Thursday 2 October 2014

Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia

Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia
Arif Rohman
Charles Sturt University
Rohman, A. (2013). Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia. Int J Hum & Soc Sci Inv, 2(10), 68-74
It is the consensus of ulema (religious leader) in Indonesia that polygamy is allowed in Islam, while polyandry is prohibited. That is why even though that the practice of monogamy has negative impacts to women, some people still conduct it and believe that polygamy is sunnah (the manner or deeds of Muhammad) and part of syariah (Islamic law). This article will explore the perspective of fundamentalist and modernist about polygamy and how the modernist Muslim scholars in Indonesia fight for opposing polygamy.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 7
Keywords: Polygamy, Gender, Islam, Fundamentalist, Modernist, Indonesia, Women, Religion
JEL Classification: I31, J71
Accepted Paper Series
For Full Text Pdf Download Here

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