations
Coordinator - UNJLC
Michael J.C. Whiting UNJLC
Savita Area
Security Coordinator - UN
Cheikh Dia Technical
advisor to BRR, French Cooperation
Robert Rice Economic
Revitalization Officer, BRR
H.T. Bustama Chairman,
Panglima Laot organization
Adli Abdullah General
Secretary, Panglima Laot
Montaki Finance
Officer, Panglima Laot
Dafitzal Secretary,
Lhok Kuala Panglima Laot
Dewan Anshari Chief,
Bintany Kejora Cooperative
Aurélia Balpe Livelihoods
Coordinator, Internat. Federation of the Red Cross
Bernd Weidlich First
Secretary - German Embassy Liaison Office
Mr. Eckart Tardeck Head of Administration - German Embassy Liaison
Günther Kohl Project
Leader, GTZ
Hendri Regional
Project Manager, GTZ
Barbara Jung Social
Development, GTZ
Fahmiwti Coordinator
Banda Aceh, GTZ
Hitoshi Oikawa First
Secretary – Agriculture, Japan Embassy
Keiichi Kato Resident
representative, JICA
Dinur Krismasari Program Officer, JICA
Dominique de Juriew Food Security Coordinator, ACF
Patrick Cherubini Consultant – Fisheries, Triangle
Joseph Kearsley Boatbuilding Adviser - Triangle
Pierre Gildas Fleury Fisheries Programme Manager, ACTED
Chaidir Abdurrahman Project Coordinator for Aceh, OISCA
Fauzan Misri Assistant
Coordinator, Aceh
Province, OISCA
Zamah Syari Ali Coordinator, Aceh Utara district, OISCA
Sarbini Abdullah Coordinator, Bireuen district, OISCA
Giuseppe Busolacci Gruppo di Volontario Civile
Flavia Pugliese Gruppo di Volontario
Cathy McWilliam Project Officer, Legal, IDLO
Lesley Adams Research
Ass., Tsunami Cash Learning Project, ODI
Martin Foth Programme
Officer, Coastal Management, InWEnt
Shekhar Anand Livelihoods
Advisor, Oxfam
Eric G. Karlzen Economic Recovery Manager, World Vision
Johan Kieft ACD
Strategy & Programme Development, CARE International
Marthen Malo Operations
Manager, CARE International
Grégoire Poisson CARE International
Mark van den Berg Development Advisor - Aceh Care Foundation
Jes Putra Executive
Director - Aceh Care Foundation
Sasha Muench Financial
Access Program Manager, Mercy Corps
Irwansyah Director
- Regional Development Foundation YPK
Damairia Pakpahan Gender Programme Officer - Oxfam
Annex 4: Main Consulted Documents
Lesley: Cash-Based Transfers and Alternatives in Tsunami Recovery, in:
Humanitarian Exchange, Number 32, December 2005
Arbuckle, Michael: Mission Report, Indonesia,
and Sri Lanka
20 November - 8 December
2005, FAO, 2005.
Bob and Schmidtke, Paul: FAO Emergency Response Management Capacity Development
Workshop, Final Report, FAO, March 2006
Willie: Inception / Progress Report, Regional Information Management and
Co-Ordination on Strategies for Early Recovery of Agriculture in Coastal
Regions in Indonesia,
Sri Lanka
and Thailand
by Tsunami, FAO, April 2006
William J.: Key Propositions for Building Back Better, Office of the UN
Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery, UN, 2006
Initiatives: The International Community's Funding of the Tsunami Emergency and
Fletcher, Tony: Emergency Programme
Administrative Task Force - Final Report, FAO, Rome, August 2006
Workshop on Designing Effective Disaster-Related Rural Finance Strategies, Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association, Bangkok, March 2005
20 Things to Know about the Impact of Salt Water on Agricultural Land
in Aceh Province, Field Guide on Salinity in
Aceh-Draft publication RAP 05/, FAO, March 2005
Coordinating and Technical Support Unit to Tsunami Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction in Fisheries and Aquaculture (CTSU), FAO-FID, April 2006
FAO Emergency Response System, June 2006
FAO's Role and Effectiveness in Emergencies, Workshop Handbook, January 2007
Interim Report, Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities, FAO,
OSRO/GLO/502/FIN - Forestry Programme for Early Rehabilitation in Asian Tsunami
Affected Countries, Inception and Progress Report, April 2006
Plan of Action for Emergency and Rehabilitation Assistance, June 2006
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific - Briefing Paper on RAP Activities and
Achievements in Support of the FAO Tsunami Response, Briefing for the Tsunami
Real Time Evaluation, July 2006
Regional Workshop, One Year Later - The rehabilitation of Fisheries and
Aquaculture in Coastal Communities of Tsunami Affected Countries in Asia, Bangkok,
FAO-RAP, 2006
Regional Workshop, Rehabilitation of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Tsunami
Affected Countries in Asia, Bangkok, FAO-RAP 2006
Report of the Regional Workshop on Salt Affected Soil from Sea Water Intrusion:
Strategies for Rehabilitation and Management, RAP Publication, Bangkok 2005
Summary of Soil Salinity Survey on Tsunami Affected Area in Birueun and Aceh
Utara (One Year Aftermath), FAO, December 2005
Tsunami Emergency and Rehabilitation Programme, FAO-TCE, August 2005
Michael: Accounting for SFERA, June 2006
Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, Proposed
IFAD Response in Asia, IFAD, December 2004
Keerthisinghe, Gamini: Back-to-Office Report, OSRO/GLO/503/NOR,
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, FAO,
August 2005
Clare: ARC-FAO Joint Inception Mission
Assistance to Tsunami Affected Fishers and Communities in Sri lank and Indonesia, FAO,
October 2005
Rudy: End of Assignment Report, FAO, October 2005
Renault, Daniel: Back to Office Report, FAO, April 2005
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition:
Bennett, Jon with Bertrand, William;
Harkin, Clare; Stanley, Samarasinghe; Wickramatillake, Hemantha: Coordination
of International Humanitarian Assistance in Tsunami-Affected Countries, Tsunami
Evaluation Coalition, July 2006
Christoplos, Ian: Links between Relief
Rehabilitation and Development in the Tsunami Response, A Synthesis of Initial
Findings, Tsunami Evaluation Coalition, July 2006
De Ville de Goyet, Claude and Morinière,
Lezlie: The Role of Needs Assessment in the Tsunami Response, Tsunami
Evaluation Coalition, July 2006
Flint, Michael and Goyder, High, Funding the
Tsunami Response, A Synthesis of Findings, Tsunami Evaluation Coalition, July
Telford, John and Cosgrave, John: Joint Evaluation
of the International Response to the Indian Ocean
Tsunami: Synthesis Report, Tsunami Evaluation Coalition, July 2006
Lopriore, Cristina: Desk Review on Needs Assessments in Food
Security / Food Aid, FAO, December 2005
Elisabeth; Parakrama, Arjuna; Patel, Smruti with Vaux, Tony: Impact of the
Tsunami Response on Local and National Capacities, Tsunami Evaluation
Coalition, July 2006
Mid Term Review of the Indian Ocean Earthquake
and Tsunami Flash Appeal, UN 2005
Tony et al.: Independent Evaluation of the DEC Tsunami Crisis Response, Valid
International, November 2005
Aceh "Sea Comanders" Now High-Profile, 2005
Presentation to the Agricultural Workshop, ADB, Banda Aceh, November 2005
Earthquake & Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP), Data Assessment
& Soil Reclamation, Agriculture Sector of ETESP, Annual Report 2005
Amaral, Cristina: Back to Office Report, Mission to Indonesia / Banda Aceh / Meulaboh
and Medan, 17
May to 27 May 2005,
FAO, 2005
Simmathiri: Mission Report, Assessment of
Forestry-Related Requirements for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of
Tsunami-Affected Areas if Sri
Lanka, FAO, March 2005
Rajendra, Stevens, E. John and Alfizar:
Back the Office Report, FAO, November 2005
Rajendra, and Sastra, Hasan Yudie: Mission
Report, Banda Aceh, FAO, December 2005
Aceh Nias, Aceh and Nias One Year After the Tsunami, The Recovery Effort and
Way Forward, BRR, December 2005
Laying down the Foundation for a Better Future, BRR, October 2005
Multi-Donor Fund for Aceh and Nias, BRR Strategy Paper 2006-09, BRR, January
Strategy Paper for the Multi-Donor Fund for Aceh and Nias, January 2006
Charbon, Christophe: End of Assignment Report, Banda Aceh, Indonesia,
FAO, October 2005
Ronald: End of Mission Report, 20 January - 10 May 2005, Indonesia,
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, FAO May 2005
Pertanian Aceh Besar: Final Report, Hand Tractor UN-FAO Assistance, 2006
Pertanian Aceh Besar: Post Distribution Report, Hand Tractor UN-FAO Assistance,
Training Workshop on "Aquaculture Farm Rehabilitation in Aceh", LOKA
Ujung Batee, FAO, Department Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Australian Government,
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 13 September 2005
Agricultural Revitalization and Farmer Empowerment Project (ARFEP), A Project
Proposal for Post Tsunami Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Agriculture
Prepared for the Government of Indonesia,
FAO-TCI, January 2006
Agricultural Sector Framework for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of the
Tsunami Affected Areas of Aceh and North Sumatra Areas of Aceh and North
Sumatra, Indonesia, Preparatory Document for Workshop on Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction Province of Aceh, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of
Indonesia, March 2005
AUD 406, TCE-Indonesia: Tsunami Emergency and Rehabilitation Operation,
FAO-Office of the Inspector General, March 2006
Guidelines for Timber Classification and Usage in Post-Tsunami Reconstruction,
Draft Discussion Documents, July 2005
Newsletter, Rebuilding Livelihoods, Tsunami Response in Indonesia,
March 2006
Newsletter, Tsunami Emergency Response in Indonesia, June 2005
Newsletter, Tsunami Emergency Response in Indonesia, September 2005
Notes on Good Practice for the Construction of Traditional Wooden Fishing
Vessels, FAO Banda Aceh Fisheries Team, 2006
Progress, Rehabilitation Strategy and Work Plan for Tsunami Affected Areas of
Nias and Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, Draft,
August 2005
Strategy and Program for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of the Fishery Sector
in Aceh and Nias, Post Earthquake and Tsunami Wave Disaster, Draft Consultation
Document, February 2006
Summary of the Fisheries Sector Coordinating Workshop, September 2005
Sustainable Aquaculture Rehabilitation in Aceh Province
- An FAO/DOF/NACA Workshop, Banda Aceh, August 2005
Waves of Hope, Report of the regional Coordination workshop on rehabilitation
of tsunami-affected forest ecosystems: strategies and new directions, FAO-RAP,
Ferrara, L: Back to Office Report, Emergency Procurement
Mission in Indonesia, FAO,
May 2005
Flewwelling, Peter: End Mission
Report, Tsunami Recovery Mission,
FAO, May 2005
Jean: Tsunami Reconstruction, Fisheries Tsunami Emergency Programme - Indonesia,
Assessment of the fisheries sub-sector after the earthquake of 28th March 20055
in Nias and South Nias Districts, FAO, June 2005
Hiroshi and Dijk, Ronald: Rapid appraisal of damage in the agricultural and
people's livelihood in Ach
Province (Draft Report),
FAO, 2005
David K and Hiraoka, Hiroshi: Back to Office Report, Indonesia
27 January - 19 February
2005, FAO February 2005
David K and Hiraoka, Hiroshi: Back to Office Report, Indonesia
27 January - 19 February
2005,OSRO/INS/503/JPN, FAO, February 2005
Marine Fisheries Masterplan for Redevelopment in Aceh, Indonesia,
Phase 1: Initial Fact-Finding and Data Collection on Current State
of the Marine Fisheries Sector, IFC, February 2006
Imai, Shin and Sugiharto, Bambang: Initial Aero
Survey Result on Tsunami Affected Area in Aceh,
Indonesia, FAO,
January 2005
Hilde: Study on the Post-tsunami Rehabilitation of Fishing Communities and
Fisheries-based Livelihoods in Indonesia,
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), December 2005
Pertanian Meuseuraya: Lhok Nga Cash for Work Project for Field Rehabilitation
Agriculture Area Affected by Tsunami, Final Report, 2006
George: Assessment of Timber Demand and Supply for Post-Tsunami Reconstruction
in Indonesia,
FAO, April 2005
George: End of Mission Report, Forestry
Programme for Early Rehabilitation in Asian Tsunami Affected Countries
OSRO/GLO/502/FIN, FAO, 2005
Philippe: Livestock Productions and Health Sector Nongroe Aceh Darussalam Indonesia, FAO,
July 2005
Shawyer: Report on Boat
Building Activities in
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), FAO, 2006
Cash Learning Project Workshop in Aceh,
Indonesia To
Share Experience and Learning for Cash Interventions, FAO, June 2005
International: Distribution of Paddy Seed, Fertilizer, and Hand Tractor UN-FAO
Grant AID for the Farmer in District of Bireuen, and District of Aceh Utara
Nangroe Ache Darussalam (NAD), September 2005
Michael and Budhiman, Agus: Tsunami Reconstruction, Fisheries Tsunami Emergency
Programme - Indonesia, An assessment of the impacts of the 26th December 2004
earthquake and tsunami on aquaculture in the Provinces of Aceh and North
Sumatra, Indonesia, FAO, March 2005
Murugesu: Coastal Protection and Spatial Planning in Indonesia, FAO, May 2005
Republic of Indonesia: Agriculture Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction Plan Post Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster in Indonesia,
Ministry of Agriculture, May 2005
of Indonesia: Overview Agricultural Strategy and Work Plan 2006 Onward for Nias
and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia, FAO and Indonesian Ministry of
Agriculture and the Bureau for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, Workshop
Proceedings 22-23 November, Govt. of
Indonesia, November 2005
Republic of Indonesia: Seed Law (unofficial title)
Mike and Lee, Robert: Fishing Vessel
Quality Issues, Boat Building in the Tsunami Affected Areas of Aceh and Nias,
FAO, 2005
S: Travel Report, Indonesia 14-27 May 2005, FAO, June
Final Report, FAO Distribution - Aceh, 2005/2006, May 2006
Ravishankar: Forestry Assessment and Programme Planning, OSRO/GLO/502/FIN, FAO,
November 2005
Turner, Jeremy: Travel Report, Indonesia
6 -16 June 2005,
FAO, 2006
United Nations Recovery Framework for Aceh and Nias, Draft, UN
United Nations Strategy in Aceh and Nias, UN, 2005
Recovery Report, Indonesia, December 2005
Vochten, Piet: End of Mission
Report, FAO's Rehabilitation Support Coordination Unit in Banda Aceh, Indonesia,
Vochten, Piet: Mission
Report in support of the 3rd FAO Real-time Evaluation Mission of the FAO
response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami, FAO, 2006
Westlund, Lena: Travel Report, 15-28 September, FAO
project inception mission to Banda Aceh with debriefing at RAP, Bangkok, FAO, October
IDEP: Final Report for UNFAO, Cash for Work Program, 2006
Sri Lanka:
Chaya, Mona: Suggestions for ERCU SRL, after June
2006, FAO, May 2006
Livelihood Analysis Study in Kudalakki and surrounding communities Ampara
District, FAO, November 2005
Livelihood Analysis Study in Vinayakapuram village Ampara District, FAO,
November 2005
Recovery Assessment in the Fisheries Sector, FAO/MFAR, June 2006
First Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis, FAO, September 2005
Mitigation of Coastal Boat Oversupply, PPT presentation, July 2006
OSRO/SRL/503/JPN - Assistance for Affected Coastal Communities in Sri Lanka,
Final Report, 2006
Proceedings of the Workshop to Develop Strategies for Advancement of
Agricultural Sector in Tsunami Affected Areas of Sri Lanka, FAO, March 2006
Project OSRO/SRL/505/ITA - Profile of a Component for Capacity Building,
Recovery Assessment in the Fisheries Sector, FAO, 2006
Second Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis, FAO, October 2005
Gaeta Ruggieri, Agata and Sergerlund, Roger:
Back to Office Report - Procurement Mission
- Sri Lanka,
FAO-AFSP, April 2005
s. Ramazzotti, M.: Livelihood analysis of Panama village, Ampara district,
Ricerca e Cooperazione, October 2005
of Sri Lanka:
Strategy and Programme for Reconstruction and Development of the Agricultural
Sector in Tsunami Affected Areas, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Land and
Irrigation, April 2005
of Sri Lanka:
Strategy Programme for Post-Tsunami Reconstruction and Development of the
Marine Fisheries Sector, MFAR, April 2006
N.F.C with Jayasinghe, C.H. de A. and Mahrouf, A.R.M.: Real Time Evaluation of
FAO Operation to the Tsunami Emergency: Beneficiary Assessment of Interventions
in the Fisheries and Agriculture sectors In Northeast and Southern Provinces of
Sri Lanka, Final Report, FAO, Sri
Lanka, March 2006
Stajano, Martin: Emergency Assistance to the Affected Farmers to Restart
Agricultural Production in Southern Thailand, First Mission Report, FAO, March
A Technical Assessment for Determining the Level of Fishing Capacity on
Resources Access and Other Fishery-Related Issue in the Impacted Areas, FAO,
June 2006
A Tsunami Related Agricultural Damage Assessment in the Southern part of Thailand:
Ranong, Phang Nga, Phuket, Krabi, Trang and Satun Provinces,
FAO, June 2006
Emergency Assistance to Support the Rehabilitation in the Earthquake/Tsunami -
Affected Areas, FAO, Rome.
Emergency Assistance to the Affected Farmers to Restart Agricultural Production
in Southern Thailand, Final Report, FAO, June
Establishment of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System and Capacity
Building of Mangrove Research Stations of DMCR for the Use of RS/GIS in Tsunami
Affected Provinces in Thailand, FAO, June 2006
Establishment of Technical Capacities of the local Government on the
Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in an
Integrated Coastal Land Use Planning and Forest Ecosystem management, FAO, June
Japan/FAO Joint Emergency Assistance to Support Tsunami-Affected Coastal
Fishing Communities in Southern Thailand,
OSRO/THA/501/JPN, Final Report, 2005
Progress in Post-Tsunami Rehabilitation in the Fisheries Sector in Thailand, March
Report of Joint FAO/MOAC Detailed Technical Damages and Needs Assessment
Mission in Fisheries and Agricultural Sectors in Tsunami Affected Six Provinces
in Thailand,
FAO/MOAC, February 2005
Report on National Workshop on the In-Depth Tsunami Damage Assessment of
Mangroves and Other Coastal Forests in Thailand, FAO, July 2006
Scientific Studies on Tsunami Affected Mangroves and Other Coastal Forests in
the Southern Part of the Country: Ranong, Phang Nga, Phuket, Krabi, Trang and Satun Provinces,
FAO, June 2006
Strengthening the Coordination and Assessment of Fishing Resources and Inputs
Provided by Tsunami Emergency Relief, Final Report, FAO, June 2006
THA/05/002 - Emergency Assistance to Tsunami-affected Fishing Communities in Southern Thailand, Profile of Fisheries Groups, 2006
Kamnalrut, Apinan: Report on the Net House Vegetable
Production, FAO, June 2006
Kanjapat: Beneficiary Assessment in the Context of the Real Time Evaluation of
FAO Operation in Response to the Tsunami Emergency, October 2005
Itthisuntorn: Emergency Assistance to the Affected Farmers to Restart
Agricultural Production in Southern Thailand, Mission Report, FAO, April 2006
The Maldives:
Shehenaz: Maldives,
Post-Tsunami Reconstruction Project, WB, 2005
Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division (TCE), ORSO/MDV/503/JPN Final
Report, FAO-TCE, May 2006
AUD 306, Tsunami - Maldives,
FAO- Office of the Inspector General, March 2006
ORSO/MDV/501/BEL Final Report, FAO-TCE, May 2006
ORSO/MDV/502/JPN Final Report, FAO-TCE, May 2006
Derrick: Boatbuilders Report Inspection and Delivery of "Bokkuraas",
FAO, April 2006
Kamina Ntenda: End of Assignment Report, TCEO Tsunami Emergency Operations, FAO,
July 2005
Ravishankar: Forestry Assessment and Programme Planning, OSRO/GLO/502/FIN, FAO,
November 2005
Yuko: Back to Office Report ORSO/MDV/502/JPN and OSRO/MDV/503/JPN, FAO,
December 2005
[1] Tsunami
Evaluation Coalition - Synthesis Report - 2006.
[2] Originally designed to
end in June 2005, the Flash Appeal was first extended to the end of 2005 and
later to mid-2006, reflecting the intensity of the damage and the difficulties
in spending the vast resources received in a time frame similar to that of
previous emergency responses. Further requests from agencies for an extension
of all Flash Appeal-funded projects towards the end of 2006 were turned down by
OCHA, who recommended agencies to instead seek approval from individual donors
on a project by project basis.
[3] Since then, the Avian Flu programme has topped this record.
[4] Tsunami Evaluation
Coalition - Synthesis Report - 2006.
[5] Additionally, US$1,200,000 were allocated to the country by the
Finish forestry project.
[6] The number of boats to be built was significantly reduced from a
target of 150 specified in the contracts to 86 at present, in order to reflect
stiff price increase in material and labour during the prolonged implementation
[7] FAO was allegedly the first UN agency to survey the East and North,
starting as early as 31
December 2004.
[8] Additionally, US$750,000 were allocated to the country by the
Finish forestry project. Towards the end of 2006, ECHO has also approved new
projects targeted at both tsunami-affected and conflict-affected people, not
reviewed by the RTE and not accounted here.
[9] Except in LTTE-controlled areas in the North and East where Cey-Nor
was not present and where FAO chose to cooperate informally with AJ Fishing, a
private company which repaired some 400 boats with fiber and resin provided by
[10] This activity, implemented toward the second half of 2006, could
not be evaluated by the RTE.
[11] See in particular the Recovery Assessment in the Fisheries
Sector conducted by MFAR and FAO in December 2005 and published in final
form in May 2006, as well as the presentation entitled Mitigation of Coastal
Boat Oversupply, Survey Results from Matara, FAO 2006.
[12] Up to US$100,000 per transaction.
[13] Additionally, US$500,000 were allocated to the country by the
Finish forestry project.
[14] However, the Fisheries Department Coordination and Technical
Support Unit (CTSU) appointed a liaison officer in Bangkok in 2006.
is the Consortium to restore shattered livelihoods of communities in tsunami
affected nations. It includes the Bay of Bengal
Programme – Intergovernmental Organization (BOBP-IGO), the Asia Pacific
Fisheries Commission (APFIC), the Network of Aquaculture Centres in
Asia-Pacific (NACA), the South East Asia Fisheries Development Centres
(SEAFDEC), the WorldFish Centre (WorldFish) and FAO.
[16] Country-level activities of project OSRO/GLO/502/FIN are reported
above under specific countries above.
[17] Tsunami Evaluation Coalition - Desk review on needs assessments in
Food Security/Food aid - Cristina Lopriore, FAO 2005.
[18] One of the most promising elements of the sustainable livelihoods
approach is the emphasis it places on building upon strengths and assets
possessed by communities to avoid dependency and encourage empowerment.
[19] The Japanese contribution, provided very early, funded most of the
FAO response during the first half of 2005.
[20] In practice, this was not felt as a major constraint as the
concerned NGOs were reasonably efficient.
[21] Through the Flash Appeal mechanism, whose end date was originally
set for 30 June 2005,
then extended to 31
December 2005, and finally to 30 June 2006.
[22] See in particular the Joint Multi-Donor Evaluation of the FAO
Kosovo Emergency Programme (2000), the Thematic Evaluation of Strategy A3
(2002) and the Synthesis of Findings of Two FAO Internal Evaluations of Work at
Country Level - Southern Africa and Afghanistan
[23] Cf. Financial Committee
document FC 102/14 and FAO Council document CL 127/22.
[24] FAO: Contribution of the Government of Japan to the FAO Component of the
Flash Appeal 2005 for Indian Ocean Earthquake
and Tsunami – June 2006.
[25] As opposed to $25,000 for FAORs.
[26] Items delivered at a later stage in Thailand were mainly due to the
utilization of remaining budgetary balance, the approval of new projects, or in
the case of fruit seedlings, the deliberate and technically correct decision to
synchronize distribution with the planting season (October).
[27] An imprest bank account was opened in Banda Aceh in December 2005
and became operational by 10
February 2006, finally placing the RSCU in a position to
effectively handle operations from the field.
[28] A document used to obtain services from a public institution or an
civil society organization for a defined objective, akin to a project document
in which FAO acts as donor and the other party as the implementer.
[29] ADG TCD Office Memorandum dated 30/01/2006.
[30] Even LoAs signed by TCE (i.e. under US$100,000) have to go to all
the relevant technical divisions for clearance (several involved here), as well
as to AFSP, AFDS and for house style editing..
[31] Principle 18 of the Good Humanitarian Donorship initiative recommends
that donors “support mechanisms for contingency planning by humanitarian
organisations, including, as appropriate, allocation of funding, to strengthen
capacities for response” (
[32] Some in Sri
Lanka used the phrase “competitive
compassion” to describe this phenomenon.
[33] An Administrative Task Force was established to streamline FAO’s
procedures in emergencies and presented selected proposals. The Director-General
Bulletin 2006/19 of May 2006 endorsed some of these, notably the possibility,
on a case by case basis, to delegate increased authority to field offices to
reflect inflation since the authority levels were last adjusted, the
possibility to sign multiple LoAs with the same organization and the
establishment of separate administrative modalities and employment conditions
for national project personnel. All three measures were recommended in the
second RTE report.
[34] BRR was created in part to bridge that capacity gap.
[35] Tsunami Evaluation Coalition. Thematic report on Coordination of International Humanitarian
Assistance in Tsunami-affected Countries. July 2006.
[36] This approach was recommended in the TEC Coordination Report (Coordination of International Humanitarian
Assistance in Tsunami-Affected Countries, Evaluation Findings, by J.
Bennett et al., 2006). The report does not make reference to the Sri Lanka
experience in the fisheries sector, probably because the TEC terms of reference
did not extend to examining the performance of national governments.
[37] FAO studies indicate that, while there are very few fishermen who
did not receive the assistance they deserved, as much as a quarter of the
beneficiaries of new boats from all NGOs and donors were neither fishermen nor
boat owners before the tsunami. See Mitigation
of Coastal Boat Oversupply, Survey Results from Matara (presentation to the
fisheries coordination forum in Colombo),
FAO 2006.
[38] The first draft report for the Recovery Assessment in the Fisheries
Sector, dated December 2005, stated that “overall, only 46% of the destroyed
boats have been replaced by new boats”, while the “Matara survey” (Summary
results from Dickwella DS Division – Matara, in Mitigation of Coastal Boat Oversupply, a presentation to the
fisheries coordination forum in Colombo issued in April 2006) indicated that
93% of damaged boats had been repaired and 95% of destroyed boats replaced in
the survey sites.
[39] For Instance, the boat replacement programme in Indonesia
concerned only small boats for small-scale fishermen, while the Sri Lanka boat
repair programme targeted both the large and small boats.
[40] In line with proposition 2 of the UN Special Envoy’s “two-year
after” report: “Recovery must promote
fairness and equity.” Lessons
Learned from Tsunami Recovery, Key Propositions for Building Back Better, A
Report by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Tsunami
Recovery, William J. Clinton, December 2006.
[41] Along the same line, another risk is that the assets delivered in
the tsunami response, of which those under FAO control were only a minor part,
had the potential to create tensions with adjacent communities who were not
directly impacted by the tsunami but at the very least shared in many of the
social and economic disruptions. In conditions of pre-existing conflict (e.g.
in Sri Lanka
and NAD in Indonesia),
this issue was potentially sensitive.
[42] Evaluating the impact of forestry operations on the restoration of
sustainable livelihoods was not possible given the respective time frames of
the forestry project and the RTE: the rehabilitation of coastal forests in
Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives (plantation of mangrove, other coastal
forest and also urban trees in Sri Lanka) was still at an early stage during
the third and last RTE mission in June 2006.
[43] See Yayasan IDEP: UNFAO Cash
for Work Program in Desa Suak Pante Breu, Kecamatan Samatiga, Aceh Barat,
2006; and Solidarités: Final Report,
May 2006.
[44] The World Bank has recently unveiled a rapid response plan,
involving the creation of a new fund for rapid release of resources, a
reduction of up-front controls and more thorough evaluation of projects once
they have started. Cf. World Bank unveils rapid response aid plan, Financial
Times, March 6 2007.
[45] “Provide humanitarian assistance in ways that are supportive of
recovery and long-term development, striving to ensure support, where
appropriate, to the maintenance and return of sustainable livelihoods and
transitions from humanitarian relief to recovery and development activities.”
[46] Younger staff may lack credibility with ministries and IFIs, but
connect well with humanitarian donors and NGOs.
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